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Образец теста по содержанию книги «The Great Gatsby» by F.S. Fitzgerald 1. Why does Tom hit Myrtle at his apartment in New York City? (A) Because she refuses to see him anymore (B) Because she asks him to divorce his wife (C) Because she taunts him about Daisy (D) Because she flirts with Nick 2. Where is Gatsby's mansion located? (A) East Egg (B) Park Avenue (C) West Egg (D) Brooklyn 3. Where does Gatsby's reunion with Daisy take place? (A) By the pool (B) At Nick's house (C) At the golf tournament (D) At the yacht race 4. In what year is The Great Gatsby set? (A) A. 1925 (B) A. 1924 (C) A. 1923 (D) 1922 5. Where were Nick and Tom educated? (A) Yale (B) Harvard (C) Princeton (D) Duke 6. What is Jordan Baker's occupation? (A) Softball pitcher (B) Secretary (C) Philanthropist (D) Golfer 7. When he renews his acquaintance with Daisy at Nick's house, what does Gatsby knock off of the mantle? (A) Nick's pipe (B) A clock (C) Jordan's golf trophy (D) Daisy's picture 8. What is Nick's home state? (A) North Dakota (B) Minnesota (C) Wisconsin (D) Florida 9. Why did Gatsby drop out of college? (A) He had an offer to go into the copper business with Dan Cody (B) He and Daisy were getting married, and he needed a job (C) He wanted to study Russian, but his college did not offer it (D) He was humiliated by having to work as a janitor to pay his tuition 10. Which millionaire hired the young Gatsby as an assistant? (A) Cody Baker (B) Clint McGowan (C) Hank McGowan (D) Dan Cody 11. Where is the valley of ashes? (A) Between West Egg and New York City (B) Between East Egg and West Egg (C) Between Death Valley and the Salinas Valley (D) Between Greenwich Village and Hell's Kitchen 12. Who among the following comes to Gatsby's funeral? (A) Gatsby's father (B) Daisy (C) Tom (D) Klipspringer 13. Which woman is Tom's extramarital lover? (A) Daisy (B) Ellen (C) Myrtle (D) Jordan 14. Who drives the car that kills Myrtle? (A) Jordan (B) Daisy (C) Gatsby (D) Tom 15. How are Daisy and Nick related? (A) They are brother and sister (B) They are married (C) They are step-siblings (D) They are cousins 16. Where did Daisy meet Gatsby? (A) Louisville (B) East Egg (C) West Egg (D) The Plaza Hotel 17. Where did Gatsby study after the war? (A) Cambridge (B) The Sorbonne (C) Oxford (D) Yale 18. On the day after the confrontation between Tom and Gatsby in New York City, what does Gatsby instruct his gardener not to do? (A) Drain the pool (B) Cut the grass (C) Rake the leaves (D) Plant corn 19. At the end of the novel, Daisy chooses to be with (A) Gatsby (B) Tom (C) George Wilson (D) Nick 20. What are the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg? (A) A magazine ad (B) The lyrics of a song (C) A painting in the Guggenheim Museum (D) A signboard in the valley of ashes 21. Why does Nick move to New York? (A) To become a lawyer (B) To learn about the bond business (C) To attend college (D) To attend medical school 22. What did Fitzgerald call the 1920s? (A) The Roaring Twenties (B) The Gay Twenties (C) The Jazz Age (D) The lost generation 23. Why does Gatsby throw his weekly parties? (A) To impress Daisy (B) To cover up his illegal activities (C) To attract women from East Egg (D) To impress his neighbors 24. What is Meyer Wolfshiem's claim to fame? (A) He made the first batch of bootleg alcohol to be sold in New York (B) He once beat Al Capone in a fight (C) He is a former violinist with the New York Philharmonic (D) rigged the 1919 World Series 25. Where does Gatsby recognize Nick from? (A) Nick was an undergraduate at Oxford during the months Gatsby studied there (B) Nick works at the bond house where Gatsby's stolen securities were taken from (C) Nick and Gatsby fought in the same battle in World War I (D) Gatsby has seen his next-door neighbor around, but assumed Nick was one of his own servants Образец итогового теста по лексическому материалу из учебника Аракин «Практический курс английского языка, 4 курс» за 2 семестр (Units 5, 6, 8) 1. Replace underlined words (phrases):
II. Translate the following sentences.
Образец итогового теста по лексическому материалу из учебника Аракин «Практический курс английского языка, 4 курс» за 2 семестр I. Translate the following sentences into English.
II. Paraphrase the following sentences
III. Translate into English and use these word combinations in the sentences of your own
Образец теста по содержанию книги “The Lord of the flies” by W. Golding 1. Whose responsibility is it to maintain the first signal fire? (A) Piggy's (B) The hunters' (C) Sam and Eric's (D) The littluns' 2. What powers does Jack ascribe to the beast after Simon's murder? (A) Immortality and the power to change shape (B) Telepathy and the power to change shape (C) Immortality and telepathy (D) Enormous strength and murderous cunning 3. How does the first boy disappear? (A) Roger crushes him with a boulder (B) The other boys kill him with their bare hands (C) A boar gores him (D) He burns to death when the signal fire ignites the forest 4. Who is the first boy to disappear? (A) Piggy (B) Simon (C) Clark (D) A littlun 5. Where does the beast go during the day, according to one littlun? (A) Into the ocean (B) Into the air (C) Into the fire (D) Into the caves near the Castle Rock 6. Who sees the dead parachutist first? (A) Ralph (B) Sam and Eric (C) Jack (D) Piggy 7. Which character speaks to the Lord of the Flies? (A) Phil (B) Ralph (C) Piggy (D) Simon 8. What lures the navy ship to the island? (A) The fire in the jungle (B) The roar of the beast (C) The signal fire (D) The shortwave radio 9. Whom does Jack strike shortly after his first kill? (A) Ralph (B) Francis (C) Piggy (D) Roger 10. When Piggy is killed, what else is destroyed? (A) The shortwave radio (B) The conch shell (C) The Lord of the Flies (D) The signal fire 11. What is Ralph's first act upon being elected leader? (A) Planning the building of the signal fire (B) Naming Piggy his chief advisor (C) Naming Simon the leader of the mystics (D) Naming Jack the leader of the hunters 12. What object does Ralph clutch when he talks about Simon's murder? (A) The sow's head (B) The conch shell (C) Piggy's glasses (D) A spear 13. Who is the only boy to kill someone on the island by himself? (A) Piggy (B) Jack (C) Roger (D) Robert 14. What does Jack suggest the boys use as the “pig” in their dance-like reenactment of the hunt? (A) A littlun (B) Piggy (C) Ralph (D) A real pig 15. Which boy treats the littluns with the most kindness? (A) Simon (B) Jack (C) Piggy (D) Ralph 16. Which boy would rather hunt than build huts? (A) Simon (B) Jack (C) Piggy (D) Ralph 17. Where is Jack's tribe headquarters? (A) Next to Ralph's (B) On the mountain of the beast (C) Deep in the jungle (D) At the Castle Rock 18. What tool or tools do the boys use to make fire? (A) A flint and steel (B) Ralph's tinderbox (C) Piggy's glasses (D) Matches from the airplane 19. What is the boys' home country? (A) England (B) Australia (C) New Zealand (D) Canada 20. Who kills Piggy? (A) Ralph (B) Roger (C) Sam and Eric (D) Simon 21. What surrounds Simon's body as it floats into the sea? (A) Sharks (B) Eels (C) A cloud of blood (D) Glowing fish 22. Who knocks the Lord of the Flies to the ground? (A) Ralph (B) Roger (C) Simon (D) Piggy 23. On what obstruction does the dead parachutist become tangled? (A) Tree limbs (B) Jagged rocks (C) The roof of the hut (D) The Castle Rock 24. Who tells Jack where Ralph is hiding in Chapter 12? (A) Simon (B) Roger (C) A littlun (D) Sam and Eric 25. Which boy does not dance at Jack's first feast? (A) Simon (B) Ralph (C) Piggy (D) Jack |
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Культура речевого общения первого иностранного языка (английский язык) Культура речевого общения первого иностранного языка (английский язык): Учебно-методический комплекс / Караваева Н. А. – Казань:... |
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