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Ex .1. Продолжите предложения, употребляя условные предложения: 1. If I sell my house… 2. If I were the president… 3. If we had bikes… 4. If you lived on another planet… 5. If cows could fly… Ex .2. Составьте предложения, начиная с “ IF ” , употребляя условные предложения: Get up early >catch the 8:15 train > sit by a beautiful foreign lady > fall in love and marry her > go to live in her country > work in her father’s diamond business > become very rich > go into politics > die in a revolution Ex .3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя условные предложения: 1. If I (be) you I would buy a house. 2. If he were really tired he (take) a holiday. 3. If somebody had stolen my car I( go) to the police station immediately. 4. If I (speak) Japanese I could get a job at the Grand Hotel. 5. If it was Sunday we (go) skating. 6. If Joe came he (can) help me with my luggage. 7. If I could sell my car I( buy) a computer. 8. If Alice was here we ( help) her to make a report about ecologic tourism. 9. If John was at home he( watch) TV. 10. If you( can) cook we( be) hungry. Ex .4. Исправьте предложения, где необходимо, обращая внимание на условные предложения: 1. You won’t catch the bus unless you don’t run. 2. If you don’t go now I will call the police. 3. Everything would been OK if I hadn’t lost my room keys. 4. If I were you I will join the group. 5. If it didn’t rain I would have played tennis. EX .5. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык: 1. Если бы не моя жена, а она против этой поездки, я бы с удовольствием отправился в путешествие. 2. Если бы мы знали о проведении ярмарки туристических путевок, то не упустили бы возможность купить завтра путевки в санаторий. 3. Если бы Гид не заболел, мы бы сейчас осматривали замки Луары. 4. Все бы было великолепно, если бы у нас не спустила шина. 5. Если пойдет снег, нам придется отложить поход в горы. 6. Если у меня не будет визы, можно и не мечтать о Франции. 7. Если вы не знаете Китайский, могу быть вашим гидом. 8. Если те сможешь уснуть, прими снотворное. 9. Если бы водитель экскурсионного автобуса был более внимательным, мы бы не попали в аварию. 10. Если она из Греции, то говорит по-гречески. Ex .6. Переведите текст на русский язык, составьте вопросительные предложения к выделенным словам: TOURIST INFORMATION OFFICE Tourist information offices are also called tourist information centers . Sometimes they are called visitor information centers. There are tourist information offices at major airports, railway station, hotels, holiday or leisure centers and many tourist attractions. Tourist information offices have got office clerks who give advice to customers on ear hire, sightseeing and other coach tours, accommodations, flights and so on. The clerks also give city orientations to guests. Tourist information office clerks answer a lot of phone calls and give information on passport and visas, the Customs and luggage, weather and climate, city public transport and food service. The office clerks speak foreign languages fluently because they deal with many international travelers. There are usually racks foil of city maps and guide books, booklets and folders, travelogues and timetables in tourist information offices. Travelers get most of them free of charge. FREE-LANCERS There are people in tourism who work for themselves. They are called free-lancers. They don't work full-time for any tourist company. They work part-time or in high season only. They don't work in low and off-season. Among free-lancers there are guides , guides-interpreters, escorts, animators, travel writers. Tourist companies employ them for seasonal work. Cruising companies, resort hotels and holiday centers employ animators for summer high season. Travel agencies which deal with in-coming tourism employ guides, guides-interpreters, escorts. Travel writers offer their articles to magazines and newspapers when they wish to. Free-lancers are registered. It means that, on the one hand, they have got licenses. Licenses prove their qualifications and give them work. On the other hand, if they are registered, they pay taxes. Free-lancers are as a rule members of professional associations. In high season free-lancers earn a lot of money. In low and off-season they don't earn any money at all or do some other Job . Teachers work as free-lancer guides, students work as escorts, actors work as animators. Travel writers are often permanent free-lancers. Уровень D . Семестр I . Ex .1. Write these sentences with contractions: 1. John is tired 2. They are very late 3. I am not a student 4. He is not Russian 5. She will be here 6. We are all busy 7. She will not be at the station at 4 8. They did not have a computer 9. I am hungry 10. There is much coffee in the cup Ex.2. Change the sentences to (-), (?): 1. She had a nice time at the party (-)……………………………… 2. They are hungry (?) ………………………………………… 3. I am ready (-) ………………………………………… 4. It’s Tuesday (? ) ………………………………………… 5. Fred has a car (-) ………………………………………… 6. Gerry will have a baby soon (?) …………………………………….. 7. I had tea for breakfast (-) ……………………………………… 8. I won’t be at home tonight (- ) ……………………………………… 9. You have a good flight (? ) ……………………………………… 10. There will be computers (?) ……………………………………… Ex.3. Make sentences: - Why/ all those people/ look/ at me/? - ………………………………………… - You/ drive/ too fast now/ - ………………………………………… - Sorry/ I/ not/ understand/ - ………………………………………… - John/ cook/ dinner/ every Sunday/ - ………………………………………… - Your English/ get/ better/? - ………………………………………… - Ann/ speak/ Spanish/ - ………………………………………… - The fast train/ stop/ at this station/ - ………………………………………… - I/not/ work/ today/ - ………………………………………… - I/ think/about our wedding/ all day/ - ………………………………………… - I/see/ what/ you/ mean/ now/ - ……………………………………… Ex.4.Put a/ an or the, -: 1. Where’s …doctor? He’s late. 2. I want to buy…tickets to Moscow. 3. We once went on a boat on the Volga/Lake Baikal. 4. She travels to…Europe once…year. 5. Ann is looking for…book for her daughter. 6. …history is my favorite subject. 7. He is from …small country. 8. Have you got … cell phone? 9. Is …water boiling? Not yet. 10. ….water turns into .…ice at 0°C. Ex.5. Translate from Russian into English: 1. Когда я хочу устроиться на работу, я всегда заполняю специальные анкеты, присылаю своё резюме и рекомендательные письма. 2. Какую работу выполняет тур агент? 3. Стюардесса всегда приветствует пассажиров и помогает найти места в самолёте. 4. Многие туристы предпочитают экзотические направления: Африка, Непал, Средний Восток. 5. Каждый раз я привожу из-за границы множество сувениров для моих друзей. Ex.6. Translate from English into Russian: Russia Russia is the biggest country in the world. It occupies 11.5% of the world territory and its area is equal to 17 mln sq. km, which is somewhat smaller, for instance, than the area of Canada - the second largest country in the world (9.97 mln sq. km), and that of Australia (about 7.68 mln sq. km). The territory of Russia spreads for ten thousand kilometers from the Baltic Sea in the west to the Sea of Japan in the east. It covers eleven time zones. The capital of Russia is Moscow. St. Petersburg is also very important administrative, business and cultural center of Russia and that is why it is often called the second or the Northern capital of Russia. There are more than one thousand cities and towns in Russia. The largest cities, with the population of more than one million people, are as follows: Moscow (more than nine mln people), St. Petersburg (about 4.7 mln people), Nizhniy Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Omsk, Tcheliabinsk, Kazan, Perm, Ufa, Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd. Russia is the Democratic Federative Republic with the presidential government and two-chamber parliament consisting of the State Duma and the Federation Council. The head of state is elected once in four years. In the year of 2000, Vladimir Putin was elected the President of the Russian Federation. Prime Minister heads the Government. At present, it is Mikhail Fradkov who heads the Government. Семестр II. Ex.1. Use Present Progressive and open the gaps: The Tomatina in Bunol. 1. It’s the last Wednesday in August and the people in Bunol …..(throw) tomatoes at each other. Why? Because it’s Tomato DAY-Tomatina! 2. Now people ……(pick) tomatoes for the fight. 3. They….(decorate) the town for the holiday. 4. The lorries…..( carry) tomatoes into Bunol. 5. Some women ……( cover) the windows of their houses with plastic against the tomatoes. 6. A band…….(play) music in the square. 7. The first lorry…….(drop) tomatoes in the main street. 8. The crowd…..(shout) and ( laugh). 9. The clock…(strike) twelve. 10. The Tomatina….(begin). 11. Everybody …..(have) fun. 12. Lots of tourists …..(try) to take part in the battle. Ex.2. Ask questions to the linking words: 1. My aim is to be a manager in tourism because I am keen on traveling. 2. Every time I discover something new when I travel. 3. Ancient houses, national food, costumes seem to me very exciting. 4. I always take a camera with me. 5. I like to see photos and remember all the best days of my trips. Ex.3. Make sentences using Present simple or Progressive: 1. Ann/ seem/ unhappy/ today/ 2. You/ need/ help/ ? 3. You/ know/ that man/ ? 4. I/ hate/ cold weather/ 5. Rob/ want/ to see a doctor/ 6. I/ agree/ with you/ 7. I/ remember/ her name/ badly 8. I/ hate/ this music/ 9. You/ understand me/? 10. What/ you / see/? Ex.4. Circle the right answers: 1. This cat eat/eats/is eating mice as a rule. 2. Your English get/gets/is getting/is geting better. 3. Gerry work/works hard as a rule. 4. Water boil/boils/is boiling at 100 degrees. 5. What do/does/is/are you eating? Ex.5. Translate from Russian into English: 16. Менеджер по туризму распланировал всю нашу поездку. 17. Раньше у нас в офисе был переводчик, а сейчас Джейн совмещает работу менеджера и переводчика, так как хорошо знает немецкий. 18. В прошлом году я работала гидом переводчиком в крупной туристической компании. 19. Вы занимались организацией автобусных туров? 20. Вчера мы заказали два билета до Киева. 21. Когда Ник был в Москве, то посетил Красную Площадь. 22. В прошлом году мы отдыхали на курорте Карловы Вары. 23. Я постарался объяснить прохожему, как пройти к Казанскому Собору. 24. Вы оплатили билеты неделю назад? 25. Мы загорали, купались и играли в волейбол на пляже. Ex.6. Translate from English into Russian: Easter . Easter, as they said in the old times, is the "Holiday of all holidays and celebration of all celebrations", the day of memory about life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a custom in Russia to congratulate each other with this holiday. The Easter in Russia is celebrated with several rites: the all-night vigil, christening movement around the church, "easter-kissings" procedure, painting of eggs and baking of Easter cakes. The "Easter-kissings" procedure is such a widespread rite in Russia that it cannot be avoided even by practically non-believers. The procedure consists in the exchange of kisses followed by greeting-congratulation "Jesus Christ resurrected!" and the reply "Really resurrected!" and then, the exchange of painted eggs. The egg that was traditionally painted red or tinged with red became the obligatory attribute and symbol of the Christian Easter beginning from the 12th century. Apart from painted natural eggs, prepared for the Easter celebration were also special gift eggs made of glass, crystal, decorated porcelain and precious metals. The most outstanding manufacturer of such eggs was Karl Faberge. The main and obligatory adornment of the Easter table is considered to be the Easter cake (kulich). It is baked of short yeast pastry, it may be of different sizes, but it should be high and have round form. A cross of pastry is laid at the top of kulich. The form of kulich is explained by the fact that according to the legend, the shroud of Christ was of the round form. And it is considered, that if the Easter cake was a success, then the success will accompany the family. Kulich is cut into slices across rather than lengthwise so that the top remains safe in order to cover with it the remaining portion of the kulich. Семестр III. Ex.1. Open the gaps and use Present Perfect: 1. Anapa ( become) a resort centre at the Black Sea. 2. You( see) your rooms in the hotel? 3. Malakhov ( erect) a lot of monuments of the XiX century near the Historical Square. 4. Many travel companies (branch) out and (get) a lot of outlets within a city, a region, a country or throughout the world. 5. This clerk already (make) bookings, (sell) and (issue) tickets. Ex.2. Change the sentences to (-), (?): 1. Tourists will have come to the hotel “Grilla” by 13:00. 2. The guide will have checked the seats in the bus by the beginning of the excursion. 3. We will have discussed all the conditions of the trip by 11 o’clock. 4. The expeditor will have returned when you begin your work. 5. Everybody will have already been ready for the meeting French guests from Nancy by the morning. Ex.3. Ask questions to the linking words: 1. They’ve returned from France today. 2. We have already booked tickets to the nearest flight to Amsterdam. 3. I’ve seen him today in a tour agency . 4. The customs- inspector has already checked our luggage . 5. The train from Geneva has arrived. 6. I’ve fastened the seat belts . 7. Those volunteers have cleaned many beaches at the Black Sea . 8. Soft tourism has become more popular in the alpine regions . 9. The waiter has already brought us the menu of the restaurant. 10. I’ ve lived in the countryside since my childhood. EX .4. Make sentences using the model: - a racing driver – have an accident? - Have_you_ever_had_an_accident? - an explorer – get lost? - ____________________________ - an actress – forget your words? - ____________________________ - a mountaineer – climb Mount Everest? - ____________________________ - a window cleaner – fall off your ladder? - ____________________________ - a pop singer – have a number one song? - ____________________________ - an electrician – have an electric shock? - _____________________________ |
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