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30. Translate into Russian. 1. I wish Sarah helped us with the annual report. 2. I wish I hadn’t shown my fear. 3. I wish you wouldn’t make such a fuss about trifles. 4. I wish I was going on holiday with you. 5. Kate wished she had admitted her mistake without arguing. 6. I wish you would stop making so much noise late at night. 7. I wish I hadn’t overheard their conversation. 8. I wish I didn’t have to work overtime tonight. 9. Jack wished his wife wouldn’t complain all the time. 10. Everyone wished they had listened more carefully to the lecture. 31. Paraphrase as in the model using wish. Model 1: – It’s a pity I can’t go to the concert tonight. I have to babysit. – I wish I could go to the concert tonight. Model 2: – It’s a pity I couldn’t go to the concert last night. I had to babysit. – I wish I had been able to go to the concert last night. 1. I haven’t made many friends here. 2. It’s a shame we missed the beginning of the performance. 3. Stop crying! It won’t do you any good. 4. Steve needs a new computer, but he cannot afford to buy one at the moment. 5. Liz is very upset because she wasn’t invited to the party. 6. I would like to be lying on the beach now instead of sweating in the office. 7. It’s a shame you didn’t manage to attend the conference. 8. It’s a pity I failed the driving test.
Cross-cultural Notes: 1. Oxford and Cambridge ['keImbrIdG] – the two oldest and most respected universities in the UK. They are considered to give a very high standard of education, and are known to be difficult places for students to be accepted to study in. Oxbridge graduates often become powerful and successful members of British society, and many of the leading people in professions such as law, politics, and the Civil Service have traditionally been Oxbridge-educated. / don – a university teacher, especially at Cambridge and Oxford. 2. Amherst ['WmRst] College – private, independent, elite liberal-arts college for men and women in Amherst, Massachusetts, U.S., established in 1821. 3. Miguel de Cervantes [mIg'weldRsR(r) 'vWnti:z] (1547-1616) – a Spanish writer, best known for his novel “Don Quixote” [LdOn'kwIksRt / LdonkI’hRutI], one of the most important works of European literature. Phonetic Notes:
* * * Not the Queen’s English The name – Cambridge School of Languages – conjures images of Anglo-Saxon aristocrats conversing in the Queen’s English. But this Cambridge is composed of a few rooms with rickety chairs at the edge of a Delhi suburb. Its rival is not Oxford but the nearby Euro Languages School, where a three-month English course costs $16. The professors back in Cambridge, England, would no doubt question the schools’ pedagogy. There are few books or tapes. Their teachers pronounce “we” as “ve” and “primary” as “primmry”. And yet such storefront shops aren’t merely the ragged edge of the massive English learning industry, which in India alone is a $100 million-per-year business. They are the front lines of a global revolution in which hundreds of millions of people are learning English, the planet’s language for commerce, technology – and, increasingly, empowerment. Within a decade, 2 billion people will be studying English and about half the world – some 3 billion people will speak it, according to a recent report from the British Council. And governments from Tunisia to Turkey are pushing English, recognizing that along with computers and mass migration, the language is the engine of globalization. Linguistically speaking, it’s a whole new world. Non-native speakers of English now outnumber native speakers 3 to 1, according to English language expert David Crystal, whose numerous books include English as a Global Language. “There’s never before been a language that’s been spoken by more people as a second than a first,” he says. In Asia alone, the number of English users has topped 350 million – roughly the combined populations of the United States, Britain and Canada. The new English speakers aren’t just passively absorbing the language – they are shaping it. New Englishes are mushrooming the globe over, ranging from “Englog,” spoken in the Philippines, to “Hinglish”, the mix of Hindi and English that now crops up everywhere from fast food ads to South-Asian college campuses. In South Africa, many Blacks have adopted their own version of English, laced with indigenous words, as a sign of freedom – in contrast to Afrikaans, the language of oppression. An Amherst College professor recently finished a translation of Cervantes’s “Don Quixote” into Spanglish, the English-Spanish hybrid spoken in the United States and Mexico. All languages are works in progress. But English’s globalization, unprecedented in the history of languages will revolutionize it in ways we can only begin to imagine. In the future, there could be a tri-English world, one in which you could speak a local English-based dialect at home, a national variety at work or school and international Standard English to talk to foreigners. With native speakers a shrinking minority of the world’s Anglophones, there is a growing sense that students should stop trying to imitate Brighton or Boston English, and embrace their own local versions. Linguists ask why some Asians, who have trouble pronouncing the “th” sound, should spend hours trying to say “thing” instead of “sing” or “ting”. International pilots, they point out, already pronounce the word “three” as “tree” in radio dispatches, since “tree” is more widely comprehensible. Indeed, English has become the common linguistic denominator. Whether you’re a Korean executive on business in Shanghai, a German Eurocrat hammering out laws in Brussels or a Brazilian biochemist at a conference in Sweden, you’re probably speaking English. And as the world adopts an international brand of English, it’s native speakers who have the most to lose. Cambridge dons who insist on speaking the Queen’s English could be met with giggles – or blank stares. To achieve fluency, non-native speakers are learning English at an ever-younger age. The demand for native English-speakers is so huge that China and the Middle East are starting to import English teachers from India. Despite all the new Englishes cropping up, it’s the American and British versions that still carry prestige. “Owning English is very big business.” The average price for a four-day business-English course in London for a French executive runs 2,240 euro. To see big business in action, one need only walk down London’s busy Oxford Street, where ads offer instant access to the language of success: DOES YOUR ENGLISH EMBARRASS YOU? BUSINESS ENGLISH FOR BEGINNERS; LEARN ENGLISH IN JUST 10 WEEKS! Above clothing stores, English-language schools are packed with eager twenty-somethings from around the world. Why such enthusiasm? In a word, jobs. A generation ago, only elites like diplomats and CEOs needed English for work. Today, at the new Toyota and Peugeot plant in the Czech Republic, English is the working language of the Japanese, French and Czech staff. Technology also plays a huge role in English’s global triumph. Eighty percent of the electronically stored information in the world is in English; 66 percent of the world’s scientists read in it. “It’s very important to learn English because computer books are only in English,” says an Uruguayan IT student learning English in London. In countries like Germany the market for English studies is already shrinking. Most kids begin English as early as the second or third grade and language schools no longer target English beginners but those pursuing more-expert niches: business English, phone manners or English for presentations. Beginning-English classes are filled with immigrants eager to catch up with the natives. As with migrants the world over, they’re finding that their newfound land is an English-speaking one.
32. Paraphrase, translate or explain. paraphrase: The name – Cambridge School of Languages – conjures images of Anglo-Saxon aristocrats conversing in the Queen’s English. explain: And yet such storefront shops aren’t merely the ragged edge of the massive English learning industry... paraphrase: And governments from Tunisia to Turkey are pushing English... paraphrase: Linguistically speaking, it’s a whole new world. explain: There’s never before been a language that’s been spoken by more people as a second than a first. paraphrase: ... the number of English users has topped 350 million... paraphrase: New Englishes are mushrooming the globe over... to “Hinglish”, the mix of Hindi and English that now crops up everywhere... translate: In South Africa, many Blacks have adopted their own version of English, laced with indigenous words, as a sign of freedom – in contrast to Afrikaans, the language of oppression. explain: All languages are works in progress. paraphrase: ... a German Eurocrat hammering out laws in Brussels... explain: Owning English is very big business. translate: To see big business in action, one need only walk down London’s busy Oxford Street, where ads offer instant access to the language of success... paraphrase: In countries like Germany the market for English studies is already shrinking. translate: ... language schools no longer target English beginners but those pursuing more-expert niches... 33. Answer the teacher’s questions. HOME ACTIVITIES (5) 34. Translate into English. 1. Если бы не острая конкуренция, ни одна из двух компаний не смогла бы предложить такой высокий уровень обслуживания. 2. Мы бы могли рассказать ему все подробности происшествия вчера, если бы он не был так раздражен. 3. Известно, что эта лаборатория уже несколько десятилетий находится на передовом рубеже генной инженерии. 4. Деревья впитывают воду и питательные вещества (nutrients) из почвы. 5. Если бы Фрэнк не был так поглощен работой, он бы заметил, что происходит в его семье. 6. По ряду причин я настаиваю на том, чтобы ты прочел роман в оригинале, а не его краткий вариант. 7. Жаль, что вы чувствовали себя так скованно на встрече. Вы могли бы привлечь общественное внимание к этой насущной проблеме. 8. Если бы не наши нынешние финансовые затруднения, фирма приняла бы участие в этой выставке. Участие в подобных мероприятиях очень престижно для развивающихся компаний. 35. Get ready to retell Text 1. CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES (6)
36. Paraphrase and develop the situation. Model: – Frieda felt sick and missed the performance.
1. Paula wants a Persian cat but she is allergic to cats. 2. Donna works full-time and she can’t spend enough time with her children. 3. Harry feels like going out tonight but he hasn’t got enough money. 4. I didn’t watch the news so I didn’t know the airport was closed. 5. Joe would like to go on a sea voyage but he feels sea-sick on board. 6. Gabriel would like to make Greek salad but she hasn’t got any olive oil left. 7. Frank is not a CEO so he doesn’t have a separate office. 8. I damaged the printer because I didn’t know how to connect it properly. 37. Open the brackets using the proper forms of the verbs. Dear Mum, I feel really frustrated! I wish I ___________________(1 – not/to take) this job. If only I _____________________ (2 – to give) it more thought before I made the decision to accept that job offer. I wish the people here ___________________ (3 – to be) more friendly – that would help me fit in. If only I ________________________ (4 – to have) longer breaks. Staring at a computer screen all day is tiring and boring. Sometimes I find myself wishing it ____________________ (5 – to explode)! I wish my senior _______________________ (6 – to give) me something interesting to do. I wish there __________________ (7 – to be) someone here I could talk to but I haven’t made any friends. If only I ____________________ (8 – modal / to make) some, but it’s very difficult. I wish I ____________________ (9 – modal / to see) you more often. Please write. I miss you. Love, Bitsy.
38. Paraphrase using the active vocabulary of the unit. 1. On Sally’s wedding day the old church was full of friends and relations. 2. Ben had to go back to work – something had suddenly happened there. 3. The teaching profession is no longer as popular and sought after as it was in the former times. 4. He stressed that it was necessary to follow the directions. 5. I’ve never felt so ill at ease in my entire life. 6. They sat in uncomfortable silence. 7. The word ‘culture’ covers both artistic and sociological aspects of a society. 8. We had to learn and remember a lot of new information very quickly. 9. A frog cannot drink, it takes in all the liquid it needs through its skin. 10. Ignore him, he is tired and nervous from all his business worries. 11. We bought the same computer for less money from one of their competitors. 12. There is cut-throat competition between software companies these days. 39. Complete and add a sentence logically connected. 1. I always get really embarrassed when ... 2. Alice seemed to be embarrassed when... 3. Though these models are at the cutting edge of computer design... 4. According to Reuters, the recent ... 5. In accordance with the agreement... 6. Why do you insist on her... 7. To our surprise, their rivalry resulted ... 8. We insisted that ... 9. I’d like to point out that... 10. The professions that carry prestige now... 11. Although the concert hall was packed... 12. It is no small accident that... 13. Theologians claim that the legendary Tower of Babel... 14. According to the Bible, it was divine intervention that... 15. I have never been able to picture myself... 16. If for one reason or other I had to learn three more languages... 40. a) Complete the sentences with the words and word combinations from the box. Learn the words and word combinations from the box.
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