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3. Thomas Jefferson: (1743-1826), third President of the USA (1801-1809), drafted the Declaration of Independence, which was adopted and proclaimed on July 4th, 1776 to the whole world that a great new nation was born after a heroic peoples' War for Independence that lasted more than six years. The former 13 English Colonies had won their independence and set up their new United States Government. 4. Yankee: originally, this term meant "a native of New England". During the Civil War, however, the Southerners used it to refer, often derisively, to inhabitants of any Northern States. Nowadays the term is used outside the US to natives of the US. In the South of the USA, it is still used (derisively) to refer to Northerners, and in New England it is still used in reference to Native New Englanders (non-derisively). 5. the distaff side: the female branch in a family as opposed to the male branch. The Executive branch is the legislative body of the government. Here, the distaff side means the women members of the US government, the more sentimental and moralistic part of the staff, who are fond of hurling the phrase "all men are created equal" in order to be brought to the notice of the public. ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY to exchange to swap/swop (informal) guilt blame; fault to trust to entrust trustful trusting jerk, vt/i, n twitch, vt/i, n look here – ведь, послушайте!, вот что. look about – 1) оглядываться по сторонам 2) осматриваться, ориентироваться 3) искать look down on/upon – 1) смотреть свысока, презирать ( on, upon ) 2) падать ( в цене ) look on – 1) наблюдать ( вместо того, чтобы что-л. делать ) one's own look-out – 4) ч-л забота, дело ( в конструкции с притяж. мест. или сущ. в притяж. падеже) look up – look up 5) навещать кого-л. 1) смотреть вверх, поднимать глаза 2) искать ( что-л. в справочнике ) 3) улучшаться ( о делах ) 4) повышаться ( в цене ) to look up to smb. — смотреть почтительно на кого-л.; уважать кого-л.; считаться с кем-л.; смотреть снизу вверх Page 53. Ex. 4. Complete the following sentences:
Page 53. Ex. 5. Combine the following sentences into one: Model: I don't care who this man is. I must tell him not to interfere. No matter who this man is, he mustn't interfere. a) 1. No matter who told you about it, don't believe it. 2. No matter who may come., you must be ready to receive him. 3. No matter who of you will carry out this task, it must be done without delay. 4. She mustn't take these facts for granted (принимать, как должное, "на веру", считать доказанным), no matter who might tell her about them. 5. No matter who helps her with her work, she never feels obliged. Model: a) I don't care how late you may come. Ring me up. I'll be expecting your call. No matter how late you come, ring me up. b) She may say anything. Don't believe it. No matter what she says, don't believe it. b) 1. No matter how late Andrew come, his wife will always sit up for him. 2. No matter how many things he does, he always does them thoroughly. 3. She is hard to please (привередничать). No matter what I do, she will always find fault. 4. No matter what you may suggest, it will make no difference. He will always object. Page 53. Ex. 6. Paraphrase the following sentences. Use the speech patterns (p. 45):
Page 54. Ex. 7. Make up two sentences of your own on each pattern.
Page 54. Ex. 8. Translate the following sentences into English using the speech patterns:
Page 54. Ex. 9. Note down from the text (p. 40) the sentences containing the phrases and word combinations (p. 46) and translate them into Russian.
Page 54. Ex. 10. Complete the following sentences:
Page 54. Ex. 11. Make up two or three sentences of your own on each phrase and word combination: No matter how complicated topics it was, he never afraid to speak with his children on them. No matter who comes to see her, she is always very glad. he said that no matter who tried to take advantage of a Negro's ignorance, he was trash. No matter how little money they tried to spend, they could not save enough. No matter what you may say, yet he will have his own way. No matter who calls I am not at home, because I am too tired and am going to bad. I am afraid nothing but the dark. He did know nothing but some points which were of no importance. You make some words against that he states but it is only the words, you has not produced one iota of any evidence thereto. Finch wanted that the defendant should got a square/fair deal. Do not reprove your son in public, have a talk with him in private. One must be stark raving mad to refuse such possibility I want to use the remaining time to discuss the question with in private. I am partially agreed with you anyway I must do it but under the circumstances I wouldn't like to make use his difficult situation. His suggestion is interesting in itself but it is no better that yours. What do you accuse him in? – He has told lie and do not hardly much want to confess in it, that is bad in itself, moreover, he repeat this lie tenacious. Students' smart answers are pleased to the examiner. At the final evening party all girls look very smart in their light/bright dresses. Tourists likes to exchange and try to take something new in exchange. There was a hubbub in the room. It was he and Ken in quarrel. I feel guilty that I have been trying your patience for such long time. You accuse me that I have come too late but it is you who have settled this hour, so it is not my guilt. She has disadvantages but who has not them? You find fault with me again but it has happened not through my fault. To prove defendant's innocence/guiltlessness in the case of his actual guiltlessness is the aim of the defence. This child trust his new adult friend very movingly. I must have lost the key. – It looks on you! Page 55. Ex. 13. Translate the following sentences into English using the phrases and word combinations:
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