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EXPERIMENTAL BRIDGE A bridge is a structure built to cross some natural or artificial obstacles such as river, street, railway and so on. First bridges had to be built out of the material close at hand (подручный материал). In tropical jungles, suspension bridges were made of long bamboo poles. In the places where there were many forests, it was wood. Simple suspension bridges were made by means of ropes and are still used in some countries. Two parallel ropes were suspended from rocks or trees on each bank of the river with a platform of woven mats laid across them. When the Spaniards reached South America, they found that the Incas (Инки) of Peru used suspension bridges made of 6 strong cables, four of which supported a platform and two cables served as handrails (поручни). In middle Ages, people constructed wooden beam type bridges. They were usually built on stone piers or wooden piles. Bridges of this type are still used in Japan and India. With the beginning of railway construction in the 19th century, there was a great demand for bridges and the railway companies had capital for building them. The first railway bridges were built of stone or brick. Later there appeared concrete and metal bridges. The first iron bridge crossed the river Severn in Great Britain. 8. Ответьте на общие вопросы в соответствии с содержанием текста. 1 Were the first bridges made of steel? 2. Did people construct wooden beam type bridges in Middle Ages? 3. Was there a great demand for railway bridges in the 19th century? ЗАДАНИЕ №4
THE CHANNEL TUNNEL The first design of the Channel Tunnel was proposed in 1751. Since that time, dozens of proposals had been considered before the actual tunneling began. The work proceeded very quickly and was successfully completed in 6 years. The Tunnel was opened for traffic on May 7, 1994. The Channel Tunnel actually consists of three tunnels: the two running tunnels* and the service tunnel**. Single-track railway lines are laid down in each of the running tunnels. Normally, one of them carries passenger and freight trains from Britain to France and the other carries trains in the opposite direction. If one of the running tunnels is closed down for maintenance, the other is used for train movement in both directions. A smaller third tunnel lies between the two train tunnels. It is called the service tunnel. There is a roadway inside it, so maintenance workers and emergency teams can reach any point of the Tunnel system in their road vehicles. The service tunnel is linked to the running tunnels at regular intervals by cross-passages***. In case of emergency or a train breakdown, the passengers will leave the train through one of the cross-passages into the service tunnel where road vehicles will evacuate them to a safer place. The total length of the Tunnel is about fifty kilometers. Thirty-seven kilometers of the line are under the waters of the English Channel. The electric trains run every three minutes during peak hours, providing the carrying capacity of 4,000 vehicles per hour in both directions. A typical passenger shuttle consists of twenty-six wagons. A half of them are double-deck carriages for carrying cars of average size. Thirteen single-deck wagons are used for transporting buses and vans. Freight shuttles consist of twenty-five single-deck wagons. Each of them is capable of carrying a vehicle weighing up to forty-four tons. Two electric locomotives are coupled in front and at the rear of each shuttle. The time of crossing the Tunnel is thirty-five minutes, about an hour less than by ferry. Passengers and drivers remain in their vehicles. The gauge of the tunnel railway is standard that is why the tunnel can be used for international passenger and freight trains. Notes: *running tunnel – железнодорожный тоннель **service tunnel – служебный тоннель ***cross-passage – поперечный переход 2. Ответьте на общие вопросы в соответствии с содержанием текста 1. Was the first design of the Channel Tunnel proposed in 1851? 2. Had only two projects been considered before the actual tunneling began? 3. Did the construction proceed very quickly? 4. Are double-track railway lines laid down in the running tunnels? 5. Is there a roadway inside the service tunnel? 6. Do the electric trains operate in the Channel Tunnel? 7. Does a typical passenger shuttle consist of 26 wagons? 8. Is the time of crossing the Channel Tunnel 30 minutes? 9. Are two electric locomotives coupled in front and at the rear of each shuttle? 10. Can the Tunnel be used for international passenger and freight trains? 3. Образуйте от глаголов данных в скобках, Participle II. Полученные причастия переведите на русский язык. Model: a (to write) article – a written article – написанная статья. 1) a locomotive (to power) by electricity; 2) a (to delay) flight; 3) a (to break) engine; 4) a report (to type) in duplicate; 5) a (to carry out) plan; 6) a (to suspend) bridge; 7) a contract (to sign) by 2 companies; 8) mistakes (to make) in calculations; 9) the (to develop) countries; 10) railway tickets (to sell) yesterday. 4. Напишите по образцу. ![]() 5. Дополните предложения. ![]() ЗАДАНИЕ № 5 1.Переведите следующие слова. responsibility, simultaneously, earthworks, partial, inseparable, intermediate, desirable; permanent way, stabilization of embankments. 2. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные функции глагола to do. 1. I do half an hour exercises every morning. 2. Do be careful! 3. What time do the banks in Britain close? 4. We asked them to pack the glass and china for us, but they did it very badly. 5. She does a lot of work for charity. 6. Don’t be silly! 7. Do stop making that noise! 8. It looks easy, but it does need quite a bit of practice. 9. How long does it take you to get to work? 10. She thinks I don’t love her, but I do love her! 11. The doctor didn’t recommend me to take these pills too often. 12. There wasn’t much time for shopping, but I did buy a couple of blouses. 13. I don’t understand the sentence. 3. Прочтите текст и составьте к нему план пересказа. STONEBLOWER FOR PNEUMATIC BALLAST INJECTION The Stone blower is a revolutionary machine developed specifically as an alternative to traditional tamping methods for the restoration of track’s vertical and lateral alignment. The machine utilizes a process, which pneumatically injects ballast under the tie to achieve rack positioning to an accuracy of 1.0 mm. The result is a smooth track surface, which is immediately available for unrestricted line speeds. The Stone blower is the culmination of many years of research and development by Harsco Track Technologies in cooperation with Rail track and British Rail Research. The machine has undergone extensive testing to meet demanding requirements and has demonstrated the ability to significantly extend the time required between track maintenance cycles. 4. Переведите предложения на русский язык Основными компонентами железнодорожного полотна являются рельсы, шпалы и балласт. Рельсы удерживаются на шпалах. Шпалы укладываются на балласт. Рельсы соединяются друг с другом с помощью рельсовых скреплений. Стандартные рельсовые плети свариваются и образуют бесстыковой путь. В настоящее время бесстыковой путь широко используется на многих высокоскоростных магистралях. Такой путь обеспечивает более комфортное движение. Существует два основных типа шпал: деревянные шпалы и бетонные шпалы. Деревянные шпалы обрабатываются креозотом, который предотвращает их гниение. Балласт может состоять из щебня, песка, гравия и некоторых других материалов. Существует также без балластный путь или путь на плитах. Расстояние между рельсами называется шириной колеи. Ширина колеи на Российских железных дорогах составляет 1520мм. Для содержания и ремонта железнодорожного пути используются современные путевые машины. ЗАДАНИЕ № 6 1. Выберите в следующих предложениях модальный глаголы: can, to be able to. 1. Jack has traveled much. He … speak three languages. 2. Tom … drive but he hasn’t got a car. 3. Ask Val about your problem. He should … help you. 4. You… see a nice park from our bedroom window. 5. I …sleep very well recently. 6. Bob … stand on his head but he can’t do it now. 7. Tom won’t … come to see you tomorrow. 8. I can’t understand Helen. I’ve never … understand her. 9. Martin … pass his finals successfully.10. You …get something to drink from this vending machine. 11. My secretary … book us on a first-class sleeper to Paris. 12. I think I … meet the Trade Union representatives next Tuesday. 2. Practice the reading of the following words and word combinations: drainage, lubrication, moisture, finally, significantly, intimate, frequent, man-hours, comparable, budget, specifically; track stabilization, presence and absence of excess moisture, measuring drainage, false economy. 3 You are to copy the words and memorize their meanings. to lubricate – смазывать, увлажнять, lubrication – смазка, замасливание; roadbed – балластная призма (постель); track structure, permanent way – верхнее строение пути; to accept the load – воспринимать нагрузку. to neglect – пренебрегать, игнорировать; moisture – влага, влажность; to recall - вспоминать; measure – мера, измерение, to measure – измерять; a unit – единица, единица измерения; an item – пункт, любой из перечисленных предметов, статья, вопрос на повестке дня); to hide – прятать, скрывать. 4. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian. 1. The government has neglected socializing industry. 2. The speaker neglected mentioning all those who had helped elect him. 3. In dry weather start to water your vegetables before the earth loses too much moisture. 4. The lawyer asked the witness to try to recall as much about the accident as possible. 5. I recall that on at least one occasion I saw him taking money from the safe. 6. We’ll have to measure the bed to make sure it fits in this room. 7. We need to know the exact size. Centimeters seem to be the best measure. 8. The dollar is the standard unit of money in the USA. 9. There is an item about the robbery on page seven. 10. His house was burgled and a few items of jewelry were taken. 11. I took the items off the trolley, one by one. 12. He hides his real feelings under that big smile. 13. I tried to hide my anxiety from the rest of the family by pretending that everything was normal. 14. She hid her inability to read all through her schooling. 5. Translate the following sentences into English. Do it in written form. 1. Мне нечего скрывать; вы можете задавать мне любые вопросы. 2. Не пренебрегайте правилами безопасности 3. Влага очень важна для вашей кожи. 4. Я помню, встреча прошла хорошо. 5. Час – это единица измерения времени. 6. Семья - ячейка общества. 6. Прочтите и переведите текст. THE IMPORTANCE OF DRAINAGE IN PRODUCING STABLE TRACK Neglecting drainage has been used as a ‘convenient’ way of saving maintenance money, but poor drainage creates a lubricating effect in ballast. Many factors come into play in any discussion of track stabilization, but the most elementary and probably the most important one is the presence or absence of excess moisture in and around the track roadbed. In a word, drainage. The old sayings and rules about the importance of track drainage are known by everybody. “The first rule of good track maintenance is drainage, the second rule is more drainage, and the third rule is even more drainage”. We also understand that the basic function of track structure is to accept the loads imposed on rail by rolling stock and to transmit those loads from rail to tie plate, to tie, to ballast and finally to sub grade. Two of the basic elements of good track structure – ballast and sub grade – are affected significantly by poor drainage. Too much moisture decreases the strength of the roadbed’s foundation, creating a lot of maintenance problems. Many recall the days when track maintenance was carried out manually and a foreman had intimate knowledge of local drainage situations and was able to make small, frequent corrections to keep a high-quality drainage system functional. Now, the situation has changed completely: much attention is paid to reballasting, retailing, track upgrading. These track maintenance works are being modernized. But as for drainage maintenance, it is often neglected. We have problems measuring drainage. We enjoy using units such as miles of rails laid per day, man-hours per tie installed, or miles of track upgraded per hour when discussing track maintenance, yet there is no comparable, convenient measure of drainage. Most railroads have budgets without an item specifically for drainage. They have items for rails; ties, ballast and bridges, yet funds for drainage are hidden as part of an allotment1 that covers all sorts of maintenance. Neglecting drainage has been used as a’ convenient’ way of saving maintenance money for years, and is an example of false economy. Note: 1) allotment - ассигнования. 7. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим русским фразам: одним словом (короче говоря), передавать нагрузку, создавать массу проблем, мастер, очень хорошо знать что-то. 8. Вернитесь к тексту и угадайте значение следующих фраз. stable track, poor drainage, local drainage situations, to keep the system functional, false economy. 9. Дополните предложения, используя текст. 1. There was a time when traffic was not as heavy as it is today, and a foreman …. 2. Often railway authorities want to save money by …. 10. Ответьте на вопросы. Будьте внимательны, один вопрос не содержит ответа. 1. Do railway men pay constant attention to track maintenance? 2. Do they consider all the factors? 3. What is lubrication effect in ballast caused by? 4. What do old sayings and rules say about the importance of drainage? 5. What is the basic function of track structure? 6. What is the result of too much moisture? 7. Why are drainage works often neglected nowadays? 8. Is there any unit to measure drainage works? 9. Are drainage works properly financed by most railways? 10. Do you agree that neglecting drainage is an example of false economy? 11. What machines are used to carry out drainage works? ЗАДАНИЕ № 7 1. Прочтите слова. ► -ture, -sure ▪ lecture, future, departure, mixture, expenditure, structure, puncture, fracture, manufacture, creature, fixture, curvature, feature, conjuncture, adventure, moisture; ▪ measure, pleasure, leisure, closure, disclosure, embrasure, treasure, treasury; BUT: sure, ensure, insurance. ► ea ▪ increase, conceal, mean, defeat, eager, treaty, feasible, heater, lead, reasonable, heaver, release, dean, dealer, leave, easy, beacon, lease, meaning, reach, treatment, weak. BUT: overhead, headway, tread, ready, steady, spread, instead, treadle, measure, pleasure, weather, meant, heavy; break; really, create, realize. ► pay attention to the letters which are not pronounced: half, walk, talk, should, could, would, hour, high, height, straight, frighten, slightly, sight, alight, fight, might, midnight, freight, retighten, ought, weight, design, benign; sign, alignment, consignment, assign, what, wheel, wharf, whistle, wrong, wrist, write, wrench, shipwreck, deck, click, rack, reckon, stock, cockpit, know, knot, knock, knuckle, climb, comb. 2. Переведите слова из колонки А и найдите их синонимы в колонке В.
3. Переведите предложения письменно с русского языка на английский. 1) Существуют различные типы пассажирских вагонов: общие, плацкартные, спальные. 2) Ты можешь подвезти меня до вокзала? 3) Поезд должен отправиться через пять минут. 4) Вы можете сдать свои вещи в камеру хранения. 5) Электричка была переполнена, поэтому нам пришлось ждать следующий поезд. 6) Мы заказали билеты по телефону за неделю до отъезда. 7) Вы не поможете положить вещи на полку? 8) Наш поезд должен прибыть через час, поэтому у нас есть время, чтобы перекусить. 9) Мы опоздали на последнюю электричку, потому что застряли в пробке на дороге. 10) Летом невозможно купить билет на этот поезд в день отправления. 11) В купе спального вагона есть две нижние полки и две верхние откидные полки. 12) Ты дал носильщику «на чай»? 13) Билетов в купейный вагон не было, поэтому нам пришлось ехать в плацкартном вагоне. 14) Это поезд повышенной комфортности, поэтому билеты такие дорогие. 4. Переведите устно текст. HOW TO AVOID TRAVELING (after G. Mikes) Travel is the name of a modern disease, which started in the mid-fifties and is still spreading. The patient grows restless in the early spring and starts rushing about from one travel agency to another, collecting useless information about the places he doesn’t intend to visit. Then, he or usually she, will do a round of shops* and spend much more than he or she can afford. Finally in August, the patient will board a plane, a train, a bus or a car and go to foreign countries along with thousands of his fellow-countrymen, not because he is interested in or attracted by some place, nor because he can afford to go but simply because he cannot afford not to. The result is that in the summer months (and in the last few years during the winter season too) everybody is on the move**. What is the aim of traveling? Each nationality has its own different one. The Americans want to take photographs of themselves in different places. The idea is simply to collect documentary proof that they have been there. The German travels to check up on his guidebooks. Why do the English travel? First, because their neighbor does. Secondly, they were taught that travel broadens the mind***. But mainly they travel to avoid foreigners. I know many English people who travel in groups, stay in hotels where even the staff is English, eat roast beef and Yorkshire pudding on Sunday and steak-and-kidney pies on weekdays, all over Europe. The main aim of the Englishman abroad is to meet people, I mean, of course, nice English people from the next door or from the next street. It is possible, however, that the mania for traveling is coming to an end. A Roman friend of mine told me: “I no longer travel at all. I stay here because I want to meet my friends from all over the world.” “What exactly do you mean?” I asked. “It is simple,” he explained. “Whenever I go to London my friend Smith is in Tokyo and Brown is in Sicily. If I go to Paris, my friends are either in London or in Spain. However, if I stay in Rome all my friends, I’m sure, will turn up at one time or another****. The world means people to me. I stay here because I want to see the world. Besides, staying at home broadens the mind.” Notes: *to do a round of shops – идти от одного магазина к другому, покупая что-либо **to be on the move – путешествовать ***to broaden the mind – расширять кругозор ****at one time or another – раньше или позже 5. Верно, или нет. Если предложение неверно исправьте его смысл согласно тексту. 1) Travel is the name of a modern disease, which started in the mid-forties. 2) People begin thinking about traveling in the early spring. 3) Preparing for the trip, he or she spends more than he or she can afford. 4) In November people board planes, trains, buses, subway or cars and go to foreign countries. 5) In summer everybody stay at home. 6) Each nationality has its own aim of traveling. 7) The Americans travel because they want to check up on their guidebooks. 8) The English travel abroad to avoid foreigners and to meet nice English people. 9) The German travels all over Europe to eat roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. 10) Staying at home broadens the mind. ЗАДАНИЕ № 8 1. Прочтите 4 диалога. Измените русские слова на английские. Dialogue 1 Passenger – I want билет в Springfield. Clerk – Which Springfield? There are разные Springfield’s… Passenger – I suppose Springfield, Massachusetts, is the cheapest. It is the closest to here anyway. Fortunately, it is also the Springfield I want to go to. What is платазапроезд, please? Clerk – Six dollars and eighty cents for билет “туда”, eleven dollars and fifty cents for билет “туда и обратно”. Passenger – Когда отправляется ближайший поезд? Clerk – Есть поезд в 4.10. There is also another at 7.20 сегодня вечером. Passenger – Are they both прямые поезда? Clerk – The 4.10 is скорый поезд and делает только одну остановку in New Heaven. It прибывает в Springfield at 9.30. These is поезд, который идёт со всеми остановками and takes about полтора часаlonger. Passenger – Is there вагон ресторан on both trains? Clerk – There is вагон ресторан on the 4.10. The 7.20 has only a snack bar. They as usual serve sandwiches and coffee, drinks, etc. Passenger – What train would you choose if you were the passenger? Dialogue 2 Passenger – Is there поезд дальнего следования going directly to Bangor, Maine? Clerk – Yes, there is one train. It отправляется at 1.20 in the morning. Of course you can сесть в поезд any time after eleven o’clock at night and go to bed. Passenger – I suppose it is необходимо купить билет заранее. Clerk – It is customary to buy a ticket at least a day in advance. Sometimes, over holidays or busy seasons, even a week in advance is safer. Плата за проезд to Bangor amounts to about twenty dollars. Нижняя полка to Bangor will cost you about two dollars more than верхняя полка. Passenger – Is there any other difference? Clerk – Well, in the morning, if you are on нижняя полка you get up, and if you are on верхняя полка you get down. That is one of my little jokes. Passenger – Большое спасибо. You have been very helpful. Clerk – Не за что. That is what we are here for. Dialogue 3 Clerk – Добрый день, чем я могу Вам помочь? Passenger – Good morning, I’d like билет на скорый поезд до Glasgow. Clerk – Which train? Passenger – The one leaving в пять тридцать. Clerk – Билет “туда” или “туда и обратно”? Passenger – Только туда, пожалуйста. Clerk – Would you like первый или второй класс? Dialogue 4 [Ted and Ben, who are about 14, have been allowed by their parents to поехать за город на поезде for a day. They make themselves comfortable in an empty купе. Suddenly Ben sees Ted’s билет lying on the seat. He moves it up, берёт его и кладёт в карман. He says nothing to Ted.] Ted – Где мой билет? I had it a minute ago. Ben – You’d better поискать его. Контролёр will be here через минуту. If you can’tпоказать him your ticket, he’ll make you платить double. Ted – But у меня нет enough money.Что же мне делать? [Ted gets up, turns out his pockets, ищет билет на полу, but all this doesn’t help.] Ben – У меня есть хорошая идея. Ted – What is it? Ben – You get under the seat till he has gone. I’ll sit over you and hide you with my legs. Он не заметит тебя. As soon as he has gone, you can come out. Ted – He’ll be here any minute. Мне залазить под кресло right now? Ben – Yes, you’d better. And don’t move while он в вагоне. [Ted gets under the seat. Контролёр comes along. Ben hands him two tickets.] Insp. – Чей это билет? Ben – Oh, that’s my friend’s. Insp. – Where has he gone? Ben – Nowhere. Он под креслом. Insp. – И что он там делает? Ben – Oh, ему нравится путешествовать под креслом, aren’t you, Ted? Ted [getting out from under the seat] – All right! I’ll pay you back for this. Just you подожди. 2. Измените 4 диалог, на историю используя следующие слова и выражения. to buy tickets for the commuter train; to get on the train; to make oneself comfortable; to play a trick; to put the ticket in the pocket; to look for the ticket; to have a good idea; to get under the seat; to enter the compartment; to hand the inspector two tickets; to be fond of traveling under the seat; to pay Ben back for this trick. 3. Назовите инструменты. Example: (a) – knife ![]() 4. Составьте предложения. Example: (a) The pipe is long. ![]() 5. Обратите внимание на –ing forms. Переведите предложение. 1. Tom’s coming back was unexpected. 2. Do you mind my opening the window? 3. I am tired of being told lies. 4. Thank you for supporting me at the meeting. 5. On entering the room he was surprised to see many people here. 6. The book is worth reading. 7. It was no use crying. 8. I am surprised at being given such an easy task. 9. There is no chance of catching the train. 10. Having answered all the questions he got quiet. 11. Hearing the news, the girl smiled pleasantly. 12. Being typed in a hurry, the article contained many mistakes. 13. The promising help wouldn’t come. 14. The girl speaking over the telephone put down the receiver and turned. 15. The children were amusing, playing with a dog. 16. Scuba diving is thrilling to many people.17. I am thrilled by Frankenstein movies. They are horrifying. 18. Generally speaking, I am not an early riser. 19. She was kept waiting for a long time. 20. Did you see her taking the money? ЗАДАНИЕ № 9
Example: (a) This ruler is rectangular. ![]()
Example: (a) These are pliers. This is a pair of pliers. (a) pliers (b) pincers (c) scissors (d) goggles (e) glasses (f) spanners (g) screwdrivers (h) chisels (i) rulers (j) tools (k) matches A) nails (m) screws (n) nuts and bolts
Example: (a) The window is rectangular. It is six meters long and three meters high. ![]() 5. Translate the sentences given below from Russian into English. 1) Машины заменили тяжёлый ручной труд строителей железных дорог. 2) Срок службы бетонных шпал – 40-50 лет. 3) Первые вагонеточные пути использовались на шахтах [a mine] для перевозки угля [coal]. 4) В России первое самоходное транспортное средство было изобретено И.П. Кулибиным в 18 веке. 5) Реактивные двигатели работают на керосине [kerosene]. 6) Первый паровоз отца и сына Черепановых имел четыре колеса, два из которых были ведущими. 7) Деревянные рельсы были недолговечными [short-lived], поэтому их сначала заменили чугунными, а затем стальными. 8) Существуют различные типы двигателей внутреннего сгорания: такие как дизельный, бензиновый, электрический, реактивный. 9) С изобретением парового двигателя начался новый этап [stage] в развитии транспорта. 10) Люди накопили большой опыт в сооружении мостов и виадуков. 6. Read and translate the text using a dictionary if necessary. FROM THE HISTORY OF RAILWAY TRANSPORT (Part 1) The word ‘transport’ (or ‘transportation’) means to carry people or goods from place to place. Henry Ford, the American motor-car manufacturer, said that “transportation is civilization”. The history of transport is divided into two stages. The first stage is that in which all modes of transport depended directly on the power of men or animals, or on natural forces such as wind and current. The second stage began with the development of the steam engine. Do you know who invented it? It is sometimes said that James Watt got the idea for a steam engine while still a boy, watching steam lift the lid of his mother's tea kettle. The truth is that James Watt did not invent the steam engine; however, he made major improvements on the inefficient steam engine patented in 1705 by Thomas Newcomen, John Cawley, and Thomas Savery. James Watt installed his engine in a machine which was used at a large coal mine for pumping out the water. Soon this invention was widely used at nearly every large enterprise. The revolution in industry made by this machine was extremely great. One of the first attempts to put a steam engine on wheels was made by Richard Trevithick, a British mining engineer. In 1804 he demonstrated the first successful railroad steam locomotive. His engine pulled a short train of cars uphill on a coal-mine railway in Wales. In the years after Trevithick’s locomotive, several others were built for use on various British coal-mine railways. The world’s first common carrier railroad to use steam power was the Stockton-Darlington railway in England. It was designed and built by George Stephenson and opened for public service in 1825. On the day when it was opened, a man on a horse went in front of the engine and shouted that the train was coming. People on horses and in carriages were driving near the train. When they had gone for some time, Stephenson, who was running his locomotive, asked the horseman to go away. He put steam on and ran his locomotive at a speed of 12 miles per hour (about 20 km per hour). It was a success. But the British Parliament did not want to construct railways. The members of the parliament did not believe that steam engines could run against a strong wind. Then Stephenson built a new locomotive and called it the Rocket. This locomotive was faster and stronger than the first one; it could draw a 13-ton train at an “unheard-of speed” of 29 miles per hour (46 km per hour). In 1829 the Liverpool-Manchester Railway was built, and the railway company offered a prize of Ј500 for the best steam loco. The prize was won by George Stephenson with his famous train. Though not the first such locomotive, it was the beginning of the effective use of steam power for passenger and freight transportation. At first many people were afraid of the railways; nevertheless in 1842 the steam-powered railways were already in wide use in Britain. 7. Answer the following questions. 1) What does the word ‘transport’ mean? 2) Who said that “transportation is civilization”? 3) How many stages is the history of transport divided into? 4) Did the second stage in the history of transport begin with the invention of the wheel? 5) Whom was the first steam engine invented by? 6) Did Thomas Savery improve the inefficient steam engine designed by Thomas Newcomen? 7) Where did James Watt install his engine? 8) Who made one of the first attempts to put a steam engine on wheels? 9) Where was the world’s first common carrier railroad to use steam power built? 10) Did Robert Stephenson design and built the first common carrier railway in Britain? 11) Why didn’t the British Parliament want to build railways? 12) When was the Liverpool-Manchester Railway put into operation? 13) What can you say about the locomotive called the Rocket? ЗАДАНИЕ №10 1. Read and translate the text using a dictionary if necessary. FROM THE HISTORY OF RAILWAY TRANSPORT |
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