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С. Discussion 1. Using the information given in the text “Emergency Procedures” discuss in the class the primary actions of pilots and controllers when the aircraft is under emergency. 2. Work in pairs. Roleplay the situation: student A is a representative of one of the airport services (fire fighting or medical one). Student B is a passenger who criticizes the activity of airport services in the case of emergency. Both express their opinions. Use the following phrases to disagree: I don't ( entirely ) agree.... (Oh), surely not! I'm afraid I disagree (with).... I' m not sure, in fact.... I don't see why.... I'm afraid I can't accept...... Not really.... Rubbish! I take your point but..... I disagree( I'm afraid)... Never! In spite of what you say, I think...... Unit 12. Emergency Prevention Active vocabulary 1) falcon – сокол; 2) to guard – защищать, охранять; 3) seagull – чайка; 4) to counter – противостоять, противодействовать; 5) starling – скворец; 6) to suck – сосать, всосать; 7) to chase – преследовать, гоняться, гнаться; 8) prey – добыча, жертва; 9) hawk – ястреб; 10) to quote – цитировать, процитировать; 11) to surpass – превзойти, превосходить, превысить; 12) insurance – страхование; 13) to mount – установить, смонтировать; 14) empennage – хвостовая часть. Guess the meaning of the following words: fatal, mechanism, effect, airport operator, airfield, ornithology service, little result, instinct, air travel, form of transportation, statistics, number, bicycles, motorcycles, billion kilometers, automobiles, car transportation. A. Falcons Help Pulkovo Stay Free of Bird Strikes Mid-air collisions of planes with birds often have fatal consequences. A bird hitting the engine or other important mechanism can have a serious effect on a plane’s ability to fly. But some birds can be friends. At St. Petersburg's Pulkovo airport those friends are the four falcons "hired" by the airport operator this summer to guard the runways from other birds. When the falcons rise into the sky over the airport, they act as red traffic lights to all those seagulls, crows and ducks that dare to fly near the landing and take-off routes. “Every year Pulkovo airport has incidents in which planes landing or taking off ran into birds flying above the airfield," said Andrei Sokolov, head of Pulkovo's ornithology service. "Everything we tried previously to counter this produced little result." The airplane industry estimates at least 350 people have been killed as a result of bird strikes since the dawn of aviation. The problem is growing worse because of increasing numbers of birds and planes. The deadliest bird-plane collision was in 1960, when an Eastern Airlines jet struck a flock of starlings and crashed into Boston Harbor, killing 62 people. In 1995, an Air Force plane crashed in Alaska, killing 24 crewmen, after geese were sucked into one of the plane's engines. Most bird strikes occur at low altitude during the most dangerous time of any flight, the take-off or landing. When the falcons arrived at Pulkovo from a nursery in the city of Voronezh in early July there was a noticeable difference. The falcons don't chase birds that approach the airport; they simply frighten other birds off with their presence because all other birds are by instinct afraid of the birds of prey. Similar falcon or hawk services operate at airports in other countries, including the U.S., Germany, Britain and Poland. Falcons are being introduced to quite a few other Russian airports. B. Safety Analysis of Transportation When measured on a passenger-distance calculation, air travel is the safest form of transportation available: these figures are the ones mentioned by the air industry when quoting statistics on air safety. A typical statement is this one by the BBC: "UK airline operations are among the safest anywhere. When compared against all other modes of transport on a fatality per mile basis air transport is the safest - six times safer than traveling by car and twice as safe as rail." However, when measured by fatalities per person transported, buses are the safest form of transportation and the number of air travel fatalities per person is surpassed only by bicycles and motorcycles. This statistic is the one used by the insurance industry when calculating insurance rates for air travel. For every billion kilometers traveled, trains have a fatality rate 12 times larger than air travel, while automobiles have a fatality rate 62 times larger. On the other hand, for every billion journeys, buses are the safest form of transportation. By the last measure air transportation is three times more dangerous than car transportation and almost 30 times more dangerous than bus. A 2007 study by Popular Mechanics found that passengers sitting at the back of a plane are 40% more likely to survive a crash than those sitting in the front, although this article also quotes Boeing, the FAA and a website on aircraft safety, all claiming that there is no safest seat. The article studied 20 crashes, not taking in account the developments in safety after those accidents. However, a flight data recorder is usually mounted in the aircraft's empennage (tail section), where it is more likely to survive a severe crash. A. Comprehension 1. Arrange the sentences below in the order they appear in text A. 1) Most bird strikes occur at low altitude. 2) A bird hitting the engine can have a serious effect on a plane’s ability to fly. 3) Similar falcon services operate at airports in other countries. 4) The falcons act as red traffic lights. 5) 350 people have been killed as a result of bird strikes since the dawn of aviation. 6) An Eastern Airlines jet struck a flock of starlings and crashed into Boston Harbor. 2. Read text B. Choose the sentences which contain information about: 1) study by Popular Mechanics; 2) passenger-distance calculation; 3) fatality rate; 4) flight data recorder; 5) UK airline operations. 3. Answer the following questions: 1) What can have a serious effect on a plane’s ability to fly? 2) Where are the four falcons "hired" to guard the runways? 3) How many people have been killed as a result of bird strikes? 4) Why is the problem growing worse? 5) What was the deadliest bird-plane collision? 6) When do most bird strikes occur? 7) Where did the falcons arrive from? 8) What services operate at airports in other countries? 9) What is the safest form of transportation when measured on a passenger-distance calculation? 10) What is the safest form of transportation when measured by fatalities per person transported? 11) What passengers are 40% more likely to survive a crash? 12) Where is a flight data recorder mounted? B. Vocabulary practice 1. Agree or disagree with the following statements: 1) Mid-air collisions of planes with birds never have fatal consequences. 2) Six falcons are "hired" to guard the runways from other birds at Pulkovo airport. 3) An Air Force plane crashed in Alaska in1995 because geese were sucked into the plane's engines. 4) Most bird strikes occur during the most dangerous time of any flight. 5) The falcons chase birds that approach the airport. 6) When compared on a fatality per mile basis buses are the safest form of transportation. 7) It is claimed that there is no safest seat in a plane. 2. Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below. Use the words only once. Fatal, guard, ornithology, bird, noticeable, insurance, car, survive, calculate, quote. 1)……….strikes; 6) to……. a crash; 2)……….industry; 7) to……rates; 3)…………difference; 8)…... consequences; 4) to…….runways; 9) to……a website; 5)…….. transportation; 10)…… service. 3. Give Russian equivalents for: 1) plane’s ability to fly; 2) to act as red traffic lights; 3) dare to fly; 4) result of bird strikes; 5) increasing numbers of birds; 6) to approach the airport; 7) similar services; 8) passenger-distance calculation; 9) six times safer; 10) air travel fatalities per person; 11) to be more likely to survive; 12) developments in safety. 4. Underline the correct word (s) in bold. 1) A bird hitting / guarding the engine or other important mechanism can have a serious effect. 2) The seagulls, crows and ducks dare/ ought to fly near the landing and take-off routes. 3) The falcons simply frighten other birds off with their presence/ number. 4) The number of air travel fatalities per person is increased /surpassed only by bicycles. 5) After/ when measured by fatalities per person transported, buses are the safest form of transportation. 6) This article also quotes/ studies Boeing, the FAA and a website on aircraft safety. 7) Air transportation is three times more expensive /dangerous than car transportation. 5. Fill in the correct preposition then make sentences using the completed phrases: 1) to guard the runways … other birds; 2) to rise … the sky… the airport; 3) … the dawn … aviation; 4) crashed … Boston Harbor; 5) to occur … low altitude; 6) to arrive … Pulkovo … a nursery … the city of Voronezh; 7) to be … instinct afraid … the birds; 8) measured … a passenger-distance calculation; 9) statistics … air safety; 10) compared … all other modes of transport; 11) used by the insurance industry; 12) … every billion journeys; 13) passengers sitting … the back; 14) taking … account; 15) the developments … safety … the accidents. 6. Which word is the odd one out in each group and why? 1. falcons, seagulls, ducks, radars; 2. rise, fly, grow, occur; 3. runways, collisions, estimates, birds; 4. safest, larger, worse, more dangerous. 7. Give English equivalents for: Фатальные последствия, способность самолета летать, "нанятые" оператором аэропорта, охранять взлетно-посадочные полосы, осмеливаются летать, глава службы орнитологии, авиационная промышленность, растущее число птиц и самолетов, стая скворцов, на малой высоте, инстинктивно, самый безопасный вид транспорта, статистические данные о безопасности полетов, в шесть раз безопаснее, при расчете страховых тарифов, уровень смертности, задняя часть самолета. 8. Make these sentences negative: 1) Some birds can be friends. 2) Every year Pulkovo airport has incidents with birds. 3) Everything we tried previously to counter this produced little result. 4) The problem is growing worse. 5) An Eastern Airlines jet struck a flock of starlings and crashed into Boston Harbor. 6) All other birds are by instinct afraid of the birds of prey. 7) This article also quotes a website on aircraft safety. 8) Geese were sucked into the plane's engines. 9. Read the text. Fill in the gaps with words from the list. Medical, pain, deliver, feet, beginning, immediate, tablets, travel, liquid, ground, silly. Be Prepared for an In-Flight Medical Emergency Carine Desir died on American Airlines Flight 896 from Haiti to New York on February 22, 2007. Nine months earlier, two doctors worked together to 1) … a baby on a Delta Air Lines flight from Germany to Atlanta. Both of these examples – the 2)… and the end of life -- are often considered 3)… emergencies, and medical emergencies are not something you want to have on an airplane at umpteen-thousand 4)…. Flying is inherently safe, but you can have a medical emergency in the air just like you can on the 5)…. Here's how to be prepared. Always 6) … with your medications and if traveling includes a flight, put all your drugs in your carry-on. You'll especially want those drugs you need for 7)… treatment: inhalers for shortness of breath; nitroglycerin for chest 8) …; Epi-pen and Benedryl for anaphylaxis; antiarrhythmia medications for rapid heart rates; glucagon or glucose 9)… for hypoglycemia. You may need permission to carry 10)… medicines onto the aircraft, which is why I recommend anyone prone to low blood sugar carry glucose tablets instead of gel. It may seem 11) … to carry glucose since there is food available on the plane, but flight attendants aren't always allowed to come to your assistance. If it works for you, a candy bar may also work. 10. Make up some questions to the underlined words. 11. Match the words in the left column to the synonyms in the right one: 1. purpose; a) ensure; 2. provide; b) objective; 3. possible; c) means; 4. facility; d) place; 5. site; e) especially; 6. service; f) probable; 7. particularly. g) maintenance. 12. Distribute the words below according to the parts of speech. Underline suffixes and prefixes. Translate the words. Verb Noun Adverb Adjective Medical, inherently, suffer, medication, treatment, rapid, carry, available, allow, assistance, recommend, permission, simply, survive, compare, rate, fatal, guard, previously, flock, occur, chase, engine, travelling. 13. Form the nouns from the following verbs: To collide, to estimate, to occur, to differ, to calculate, to quote, to state, to insure. 14. Translate the following sentences into English: Столкновения самолетов с птицами в воздухе часто имеют фатальные последствия. Но некоторые птицы могут быть друзьями. В аэропорту Пулково в Санкт-Петербурге четыре сокола охраняют взлетно-посадочные полосы от других птиц. Когда соколы поднимаются в небо над аэропортом, они действуют как красный сигнал светофора для всех других птиц, которые осмеливаются летать рядом с взлетно-посадочной полосой. По крайней мере 350 человек погибли в результате столкновений с птицами. Проблема ухудшается из-за растущего числа птиц и самолетов. Воздушный транспорт является самым безопасным видом транспорта по статистическим данным о безопасности полетов. Тем не менее, при подсчете погибших, самым безопасным видом транспорта являются автобусы. Эта статистика используется при расчете страховых тарифов на авиаперевозки. На каждый млрд. пройденных километров, поезда имеют уровень смертности в 12 раз больше, чем воздушный транспорт, в то время как автомобили имеют летальность 62 раз больше. Установлено, что у пассажиров, сидящих в задней части самолета на 40% больше шансов выжить при аварии, чем у тех, кто сидит в передней. Другие источники утверждают, что безопасных сидений не существует. С. Discussion 1. Work in pairs. Using the information given in the text and your personal experience, make up a dialogue between a passenger and a doctor giving advice before a flight. 2. Organize a “round table” discussion “Emergency in Aviation”. Internal goals: to exchange viewpoints, formulate and give opinion on the topic. Problems to be raised at the “round table”: 1. Aviation accidents and incidents. 2. Emergency procedures. Certain actions which are common to a controller or a pilot handling of all occurrences. 3. Airport services. Rescue, fire fighting and medical personnel. Their purposes, duties and activity in the case of emergency. 4. Safety analysis of transportation. The safest form of transportation. Where is the safest seat of an airplane located? Cast: 1. a pilot; 2. a controller; 3. a representative of airport services; 4. a doctor; 5. a professional fire-fighter; 6. a journalist; 7. a representative of the Ministry of Transport; 8. passengers. |
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