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Figure1. Basic anatomy of a microcomputer. The first part of the illustration shows a Macintosh SE with monitor, keyboard, and system unit with disk drive; second a cutaway drawing of the same basic setup ![]() Keyboard The microcomputer input device that you will use the most, the keyboard, is made up of a circuit board and related electronic components that generate a unique electronic code when each key is pressed. This code is passed along the keyboard cord to the computer system unit, where it is translated into a usable form for processing. The number of keys and their positions on the keyboard vary among machines. You should select a keyboard that is comfortable for you to use. (A mouse is also frequently used to input data, but we will describe the mouse later.) Monitor The term monitor is used interchangeably with screen, video display screen, and cathode-ray tube (CRT). This output device provides your principal visual contact with the microcomputer system. When you enter commands or data from the keyboard, you see the results on the monitor. A monochrome monitor displays text and, in some cases, graphics in a single color — commonly green or amber—usually on a dark background. A color monitor often referred to as an RGB monitor (for red, green, blue), can display text and graphics in various colors. Most of the capabilities of the monitor, including image clarity and the ability to do graphics, are determined by the sophistication of the video display circuit board, if any, contained within the system unit. System Unit The main computer system cabinet, called the system unit (Figure 2), usually houses the power supply, the system board, and the storage devices (although some storage devices — disk drives, for example — are often housed in cabinets outside the system unit). These elements can be defined as follows:
4. Which of the listed below statements are true/false? Correct the false statements. 1. It is not important for you to understand the typical components of a microcomputer system. 2. The compatibility is the usability of data and software on different types of microcomputer systems. 3. The interest in microcomputers grew rather slowly at first because the initial cost for some microcomputer systems was quite high. 4. The term keyboard is used interchangeably with screen, video display screen, and cathode-ray tube (CRT). 5. Monitor provides your principal visual contact with the microcomputer system. 6. Most of the capabilities of the monitor, including image clarity and the ability to do graphics, are determined by the sophistication of the internal modem. 7. The power supply provides electrical power only to the monitor. 8. The system board, also known as the motherboard, is the main circuit board of the microcomputer system. 9. Hard disks can be carried around and are often used to move data from one computer to another. 10. Additional printer ports (hook-ups) allow you to communicate with several types of output devices. 5. Fill in the blanks: 1. ... is a thin plastic disk enclosed in a paper or plastic covering that can be magnetically encoded with data. 2. ... is made up of a circuit board and related electronic components that generate a unique electronic code when each key is pressed. 3. ... displays text and, in some cases, graphics in a single color — commonly green or amber—usually on a dark background. 4. ... facilitates data communications between computers over phone lines and similar cables. 5. ... provides electrical power to all components housed in the system unit. 6. The sophistication of ... determines most of the capabilities of the monitor, including image clarity and the ability to do graphics.
6. Find English equivalents in the text: 1. Внутренний модем обеспечивает обмен данных между компьютерами через телефонные линии. 2. Основные характеристики монитора определяются сложностью схем видеокарты, если таковая имеется в системном блоке. 3. В некоторых компьютерах блок питания помимо компонентов, расположенных в системном блоке, обеспечивает энергией также и монитор. 4. Чем больше вы знаете о компьютере, тем более ценны вы будете для потенциального работодателя. 5. Системный блок включает блок питания, материнскую плату и устройства хранения. 6. Монитор – это устройство вывода, которое обеспечивает ваш визуальный контакт с компьютерной системой. 7. Огромное количество различных компьютерных систем на рынке затрудняет выбор одной, самой лучшей. 8. Первоначальная стоимость некоторых компьютерных систем достигала 6000 $. 9. Количество клавиш и их расположение на клавиатуре у разных моделей различается. 10. Цветной монитор может отображать тексты и графики в разном цвете. 11. Блок питания обеспечивает электрической энергией все компоненты, находящиеся в системном блоке. 12. Слоты расширения на материнской плате позволяют подключать новые компоненты к компьютерной системе. 7. Make up your own sentences using the following expressions: Power supply; video display board; system unit; expansion slots; hard disk; additional printer port; mother board; input device; monochrome monitor; motherboard; the main circuit board; RGB monitor; to play the tremendous role; to be compatible with the standard; to enter instructions or data. 8. Retell the text LESSON 4 The History of Computer Processing Active vocabulary: 1. society – общество; 2. to consider – считать, рассматривать; 3. subtracting – вычитание; 4. adding – сложение; 5. multiplication – умножение; 6. circuitry- набор схем; 7. generation – поколение;
1. Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents: 1. to transmit data; а) вводить данные через клавиатуру; 2. mathematical computations; b) по сравнению с нынешними стандартами; 3. magnetic drum; c) магнитные ядра; 4. to replace transistorized circuitry; d) преобразовывать данные в информацию; 5. unlimited memory; e) влиять на общество; 6. magnetic washers; f) коммерчески успешный; 7. to conduct electricity; g) параллельная обработка; 8. fivefold speed increase; h) мультипрограммирование; 9. amazing variety; i) на сегодняшний день; 10. magnetic cores; j) основные характеристики; 11 compared to today’s standards; k) математические вычисления; 12. to turn data into information; l) магнитный барабан; 13. to affect the society; m) заменить транзисторную схему; 14. commercially successful; n) неограниченная память; 15. parallel processing; o) магнитные шайбы; 16. multiprogramming; p) проводить электричество; 17. to date; q) пятикратное увеличение скорости; 18. the major characteristics. r) огромное многообразие. 2. Arrange the following words according to opposite meaning:
3. Read the text and answer the questions below: The History of Computer Processing data processing before computers To record and communicate data and information, prehistoric cave dwellers painted pictures on the walls of their caves, and the ancient Egyptians wrote on a crude form of paper called papyrus. Around 3000 b.c., the Sumerians created a device for representing numbers that consisted of a box containing stones. About 2,000 years later, in 1000 B.C., the Chinese took that idea one step further when they strung stones on threads in a wooden frame. The Chinese device was named after their name for box, baccus. The abacus, as we know it, remains in wide use even today and is still considered a powerful tool for performing mathematical computations. Over the centuries, people have developed an amazing variety of data processing tools and techniques. The most notable tools in use between the mid-1600s and the early 1900s are described in Figure 1. the evolution of computers The first large-scale electronic computer, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) became operational in 1946. It contained approximately 18,000 electronic vacuum tubes – tubes the size of light bulbs that controlled the flow of electric current. The ENIAC, which weighed 30 tons and occupied about 1,500 square feet of floor space – a huge machine compared to today's standards – was able to perform a scientific calculation involving the multiplication of four numbers in approximately 9 milliseconds (9/1,000ths of a second). To date, computer technology has evolved through four distinct generations and is currently developing into a fifth generation. The major characteristics of each generation are outlined below: First Generation (1944-1958) These are the earliest general-purpose computers. Most input and output media were punched cards and magnetic tape, and main memory was almost exclusively made up of hundreds of vacuum tubes — although one computer used a magnetic drum for main memory. These computers were slow and large and produced a tremendous amount of heat. They could run only one program at a time. ![]() Second Generation 1959-1963) By the early 1960s, transistors and some other solid-state devices that were much smaller than vacuum tubes were being used for much of the computer circuitry. Magnetic cores, which looked like very small metal washers strung together by wires that carried electricity, became the most widely used type of main memory. Second-generation machines tended to be smaller, more reliable, and significantly faster than first-generation computers. Second Generation Third Generation (1964-1970) During this period, the integrated circuit – a complete electronic circuit on a silicon chip — replaced transistorized circuitry. The use of magnetic disks became widespread, and computers began to support such capabilities as multiprogramming (processing several programs simultaneously) and timesharing (people using the same computer simultaneously). Minicomputers were being widely used by the early 1970s. The production of operating systems — a type of systems software — and applications software packages increased rapidly. The size of computers continued to decrease. Fourth Generation (1971-Now) In 1971, the first electronic computers were introduced that used Large-Scale Integration (LSI) circuits – thousands of integrated circuits on a chip – for main memory and logic circuitry (the circuitry that performs the logical operations of the CPU; different types of chips had different functions). These computers had a much larger capacity to support main memory. This period has also seen increased use of input and output devices that allowed data and instructions to be entered directly through the keyboard. The microprocessor, introduced in 1971, combined all of the circuitry for the central processing unit on a single chip. LSI and the microprocessor enabled the development of the supercomputer. Fifth Generation (Now and in the Future) Definitions of what constitutes fifth-generation computers do not always agree. Some people think that the new microcomputers with faster operating speeds, greater processing capacity, and virtually unlimited memory should be included. Other people believe that fifth-generation computers will have circuitry based on gallium arsenide. Gallium arsenide offers a fivefold speed increase and uses only one tenth of the power that silicon uses. Scientists have also tried to develop new superconductors that can conduct electricity with no resistance, thus generating no heat but great speed. Many fifth-generation computers will also incorporate hundreds or thousands of processors that operate in parallel — that is, simultaneously. Traditional computers act on only one problem at a time; parallel processing means that many processors will work on the problem at the same time. As you will see later on, this concept promises to provide tremendously more efficient processing than the traditional kind, as will the use of optical "circuitry" that transmits data with light rather than electricity. |
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