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Part I Phonetics Найдите в каждой группе слов, то которое содержит звук, данный в начале ряда. 1. [еƏ] 1) more 2) heard 3) care 4) cure 2. [Ə:] 1) short 2) wire 3) yard 4) curve 3. [o:] 1) hurt 2) firm 3) fort 4) calm 4. [aiә] 1) fair 2) hire 3) care 4) kite В каждой группе слов найдите то, в котором подчеркнутые буквы читаются также, как в первом слове. 5. form 1) moon 2) lot 3) hold 4) law 6. tie 1) ray 2) toy 3) knife 4) sit 7. brave 1) rat 2) raise 3) grasp 4) care 8. neat 1) pine 2) bend 3) deed 4) pit Part II Grammar Найдите глагол, соответствующий данному предложению. 9. ... there water in the glass? 1) do 10. ... they busy yesterday? 2) does 11. ... he finish studies at 5 o'clock every day? 3) will 12. ... you taken an examination in marketing this year? 4) are 13. ... she buy the tickets a week ago? 5) is 14. ... your parents in the dining-room now? 6) have 15. ... they finished the work yet? 7) has 16. ... she an English dictionary? 8) did 17. ... he ever travelled by plane? 9) were 18. ... there much show in the street? Найдите слово, соответствующее данному предложению. 19. There are not ... books on the shelf. 1) some 2) any 3) anything 20. Is there ... interesting in this article? 1) something 2) anything 3) any 21. Have you ... books on your speciality? 1) anything 2) some 3) any 22. There is ... in the bag. 1) nobody 2) nothing 3) some Дополните предложения, выбрав необходимые для этого сочетания слов. 23. Why ... to get this book? 1) it was difficult 2) was difficult 3) was it difficult 4) difficult 24. How many exams ... this year? 1) have you taken 2) you took 3) you have taken 4) did you take 25. What ... to do now? 1) it is necessary 2) is it necessary 3) necessary 4) is necessary Найдите форму глагола, соответствующую данному предложению. 26. She ... this book lately. 1) read 2) has read 3) reads 4) is reading 27. Nobody ... about it (now). 1) know 2) knew 3) knows 4) known 28. Who ... part in the conference today? 1) take 2) have taken 3) took 4) has taken 29. I shall give her the book, when she ... 1) comes 2) will come 3) came 4) has come 30. He ... three letters to her since November. 1) wrote 2) has written 3) is writing 4) writes 31. Does Mr. N. ... English newspapers at this book-stall? 1) buys 2) buy 3) buying 4) bought 32. Did she ... there by train? 1) go 2) goes 3) went 4) gone 33. There ... a scheme and a few diagrams here. 1) are 2) were 3) is 4) have been 34. Has he ... to the dean? 1) spoke 2) speaking 3) speak 4) spoken Найдите модальный глагол, соответствующий данному предложению. 35. My sister ... sing and play the piano very well. 1) may 2) is able 3) can 4) has 36. - Do you allow me to take this book? - You ... take this book, if you need it. 1) are able 2) should 3) may 4) must 37. You ... bring me this book as soon as possible. 1) must 2) have 3) are 4) may 38. She was ill last week. She ... to stay at home. 1) had 2) must 3) are 4) is able 39. You ... go in for sports if you want to become healthy. 1) have 2) must 3) are 4) may Выберите английский эквивалент для слова, стоящего в скобках. 40. He has (больше) free time than I have 1) more 2) most 3) fewer 41. This is (самый удобный) chair. 1) more comfortable 2) the most comfortable 3) the least comfortable 42. Winter is (самый холодный) season in the year. 1) cold 2) colder 3) the coldest 43. They have (меньше) time than we have. 1) little 2) less 3) fewer 44. This way is (короче). 1) short 2) shorter 3) shortest 45. She learned the words (лучше) than the other students. 1) well 2) better 3) the best Найдите местоимения, соответствующие подчеркнутым местоимениям в русских предложениях. 46. Пусть он встретит их на остановке. 1) you 47. Верните нам наши деньги. 2) she 48. Он рассказал им о своих приключениях. 3) he 49. Пусть они помогут ему. 4) him 50. Нам не понравился их доклад. 5) his 51. Они забыли здесь свои учебники. 6) we 52. Она ждала их два часа. 7) us 53. Возьмите свои книги. 8) our 54. Пусть она ответит на наши вопросы. 9) they 10) them 11) their 12) your 13) her Составьте вопросительные предложения из данных слов и запишите цифры, которыми обозначены слова, в той последовательности, в которой должны следовать слова в составленных вами предложениях. 55. 1) there 56. 1) has 57. 1) English 2) go 2) what 2) there 3) why 3) bought 3) in 4) necessary 4) he 4) are 5) is 5) books 5) what 6) to 6) this week 6) journals 7) it 7) the library 58. 1) sister 59. 1) do 2) summer 2) many 3) last 3) every day 4) where 4) how 5) travel 5) have 6) did 6) you 7) your 7) lectures Part III Vocabulary Найдите английские слова, соответствующие данным русским словам. 60. соглашаться 1) find 61. появляться 2) spend 62. искать 3) listen 63. посылать 4) see 64. слышать 5) disappear 65. видеть 6) agree 66. торопиться 7) send 8) hurry 9) appear 10) hear 11) look for 67. уже 1) ever 68. внутри 2) though 69. никогда 3) behind 70. достаточно 4) also 71. между 5) always 72. также 6) outside 73. только 7) enough 74. когда-либо 8) already 9) between 10) inside 11) only 12) never Найдите в правой колонке слова или словосочетания, которые могут следовать за данными глаголами. 75. to fall 1) the cooking 76. to do 2) in exams 77. to make 3) a distance 78. to go 4) asleep 79. to cover 5) a report 80. to fail 6) in for sports Найдите предлоги, соответствующие данным предложениям. 81. There are a lot of cars ... the street. 1) - 82. Look ... this picture, It's wonderful. 2) for 83. He worked at the factory ... last year. 3) in 84. When shall we go ... there? 4) on 85. You attend lectures twice ... a week, don't you? 5) of 86. I am waiting ... you. 6) from 87. We shall graduate ... the University in 1998. 7) since 88. They worked hard ... the beginning of the term. 8) to 89. My brother is a student, he is ... the second year now. 9) at 90. You didn't listen ... him attentively. 91. I'll come ... 2 o'clock. 92. We'll take this examination ... the end of the term. 93. We shall go to Kiev ... April. Найдите слова, соответствующие подчеркнутым словам в русских предложениях. 94. У него много работы. 95. В библиотеке мало книг по вашей специальности. 1) much 96. У меня есть много статей по этому вопросу. 2) many 97. Он прожил в этом городе много лет. 3) little 98. У меня мало денег. 4) few 99. Он много читает. 100. В этой работе мало ошибок. TEST XII Test THE ANALYTICAL ENGINE 1. Answer the following questions: 1. Who was Charles Babbage? 2. Why did Babbage wage a vigorous campaign against London organ grinders? 3. Prove that Babbage was a prolific inventor. 4. Why were mathematical tables of the 19th century full of mistakes? 5. What was the Difference Engine? 6. What was new and unexplored source of energy in the 19th century? 7. When was the real machine based on Babbage’s ideas built? 8. Explain the difference between the Difference Engine and the Analytical Engine. 9. Why wasn’t the Analytical Engine completed? 10. Why was Charles Babbage named “the father of the computer” though he never completed it? 2. Find in the text the English equivalents to: выдумка – шарманщик – развязать кампанию против – отмычка – неожиданно обнаруживаться – уравнение – столкнуться с трудностями – точность – 3. Translate into Russian: to blame the noise smb made – to haul individual offenders before magistrates – to remain constant – to lament about the errors in the tables – to execute by steam – to sink thousands of pounds – 4. Give your own synonyms to: power – to design – offender – machine – to lament – to execute – digit – difficult – error – famous – to complete – issue – 5. Give your own antonyms to: modern – true – addition – possible – to receive – correct – to build – different – often – original – 6. Put the proper words into sentences: effort, obsolete, track, arithmetic, device, mathematicians, construct, Engine 1. The famous philosophers Leibniz and Pascal both ... somewhat primitive calculating ... . 2. After a great deal of time and ..., a working model of the Difference ... was ... . 3. Although the punched card is now becoming ... , it was of critical importance in the development of the computer. 4. The abacus is a ... that allows the operator to keep ... of numbers while doing the basic ... operations. 5. A square-shaped wheel wouldn’t be ... because it wouldn’t roll easily. 6. Charles Babbage disliked doing the great amount of ... that ... had to perform in course of solving problems. 7. “Automating” means ... machines to do jobs that people do. TEST XIII The VERB I. Выберите предложения, в которых сказуемое выражено формой: a) Indefinite Tense, b) Continuous Tense, с) Perfect Tense и переведите их на русский язык: 1. People use mathematics in all branches of science. 2. At present this department is conducting tests on new materials. 3. The research team has put forward a theory about the structure of viruses. 4. Scientists require very strong evidence before they accept a theory. 5. He has found the answer to the problem. 6. People will obtain a great deal of useful knowledge from the study of nature. 7. At the moment those specialists are collecting data about programming control. 8. The group has completed a statistical analysis of the data. 9. Our students have revised a number of concepts about the effects of ultra-high speeds on human beings. 10. People applied scientific methods in many everyday activites. 11. During the whole of last year those specialists were studying new materials. II. Выберите предложения, в которых сказуемое выражено формой страдательного залога и переведите их на русский язык: 1. It has been estimated that some millions of meteors enter our atmosphere each day. 2. Radioactive isotopes are also being used successfully for food conservation. 3. You have succeeded in determining how the reaction took place. 4. A recent phenomenon in present-day science and technology has been the increasing trend towards "programmed" research. 5. No harmful influence of the work of the atomic power station on the health of the workers has been observed. 6. People usually use the decimal system for scientific purposes. 7. Last year the department was concentrating research on food storage. 8. This electronic equipment has been designed for speeding up production. 9. Several possible solutions will be chosen by the scientists of our department. 10. People must obtain accurate results from controlled experiments III. Найдите русские эквиваленты формам сказуемого в английских предложениях:
IV. Найдите русские эквиваленты подлежащим в английских предложениях: 1. I told the engineer to test this device. а) мне 2. I was told to test this device. 6) я 3. The engineer was shown this type of computers. а) инженер 4. The engineer shows us this type of computers. б) инженеру 5. The problem was discussed at the meeting. а) проблема 6. The problem was very difficult for solving. б) проблему 7. Scientists are given all the possibilities for their research work. а) ученым 8. Scientists achieved great results in the field of cybernetics. б) ученые V. Определите время и залог сказуемого и переведите предложения на русский язык: 1. Actually, the term "computer" is fast being replaced by the more appropriate term "electronic data processing machine". 2. Recently certain binary machines have been announced which will be capable of utilizing magnetic disc file memories. 3. This kind of computers will be equipped with a disc file of extremely high capacity and access speed. 4. In the past few years several designs have been advanced and some have actually been built. 5. Business variables have been and are being expressed as mathematical functions and are being statistically analyzed. 6. Eight distinguished speakers have been asked to consider the potentialities and limitations of the computer in activities related to management. 7. The problem of designing a non-mechanical printer has already been studied in the central research laboratory. 8. The computer is given position, data and velocity vectors of the satellite for a given time. VI. Прочтите следующие предложения, подчеркните сказуемое, определите время и залог, и сопоставьте вариант перевода с оригиналом.
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