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НОВГОРОДСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ИМЕНИ ЯРОСЛАВА МУДРОГО И.А. ФОМЧЕНКОВА, Н.А. ШАЙДОРОВА PERSONAL TOPICS НА ЛИЧНЫЕ ТЕМЫ УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКОЕ ПОСОБИЕ НА МАТЕРИАЛЕ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА ВЕЛИКИЙ НОВГОРОД 2006 ОТ АВТОРОВ-СОСТАВИТЕЛЕЙ Учебно-методическое пособие Personal Topics - «На личные темы» предназначается для студентов III курса отделений английского языка пединститутов и филологических факультетов университетов. Пособие ставит следующие цели:
Содержание и структуру пособия определили программные требования к практическому курсу английского языка на III курсе и опыт работы со студентами. Пособие состоит из следующих тематических разделов: «Личность», «Чувства и эмоции», «Любовь и брак», «Семья и проблемы семьи», «Воспитание детей», «Проблемы молодёжи», «Образование и студенческая жизнь», «Карьера». При отборе тематического и лексического материала авторы учитывали как современные проблемы жизни общества, максимально отражающие реалии сегодняшнего дня, так и заинтересованность молодежи в вопросах проблем личности, человеческих взаимоотношений, образования. Проанализировав учебники и методические разработки последних лет, авторы предприняли попытку синтезировать систему упражнений и заданий, полезных и интересных для изучающих английский язык на промежуточном этапе обучения, к которому относится период третьего года обучения иностранному языку в ВУЗе. Авторы-составители придали пособию повторяющуюся структуру. Каждый раздел состоит из взаимодействующих между собой блоков, которые состоят прежде всего из подготовительных заданий, активизирующих предыдущие знания и стимулирующих освоение нового лексического уровня. Далее следует разветвленная система речевых упражнений, представленная оригинальными текстами, до- и после текстовыми заданиями, стимулирующими самостоятельные высказывания студентов. Все тексты и упражнения призваны расширить знания студентов и привлечь их личный опыт. По мнению авторов, этот блок максимально стимулирует развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи. Материалы, представленные в пособии, должны послужить студентам опорой в построении творческого устного или письменного высказывания, в связи с этим задания подразумевают неоднозначное толкование. Их назначение – помочь студентам облечь свои мысли в естественную языковую форму и найти убедительную аргументацию. Преподаватели, использующие данное пособие в учебном процессе, могут выбирать и компоновать учебные материалы в зависимости от уровня подготовленности студентов. Авторы-составители PERSONALITY Before you read I. Psychologists and common people think that appearance is somehow connected with people’s personality. There are many English proverbs concerning this problem, comment on some of them or choose your own:
II. Answer the following personal questions:
pet peeve – something which you don’t like to be reminded of, some memory which annoys you (compare with the Russian expression“ любимый мозоль”) procrastinator – a person who delays repeatedly and without good reason in doing some necessary act Reading tasks I. Read the dialogue and write the English for: представляться кому-либо; я не уловила его имя; неуклюжая походка; копна волос; красивая осанка; производить впечатление; он пошел в отца; сурового вида; намного ниже ростом; самая красивая на этом вечере; очень располнела; выглядит старше своих лет; она не употребляет косметики; носит волосы распущенными по плечам; причесываться на прямой пробор After the Party BESS: I say, who's the boy I've been dancing with most of the time? He introduced himself but I didn't catch the name. JULIE: Do you mean the lean stooping fellow with an awkward gait, a piercing look and a mop of sandy hair? BESS: The one I mean is not like that at all. He is tall and slender with a graceful carriage, earnest eyes and smooth blond hair. JULIE: So that's the way he strikes you, is it? Well, that is Will, my first cousin. BESS: Is he? Julie, say honestly, do you really find him as plain as you've made him out? JULIE: I was just joking. Will takes after his father, my uncle Alex, who is still a very handsome man, even though bald and rather stern-looking. BESS: And as to his stooping, it was natural when dancing with a small person like myself, so much shorter than he, wasn't it? JULIE: Well, it's funny, but Will came up to me and asked: "Who's that little bright-eyed girl with dimples in her cheeks?" BESS: He didn't! JULIE: He did. And he said you were the prettiest girl here. BESS: He can't possibly have meant it. Jane was certainly the beauty of the party. JULIE: Jane? Don't make me laugh. Perhaps, she wouldn't look so bad, if she hadn't put on so much weight. As it is, she is positively fat and looks rather old for her age. BESS: No, not fat, she is just plump. And she has wonderfully regular features and a lovely complexion. JULIE: Lovely complexion, indeed! With all that powder and lipstick on, you don't see much of her natural complexion. BESS: I think you are rather unfair. Jane doesn't make up, I am sure. JULIE: Anyhow, I quite agree with Will that you are much more attractive than Jane, especially now, that you wear your hair shoulder length parted in the middle. BESS: Nice of you to say that. JULIE: Would you care to come and see me next Saturday? I'll invite Will and two or three other girls and boys. BESS: I'd love to, I'll be looking forward to it. And now I'm off. Good-bye for the present. JULIE: See you again soon.
Put the question WHAT IS HE LIKE? when you are interested in the person’s appearance and character. Put the question HOW DOES HE/SHE LOOK NOW? when you are interested whether any changes have happened to a person since you saw him/her last time. Put the question WHAT DOES SHE LOOK LIKE? when you have never seen the person before.
IV. Translate into English: 1. Она все еще укладывает волосы вокруг головы, хотя эта прическа уже не модная. 2. Я бы съела еще пирожное, но не буду, боюсь пополнеть. 3. У него очень неуклюжая детская походка. 4. Послушай, как Елена выглядит сейчас? Еще несколько лет назад она была стройной, изящной девушкой. 5. Как он выглядит? Мы никогда не встречались, и я боюсь ошибиться. 6. Что он за человек? Расскажи подробнее, я иногда не могу понять его поступков. 7. Его лицо с тонким горбатым носом и решительным ртом было очень красиво и мужественно. 8. Молодая, болезненная (seedy) дама и толстый, лысый господин вышли из магазина. 9. Мальчик был смуглый, курчавый, со вздернутым носиком, темно-голубыми прекрасными глазами и бойким (lively) выражением лица. 10. Моя подруга выглядит намного старше своих лет, она слишком располнела и очень сильно красится, ей это не идет. V. Think about the following:
VI. Read the text to answer the questions after it: The Ugly Duckling I realized how cruel life can be for an unattractive child when everybody in my class was invited to a tenth birthday barbecue on the beach. Everybody, that is, except me. At first I thought there had been a mistake and that my invitation had been lost. But when I made inquiries to the hostess, she didn’t beat about the bush: “Sorry, Susie. You are too fat to wear a swimsuit on the beach and you can’t see without those horrible glasses anyway.” I went home and cried for hours. My mother was ready with comforting cuddles, yet even she couldn’t bring herself to reassure me I was lovely. I used to spend a long time staring at my brother and twin sisters and feeling extremely hard done by. The chip that was developing on my shoulder became obvious in my aggressive manner. This, of course, only made things worse. Tea invitations stopped. I walked home from school alone and often found drawings that looked like me in the classroom wastepaper bin. I hated everyone because everyone seemed to hate me. When I was 14, my mother decided that I should go to the church youth club. I stood alone watching the dancing, feeling embarrassed, ugly and awkward. Then a miracle happened. A skinny boy called Peter, with glasses and spots, asked me to dance. He also had a brace on his teeth. We didn’t talk much but he asked if I would be there the following week. I have to credit Peter with changing my life. He stopped me feeling hideous. Encouraged, I put myself on a diet, begged my mother for contact lenses and grew my hair. Then another miracle happened, I started looking slimmer. The brace was finally removed and my teeth were even. I was never going to be a beautiful swan, but I was going to try. beat about the bush – waste time before saying smth important cuddles – embraces hard done by – unfairly treated, unlucky chip...on my shoulder – inferiority complex brace - metal frame for straightening teeth credit...with – be grateful...to...for 1. Do you think the girl was right to exclude Susie from her birthday party? Why/ why not? 2. Which aspects of her appearance did Susie worry about most of all? What other aspects do people worry about? 3. How important is appearance for you when you choose a friend? VII. Read the text The Beard by G. Clark: I was going by train to London. I didn’t have the trouble to take to anything to eat with me and soon I was very hungry. I decided to go to the dining-car to have a meal. As I was about to seat myself, I saw that the gentleman I was to face wore a large beard. He was a young man. His beard was full, loose and very black. I glanced at him uneasily and noted that he was a big pleasant fellow with dark laughing eyes. Indeed I could feel his eyes on me as I fumbled with the knives and forks. It was hard to pull himself together. It is not easy to face a beard. But when I could escape no longer, I raised my eyes and found the young man’s on my face. “Good evening,” I said cheerfully. “Good evening,” he replied pleasantly, inserting a big buttered roll within the bush of his beard. Not even a crumb fell off. He ordered soup. It was a difficult soup for even the most barefaced of men to eat, but not a drop did he waste on his whiskers. He kept his eyes on me in between bites. But I knew he knew that I was watching his every bite with acute fascination. “I’m impressed,” I said, “with your beard.” “I suspected as much,” smiled the young man. “Is it a wartime device?” I inquired. “No,” said he; “I’m too young to have been in the war. I grew this beard two years ago.” “It’s magnificent,” I informed him. “Thank you,” he replied. “As a matter of fact this beard is an experiment in psychology. I suffered horribly from shyness. I was so shy it amounted to a phobia. At university I took up psychology and began reading books on psychology. And one day I came across a chapter on human defence mechanisms, explaining how so many of us resort to all kinds of tricks to escape from the world, or from conditions in the world which we find hateful. Well, I just turned a thing around. I decided to make other people shy of me. So I grew this beard. The effect was astonishing. I found people, even tough, hard-boiled people, were shy of looking in the face. They were panicked by my whiskers. It made them uneasy. And my shyness vanished completely.” He pulled his fine black whiskers affectionately and said; “Psychology is a great thing. Unfortunately people don’t know about it. Psychology should help people discover such most helpful tricks. Life is too short to be wasted in desperately striving to be normal.” |
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Н. С. Кузнецова, Н. А. Шайдорова практикум по стилистике английского... Иностранный язык с дополнительной специальностью с учетом рекомендаций, данных в разделе «Стилистика английского языка» Программы... |
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