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Тема: Налоги. Цели: ознакомление с новым лексическим материалом, развитие умения читать и переводить технические тексты по специальности углубление и расширение теоретических знаний. Содержание занятия: 1. Прочитайте и запомните лексику к тексту №1: Tax налог Tax department налоговый отдел Taxation налогообложение Was to visit Он должен был посетить… Solicitor адвокат (дающий советы и готовящий документы для суда) Legal юридический Assistant помощник Legal assistant помощник по юридическим вопросам Scope объём Scope of business объём бизнеса Commercial торговый Commercial taxes налог на торговые предприятия Project finance проектное финансирование Matter вопрос, дело Taxation matters вопросы налогообложения Guide справочник Tax guide справочник по налогам Rate ставка Tax rate ставка налога To save сэкономить Hint намек, идея Tax saving hints рекомендация для легального уменьшения уплаты налогов Corporation корпорация Note примечание To apply применять Applicable применяемый To include включать Including включая To charge взимать, брать, взыскивать Charge взимание Chargeable взимаемый Gains выручка Less менее, за вычетом Threshold порог Associated ассоциированный Accounts year отчетный год 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст №1: Taxes. On certain day after the lecture on the UK taxation system the Group was to visit the Tax Department of a lawyers firm in the center of London. Mr. Hill and the participants went there by tube which is the fastest means of transport when one wishes to move in the center of the city. After they got into the building of the firm they went to the secretary’s office. Mr. Hill: Good afternoon Secretary: Good afternoon, sir Mr. Hill: My name is Hill and here is the Group of Russian businessmen. We have Got an appointment with Mr. Brown for three. Secretary: Mr. Brown is waiting for you in the conference room. Follow me, Please. In the conference room a few Englishmen were waiting for the Group. Mr. Brown , Head of the Department, welcomed the Group and introduced his colleagues. They were solicitors and legal assistants of different offices. Each of them spoke about his scope of business for some time. Thus the participants had some information on commercial taxes, international taxes, Project Finance taxes and other taxation matters. A lot of questions were asked and answered then the discussions were very useful and informative. Before the participants left they were offered latest Tax Guides containing current tax rates and tax saving hints. 3. Прочитайте и запомните лексику к тексту №2: Contribution- отчисление Taxes on income- налог на прибыль Commodities - товары Revenue- доход Defense- защита Inequality of income- несправедливость дохода Purchasing power- покупательная способность To treat- обращаться To impose- облагать налогом To levy- взимать налог Self-assessment- самообложение Gain- доход Tier- ряд, ярус Withholding tax- утаенный доход To administer- управлять To submit- подчинять To asses- расценивать To lodge- подавать жалобу To bolster- поддерживать Enforcement- принуждение, приведение в жизнь In the wake- по следам Significant- значительный Non-compliance- несогласие Illegal evasion- неюридическое уклонение, обход закона То arrange- организовывать То minimize- минимизировать, уменьшать 4. Прочитайте и переведите текст №2: TAXATION Taxes are a compulsory financial contribution by a person or body of person towards the expenditure of a public authority. Taxes on income (i.e. on wages, salaries, profits, dividends, rent and interest) and on capital are known as "direct taxes. Taxes on commodities or services are known as "indirect" taxes. The purposes of direct and indirect taxation are broad:
(b) to give effect to economic policy, the objects of which may include: (c) increasing the economic welfare of the community as a whole 1 reducing the inequality of incomes; (d) reducing or increasing purchasing power through increasing reducing purchase taxes; (e) checking the imports of a commodity from abroad in order to help correct an adverse balance of payments; (f) influencing the rate of economic growth of the nation. Businesses and individuals are subject to many forms of taxes. The tax situation is simplest for proprietorships and most partnerships. Corporations are treated differently. The rules for companies and for individuals are different. In United States of America the profits of a corporation are subject to federal, and sometimes state corporate income taxes. This often imposes a double tax burden. The income of the corporation is (axed at rates of up to 46 percent. When the after-tax income is paid out to stock holders as dividends, it is then taxed again personal income. In the United Kingdom all taxation is levied by the central government, but local authorities raise revenue by charging «rate» on the value of property in their areas. There is no single code of tax law in the UK, the body of tax legislation be begin each increased by each year’s Finance Act. The United Kingdom does not yet operate a system of self-assessment for me and capital gains. Under Russian law all Russian legal entities, whether they have foreign investment or not, are subject to the profit tax law. Foreign entities that have permanent establishment in Russia are also taxed under this law. Russian taxes provide revenue for three tiers of the budget: federal, regional and local. The major taxes paid to the budget are: Profit tax; Value added tax (VAT); Housing (social) tax; Road use tax; Customs duties; Securities tax; Payroll taxes; Excess wage tax; Withholding tax. The State lax Service of the RF is responsible for collecting taxes and is subordinate to the Ministry of Finance, which administers the tax system. Taxes are collected by local tax authorities, or for foreign taxpayers located in Moscow by the Moscow City Tax Inspectorate. Tax returns for Russian legal entities are audited by the tax authorities at the time they are submitted. If the company or a person assessed believes the tax is incorrect in any way, an appeal may be lodged against it. The appropriate financial organ is required by law to reply to such an appeal within five days. In addition to regular audits, a "tax police" has been formed to bolster the Tax Inspectorate's enforcement of the law and collection of tax. The formation of this body was considered necessary in the wake of significant taxpayer non-compliance. Along with cases of illegal evasion of tax obligations there are entirely legal ways of avoidance by which a person may so arrange his affairs as to minimise, or even eliminate, tax liability on his property and income. 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:
4. Выполните упражнения 4.1 Choose the true statement according to the text:
16. Методические указания для практического занятия № 24 Тема: Банки. Цели: ознакомление с новым лексическим материалом, развитие умения читать и переводить технические тексты по специальности углубление и расширение теоретических знаний. Содержание занятия: 1. Прочитайте и запомните лексику: 1 banking – банковское дело; 2 value – ценность; 3 to measure – измерять; 4 goods and services – товары и услуги; 5 coin – монета; 6 transaction – операции, дело, сделка; 7 a means of exchange – средство обмена; a medium of exchange 8 store of gold – запас золота; 9 national currency – национальная валюта; 10 note – банкнота; 11 authorized bank – уполномоченный банк; 12 legal tender – законное платежное средство; 13 purchasing power – покупательная способность; 14 supply and demand – предложение и спрос; 15 increase, decrease – увеличение, уменьшение; 16 to come into circulation – войти в обращение; 17 amount of money – количество денег; 18 economics – экономика; 19 to allocate funds – отчислять, выделять фонды; 20 safe-keeping – ответственное хранение ценности; 21 private possessions – частная собственность; 22 customer – клиент, покупатель, заказчик; 23 current account, deposit account – текущий счет, депозитный счет; 24 to issue a personal cheque – выписать личный чек; 25 interest – процент, доход с капитала; 26 to lend money – давать деньги в займы; 27 profits – прибыль, доход; 28 intermediary – посредник; 29 savings – сбережения; 30 rate – ставка, коэффициент; 31 borrower – заемщик; 32 reservoir of loanable money – накопитель денег, даваемых или получаемых в займы; 33 liquid – ликвидный, легко реализуемый; 34 trust – доверие, доверительный фонд, кредит; 35 in relation to – по отношению к 36 rapid fluctuation – быстрое колебание, неустойчивость. 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст: Banks are closely concerned with the flow of money into and out of economy. They often co-operate with governments in efforts to stabilize economies and to prevent inflation. They are specialists in the business of providing capital, and in allocating funds on credit. Banks originated as places to which people took their valuables for safe-keeping, but today the great banks of the world have many functions in addition to acting as guardians of valuable private possessions. Banks normally receive money from their customers in two distinct forms: on current account, and on deposit account. With a current account, a customer can issue personal cheques. No interest is paid by the bank on this type of account. With the deposit account, however, the customer undertakes to leave his money in the bank for a minimum specified period of time. Interest is paid on this money. The bank in turn lends the deposited money to customers who need capital. This activity eims interest for the bank, and this interest is almost always at a higher rate than any interest which the bank pays to its depositors. In this way the bank makes its main profits. We can say that the primary function of a bank today is to act as an intermediary between depositors who wish to make interest on their savings, and borrowers who wish to obtain capital. The bank is a reservoir of loanable money, with streams of money flowing in and out. For this reason, economists and financiers often talk of money being "liquid", or of the "liquidity" of money. Many small sums which might not otherwise be used as capital are rendered useful simply because the bank acts as a reservoir. The system of banking rests upon a basis of trust. Innumerable acts of trust build up the system of which bankers, depositors and borrowers are part. They all agree to behave ih certain predictable ways in relation to each other, and in relation to the rapid fluctuations of credit and debit. Consequently, business can be done and cheques can' be written without any legal tender visibly changing Viands. 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: 1 In what way do banks co-operate with governments? 2 What was the original function of a bank? 3 In what two ways do banks receive money from their customers? 4 What does the customer agree to do when he opens a deposit account? 5 How does the bank make its main profit? 6 Between whom does the bank act as an intermediary? 7 Why do financiers often talk of the "liquidity" of money? 8 What does the bank render useful? 9 Whose trust for each other maintains the banking system? 10 What does this trust permit? . The Bank of England. As the government's bank, the Bank of England carries out many functions. It runs the accounts of government departments and handles the government’s vast number of financial payments, receipts and transfers. It also raises money for the government by the sale of government securities and treasury bills. Government securities, or gilts, are long-term fixed interest loans, repayable by the government at a fixed date up to twenty years in the future. Treasury bills are short- term loans sold at a discount and repaid at their face value after ninety-one days. Another responsibility of the bank is the issue of bank notes. It is the only bank in England and Wales which is allowed to issue bank notes, although in Scotland and Northern Ireland the commercial banks issue their own notes. Finally, the Bank of England manages the gold and currency reserves and by buying and these can influence the sterling exchange rate. Список используемой и рекомендуемой литературы
Рецензия На методические указания для практических занятий по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (английский) для студентов специальности 230115 «Бухгалтерский учет и аудит», составленные Медведевой А. А. Данное методическое указание составлено в соответствии с рабочей программой и учебными планами по английскому языку. Целью данного методического указания является – предоставить необходимый материал для проведения практических занятий по английскому языку Данное методическое указание направлено на повышение уровня практических знаний, умений и навыков по английскому языку. Материал, содержащийся в методическом указании, соответствует уровню обучения студентов. Рецензент: Савилова Л. Н. - преподаватель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории ГАОУ СПО БНК |
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