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Тексты на контроль понимания New York New York has always been the gateway to the USA. New York is a financial center of the country where “money making” is the main law of life. New York is the symbol of capitalism and its Wall Street has become a nickname for big monopolies all over the world. One of the largest cities in the world New York extends for 36 miles from north to south and is situated at the month of the Hudson River. In the 18th century New York grew into the largest city of the USA. Now New York is a great sea port, the leading textile and the financial center of the country. Manhattan Island with the Wall Street district is the heart of America’s business and culture and the city of sky-scrapers. The highest of them is the 102- storey Empire State Building. In Manhattan at Broadway and 116 Street is Campus of Columbia University, and near it are houses of Harlem. There is not one Harlem but three: Spanish, Italian and the Black Harlem. The Black Harlem is the most overcrowded and its shabby houses contrast with rich houses on Sugar Hill to the North, where most prosperous people live. It is a big modern city, with a heavy traffic. Subway provides the cheapest and fastest way to travel. 1. Утверждение “Broadway has become a nickname for big monopolies all over the world.” согласно тексту является a) истинным b) ложным c) в тексте нет информации 2. Утверждение “The main law of life in New York is making money.” согласно тексту является a) истинным b) ложным c) в тексте нет информации 3. In New York the Metro is called: a) Underground b) Tube c) Subway 4. Утверждение “In Manhattan at Wall Street and 116 Street is Campus of Columbia University.” согласно тексту является a) истинным b) ложным c) в тексте нет информации 5. Утверждение “There are three Harlems in New York.” согласно тексту является a) истинным b) ложным c) в тексте нет информации 6. Утверждение “The Spanish Harlem is the most overcrowded.” согласно тексту является a) истинным b) ложным c) в тексте нет информации 7. Утверждение “The US Congress seats in the Capitol.” согласно тексту является a) истинным b) ложным c) в тексте нет информации 8. Утверждение “The Library of Congress is located in the Capitol.” согласно тексту является a) истинным b) ложным c) в тексте нет информации 9. Утверждение “ Home of the US President is the Capitol.” согласно тексту является a) истинным b) ложным c) в тексте нет информации 10. Утверждение “ In Washington no building should be higher then the White House.” согласно тексту является a) истинным b) ложным c) в тексте нет информации 5. The United Kingdom. Geographical Position and Political System. The official name of Great Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The capital of the country is London. The United Kingdom is situated northwest of France on more than five hundred islands including one-sixth of the island of Ireland. The largest of these islands is called Great Britain. We should note that the name Great Britain does not refer to the whole country but only to England, Scotland, and Wales. Great Britain is the largest island in Europe and eighth largest in the world. It is almost twice the size of Iceland or Cuba. The UK has land boundaries only with one country, Ireland. Its closest continental neighbors are France and Belgium. Although the UK is as close to the North Pole as eastern part of Siberia, its climate is much milder. The British climate is notorious for sudden changes, yet temperatures rarely fall below -10C or go higher than +32C. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy traditionally ruled by a monarch. The current monarch, her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, succeeded to the throne in 1952 and is Head of State, though this is a rather symbolic role. British Parliament is the oldest in the world and is composed of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Lords consists of approximately 500 life peers (that is those who may sit in the Parliament all their lives), 92 hereditary peers (that is those whose children will have the right to sit in the Parliament) and 26 clergy representing church. Apart from its parliamentary functions, the House of Lords is the highest court in the state. The House of Commons, unlike the House of Lords, is formed by regular elections in which citizens elect 659 members of parliament (or MPs) representing different political parties. The largest parties are the Labour Party and the Conservative Party. 1. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста a) The whole island Ireland belongs to the UK b) more than a half of the island Ireland belongs to the UK c) less than a half of the island Ireland belongs to the UK 2. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста a) There are no islands in Europe larger than Great Britain b) There are two islands in Europe larger than Great Britain c) There is only one island in Europe larger than Great Britain 3. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста a) The UK borders on many countries on land b) The UK borders on two countries on land c) The UK borders on one country on land 4. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста a) The UK is closer to the North Pole than the eastern part of Siberia. b) The UK is further from the North Pole than the eastern part of Siberia. c) The UK and the eastern part of Siberia are equally distant from the North Pole. 5. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, has been Head of State for … a) more than 50 years. b) less than 50 years. c) 50 years. 6. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста A person can be the member of the parliament all his life if he is the member of a) The House of Commons b) The House of Lords c) Clergy representing church 6. ST. DMITRY ROSTOVSKY: A LEGEND AND A REAL PERSON Rostov-on-Don bears the name of an outstanding person – the metropolitan Dmitry Rostovsky. The monument to Dmitry Rostovsky stands in front of the cathedral in the market square. But it happened so that Dmitry Rostovsky had never been to our city. He had died fifty years before his name was given to a new fortress on the river Don and the status of a saint had been imposed upon him only four years before this event. The biography of Dmitry Rostovsky is a bright example of great innovations introduced by Peter I. He was born in the family of a Cossack Savva Tuptalo in December 1651 and his initial name was Daniil. As a boy he was smart, curious and passionately wanted to study. He got education in Kiev, then he became a monk and took a name Dmitry. He knew several foreign languages, traveled much and possessed a rare talent to communicate with people. He became metropolitan of Rostov the Great and Yaroslavl. Being metropolitan, he stayed an unpretentious person who took care of education, health protection and hated bribery and ambitions. When he died in 1709 he left no gold or money but several unfinished papers which were put into the coffin according to his will. There are following words in one of his books: “there are three main Christian virtues: faith, hope and love. It is impossible to find salvation without them. Which of them is the most important? – LOVE. Love to God, to one`s neighbour, etc. this virtue is immortal and eternal. It will stay for ever”. 1. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста: a) Dmitry Rostovsky lived and worked in Rostov –on-Don. b) Dmitry Rostovsky didn`t live in Rostov –on-Don. c) Dmitry Rostovsky visited Rostov –on-Don many times. 2. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста: a) The status of a saint had been imposed upon Dmitry Rostovsky four years before his death. b) The status of a saint had been imposed upon Dmitry Rostovsky four years before the fortress got his name. c) The status of a saint had been imposed upon Dmitry Rostovsky four years before the monument was built. 3. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста: a) Parents called their son Dmitry. b) Parents called their son Dimitry. c) Parents called their son Daniil. 4. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста: a) Dmitry Rostovsky was born 350 years ago. b) Dmitry Rostovsky was born more than 350 years ago. c) Dmitry Rostovsky was born less than 350 years ago. 5. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста: a) Dmitry Rostovsky was a modest person. b) Dmitry Rostovsky was an ambitious person. c) Dmitry Rostovsky was an irresponsible person. 6. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста: a) According to the will of Dmitry Rostovsky some gold was put into his coffin. b) According to the will of Dmitry Rostovsky some money was put into his coffin. c) According to the will of Dmitry Rostovsky some papers were put into his coffin. 7. Найдите верный вариант в соответствии с содержанием текста: a) It is impossible to be rescued without faith, hope and love. b) It is impossible to be educated without faith, hope and love. c) It is impossible to be famous without faith, hope and love. 7. The Tower of London 1. The Tower on the north bank of the Thames is one of the most ancient buildings of London. It was founded in the 11th century by William the Conqueror. But each monarch left some kind of personal mark on it. For many centuries the Tower has been a fortress, a palace, a prison and royal treasury. It is now a museum of arms and armour, one of the strongest fortresses and, as in Britain, it has the Crown Jewels. 2. The grey stones of the Tower could tell terrible stories of violence and injustice. Many sad and cruel events took place within the walls of the Tower. It was here that Thomas More, the great humanist, was falsely accused and executed. When Queen Elizabeth was a princess, she was sent to the Tower by Mary Tudor (‘Bloody Mary’) and kept prisoner for some time. The ravens whose forefathers used to find food in the Tower still live here as part of its history. There is a legend that if the ravens disappear the Tower will fall. That is why the birds are carefully guarded. 3. The White Tower was built by William the Conqueror to protect and control the City of London. It is the oldest and the most important building, surrounded by other towers, which all have different names. The Tower is guarded by the Yeomen Warders, popularly called ‘Beefeaters’. There are two letters, E.R., on the front of their tunics. They stand for the Queen's name Elizabeth Regina. The uniform is as it used to be in Tudor times. Their everyday uniform is black and red, but on state occasions they wear a ceremonial dress: fine red state uniforms with the golden and black stripes and the wide lace collar, which were in fashion in the 16th century. 4. Every night at 10 p.m. at the Tower of London the Ceremony of the Keys or locking up of the Tower for the nigh takes place. It goes back to the Middle Ages. Five minutes before the hour the Headwarder comes out with a bunch of keys and an old lantern. He goes to the guardhouse and cries: ‘Escort for the keys’. Then he closes the three gates and goes to the sentry, who calls: ‘Halt, who comes there?’ Headwarder replies: ‘The Keys’. ‘Whose Keys?’ demands the sentry. ‘Queen Elizabeth's Keys’, comes the answer. ‘Advance Queen Elizabeth's Keys. All's well’. The keys are finally carried to the Queen's House where they are safe for the night. After the ceremony everyone who approaches the gate must give the password or turn away. 1. Утверждение “It is now a museum of arms and armour one of the strongest fortresses.” согласно тексту является d) истинным e) ложным f) в тексте нет информации 2. Утверждение:“The birds are not carefully guarded.” согласно тексту является: a) истинным b) ложным c) в тексте нет информации 3. Утверждение “Beefeaters usually wear black and red uniforms, but on state occasions they wear fine red state uniforms with the golden and black stripes and the wide lace collar”согласно тексту является: a) истинным b) ложным c) в тексте нет информации 4. Утверждение “Every night at 10 a.m. at the Tower of London the Ceremony of the Keys or locking up of the Tower for the nigh takes place.” согласно тексту является: a) истинным b) ложным c) в тексте нет информации 5. Aбзац текста ( 1, 2, 3, 4) содержит следующую информацию: “For many centuries the Tower has been a fortress, a palace, a prison and royal treasury.” a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 6. Aбзац текста ( 1, 2, 3, 4) содержит следующую информацию: “There is a legend that if the ravens disappear the Tower will fall.” a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 7. Ответ на вопрос: “Why are the ravens carefully guarded?” согласно тексту является: b) The birds are carefully guarded because their forefathers used to find food in the Tower. c) The birds are carefully guarded because they are a part of history. d) The birds are carefully guarded because there is a legend that if the ravens disappear the Tower will fall. e) The birds are carefully guarded because everybody likes them. 8. Основную идею текста выражает утверждение: a) The Tower on the north bank of the Thames is one of the most ancient buildings of London. b) The Tower of London is a fortress and royal treasury. c) The Tower of London is one of the most impotent parts of English history. d) The Tower of London is the oldest and the most important building, surrounded by other towers. 8. Texas is the southern state of the US and Colorado in the central northwest. 1. Texas is the largest and most southern state on the Mexican border with a coastline on the Gulf of Mexico. The chief rivers are the Rio Grande and the Colorado. Much of the central part of the State is flat prairie land. 2. Cattle raising and poultry are major activities. Texas is also an important agricultural state. Agricultural products include cotton, corn, vegetables, grains and cereals. Minerals include petroleum and cement. The State’s leading manufactures are chemicals, oil and gas, wood products and leather. 3. Austin is the capital of Texas, but Houston, Dallas and San Antonio are much larger. The Capitol at Austin, built in 1888 of red granite, covers three acres and is 311 feet to the top of its dome: it is the largest of the States’ Capitols. There are more than 600 airports in Texas, including about 60 major US Air Force bases. Texas has more than 130 higher educational institutions, the most famous being the University of Texas at Austin. 4. Texas has become independent in 1836, and entered the Union in 1846. Texas is the only State that was an independent republic recognized by the United States before annexation. 5. Colorado is the State in the Rocky Mountains. Being the highest State in the country, it contains some of the highest peaks as well. All in all, there are 52 peaks over 14,000 feet in elevation. Numerous rivers rise in the mountains, the chief being the Colorado and the Arkansas. 6. Coal, gold, silver, copper, lead and petroleum are mined. Agriculture is becoming important, sugar-beet, wheat, maize and oats are chief crops. There are several National Parks. Denver is the capital and largest city; others are Pueblo and Colorado Springs. Colorado became a State in 1876. 1. Утверждение “In Texas we can see more than 600 airports.” согласно тексту является: a) истинным b) ложным c) в тексте нет информации 2. Утверждение “Houston is much less than Austin.” согласно тексту является: a) истинным b) ложным c) в тексте нет информации 3. Утверждение “Colorado is situated at a coastline on the Gulf of Mexico.” согласно тексту является: a) истинным b) ложным c) в тексте нет информации 4. Утверждение “Colorado has several National Parks.” согласно тексту является: a) истинным b) ложным c) в тексте нет информации 5. Ответ на вопрос: “What is Colorado rich in?” является: a) silver and gold b) chemicals c) leather d) cereals 6. Абзац текста (1, 2, 3, 4) содержит следующую информацию: “Texas is an important state in agriculture.” b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 e) 4 7. Основная идея текста выражена в утверждении: a) The USA has 50 states. b) The specific system of education in these states. c) The important factors of some states. d) The political system of the USA. Вставьте слова в текст Эталон ответа: 1-a; 2-b; Rostov-on-Don a) custom-house; b) bank; c) center; d) border; e) town; f) fortress; g) population; h) continent; i) bridge Rostov-on-Don is a large industrial and cultural (1) in the south of Russia, with the (2) more than 1 million people. Rostov-on Don is situated on the right (3) of the river Don, on the (4) line between Europe and Asia. So you can move from one (5) to the other simply crossing the (6) over the Don. The city was founded on the 15-th of December 1749 when a (7) on the Temernik river was set up. But only years later, after the death of Tsar Peter I, under the rule of Katherine II a (8) was built here. It`s main purpose was to support the customs effectively operating in this trade and transport active region, to defend the Southern borders of Russia against the numerous enemies. The fortress was named after Dmitry Rostovsky, the Archibishop of Rostov the Great. The (9) grew later on, round the walls of the fortress and it was called “Rostov, which lies on the river Don”. Being the largest fortress in the South of Russia the town has always played a significant role in its policy and economy. 7. Choose the right answer: 1. How do you do? a) Nothing to boast of. b) How do you do c) I`m fine, thanks. And you? 2. My ____ sister is 25. a) older b) elderly c) elder d) old 3. He ____he is a student. a) tells b) says c) talks 4. I absolutely ________ with what you say. a) accept b) agree c) believe d) like 5. She is clever____ to do this work herself. a) also b) too c) either d) enough 6. My watch had stopped so I didn`t know the right ____________. a) hour b) time c) moment d) clock 7. Does Mike sometimes ____________ to your place? a) come b) go c) arrive d) visit 8. We spent the evening _________ to records. a) hearing b) watching c) listening d) playing 9. Children in large families learn how to get _________with other people. a) along b) away c) across d) through 10. Please would you_____ me where the railway station is? a) say b) explain c) point d) tell 11. The children threw snowballs at _________on their way to school. a) themselves b) another c) each other d) their own 12. It happened ________we were asleep last Friday night. a) during b) for c) while d) since 13. A person who lives nearby is your ____________. a) enemy b) neighbor c) narrator d) friend 14. Clara _________her children herself. She doesn`t need a babysitter. a) looks for b) looks through c) looks after d) looks at 15. After twenty years of service he _________. a) responded b) retired c) returned d) revived 16. I was __________ in Rostov-on-Don. a) burnt b) born c) borne d) buried 17. He is_______. His wife’s name is Sara. a) marry b) married c) merry d) merrily 18. The conductor takes your ____. a) fair b) fare c) favour d) fear 19. He works five days a week. Saturday and Sunday are his days___. a) on b) of c) out d) off 20. Where did you get your __________education. a) high b) highest c) higher d) hi 21. They were lucky ____________the lectures of the outstanding scientists. a) to come b) to attend c) to go d) to listen 22. How many mistakes have you ____________ in the test? a) done b) made c) built d) inserted 23. At the end of each term we have to ___________the examinations successfully. a) pass b) fail c) take d) give 24. He takes_________ scientific work of the university. a) place at b) part in c) part of d) part with 25. He ________ from our university five years ago. a) finished b) left c) graduated d) entered 26. Do the students go to the university ___________? a) free of change b) free of charge c) free of duty d) free of debt 27. In order to become a freshman of the University you must pass the________exams. a) final b) extra c) entrance d) exit 28. A second year student is _________. a) a freshman b) a graduate b) an undergraduate a) a postgraduate 29. Your mark is excellent. Where is your __________. a) text book b) record book c) exercise book d) registration book 30. Carl _________his car keys. He can’t find them anywhere. e) Is looking for f) Is looking through g) Is looking after h) Is looking at |
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