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VIII. Explain the expressions in your own words. Do you agree or disagree. Why? a. To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament is affectation; to make judgment wholly by their rules, is the humor of scholar. b. Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them. c. Histories make man wise; poets witty; math subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contented. d. And therefore, if a man write little, he had need have a great memory; if he confer a little, he had need have a present wet; and if he read a little he had need much cunning, to seem to know that he does not. IX. Discuss the text in pairs. One of the speakers is to support the author’s views; the other shall try to argue the disputable points of the text. X. Summarize the text and express your attitude to the educational values of that epoch. Solve the main problems that were raised in the text. Read the text and do exercises on it. A Good Educational System The importance of teaching both science and religion has been already mentioned. We must now add that a good educational system will not only teach its students whatever may be profitable so that in future they may carry on a work useful for themselves and society, it will also train them to use their rational faculty freely and make good spiritual and moral choices in their daily lives. Psychological research has proved that children learn many things through imitation. Therefore a teacher whose behavior or character are reprehensible may have a bad influence on his pupils, although he or she may teach them very useful intellectual notions. Therefore the quality of an educational system does not depend only on good legislation, but also on the quality of the teachers. They should be both intellectually and spiritually qualified people. Materialistically oriented societies, in the name of freedom, are inclined to disregard the spiritual aspects of the cultural development of their teachers. However, since the right of the children to be protected from the bad influence of reprehensible teachers is also to be taken into consideration, this issue deserves to be examined and solved. Language activity I. What’s the purpose of a good educational system? Does it reflect or coincide with some ideas of the purpose of education? II. Is it possible for an educational system to address moral issues without paying attention to the more profound question of spirituality? III. Put your heads together to reflect on the following issues: 1). Are we created noble or evil? 2). What are the “inner treasures of man”? 3). What can be called “things of the spirit”? 4). What “graces and praiseworthy qualities” do you know? 5). What is “sound knowledge”? 6). What “branches of learning” are worth studying? 7). When can a human being be called a “spiritual being”? 8). What kind of education can help to reveal the inner treasures of man? 9). How can mankind benefit from the inner treasures of each human being? IV. What are the rules of good conduct? V. Studying the Golden Rule what else can you add to behave according to moral principles? Hinduism: “This is the sum of all true righteousness: deal with others as thou would thyself be dealt by.” Mahabharata. Judaism: “What is hateful to you, do not to your fellow men. That is the entire Law, all the rest is commentary.” The Talmud, Shabbat, 31a. Buddhism: “Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.” Udana-Varqa, 5:18. Zoroastrianism: “That nature only is good when it shall not do unto another whatever is not good for its own self.” Dadistan-i Dinik, 94:5. Christianity: “As ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.” Luke 6:31. Islam: “No one of you is a beliver until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.” Sunnah. Confucianism: “Surely it is the maxim of loving kindness: Do not unto others that you would not have them do unto you.” Analects, XV, 23. Baha’i Faith: “He should not wish for others that which he doth not wish for himself...” Gleanings. VI. What does the phrase “...make good spiritual and moral choices...” mean? VII. Mention some qualities of the human soul from your point of view. VIII. Make a list of positive and negative human qualities from the following words: arrogance, aggression, love, kindness, politeness, respect, care, revenge, envy, openness, trust, unity, greed, honesty, faithfulness, humiliation, thoroughness. How do you understand them? IX. Make up a dialogue using the following proverbs: a) Live and learn. b) One’s man fault is another man’s lesson. c) Curiosity killed the cat. d) Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. e) He who makes no mistakes, makes nothing. f) There is no rule without an exception. g) Don’t teach fishes to swim. h) Repetition is the mother of learning. i) A little learning is dangerous. j) Two heads are better than one. k) Learning is the eye of the mind. l) It’s never too late to learn. m) Knowledge is power. n) There is no royal road to learning. o) Learn to walk before you run. p) Never do things by halves. q) Experience is the teacher of fools. r) Well begun is half done? s) Where there is a will there is a way. t) Zeal without knowledge is a runaway rose. u) To know everything is to know nothing. v) A tree is known by its fruit. X. Do you agree or disagree that the quality of an educational system doesn’t depend only on good legislation, but also on the quality of the teachers? Тексты профессиональной направленности (образцы) Read the text and do exercises on it. IDEAL TEACHER: WHAT IS HE LIKE? Few of those engaged in training teachers would conceive of a teacher who would be ideal for all and any teaching circumstances. The art and craft of teaching is so diverse that no such paragon would be likely to exist. What is possible, however, is to conceive of an ideal which is redefined in terms of the particular kinds of teaching situations the teacher actually proposes to engage in. Such an "ideal" teacher would possess personal qualities, technical abilities and professional understanding of the following kinds: 1) Personal qualities. These include both inherent qualities and other qualities acquired through experience, education, or training. Equally, it is obvious that the teacher must be intelligent, have a non-discouraging personality, and display emotional maturity. Among the acquired qualities are to be included a wide experience of life, an adequate level of personal education and sufficient command of the subject he is teaching. 2) Technical abilities. These are of three kinds: first ability to discern and assess the progress and difficulties of his pupils, an unhesitating control of the teaching in his class so as to maximize the role of learning; secondly a fluent and responsive grasp of classroom skills and techniques; and thirdly a "creative familiarity" with the syllabus and materials being used in his classes. 3) Professional understanding. This refers to a sense of perspective that sees the teacher's own particular task in relation to all types of teaching situations, to an awareness of trends and developments in methods of teaching, and to an acceptance that it is in his professional duty to go on improving his professional effectiveness throughout his career. Language activity I. What’s the role of the teacher in an educational process? II. What qualities must an “ideal” teacher possess according to the text? III. Say whether you agree with the author’s understanding of the importance of a teacher’s work. Add some other important qualities a good teacher should possess. IV. Read the following quotations and comment on them: 1) Any man can be a good teacher.
V. Comment on the following quotations. (See whether you agree or not and why.) 1) “It is only the ignorant who despise education.” (Syrus)
VI. Make up a dialogue or discussion in groups about a good teacher using such phrases: a. keeps in contact with the parents of his/her pupils and let them participate in the life of the school; b. is able to maintain discipline and order; c. let the pupils share his/her own life with all its ups and downs; d. works hard to remain up-to-date in his/her subject; e. openly admits when he/she has made a mistake or does not know something; f. is interested in his or her pupils, asks them about their homes and tries to help where possible; g. makes the students work hard and sets high standards; h. is friendly and helpful to his/her colleagues; i. uses a lot of different materials, equipment and teaching methods and attempts to make his/her lessons interesting; j. helps the pupils become independent and organize their own learning; Ask your partner what qualities he/she likes in a teacher. VII. Exchange opinions with your partner on the problems: a. there should be no tests in school; b. children get a better education outside the classroom; c. computers and modern technologies can substitute for the teacher during the lesson; VIII. If you have a chance, do you agree to be a teacher? Try to find positive and negative moments in the profession of the teacher. IX. Imagine that you are an experienced and successful teacher. Name five principles which, to your mind, are the most important to organize pupil’s activity during the lesson. X. Make up a plan of the text. XI. Write an annotation to the text. |
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