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Тема: Педагогика как наука Цели:
Материальное обеспечение: (оборудование, справочная литература и т.д.)
Студент должен знать: лексический материал по теме, правила перевода с иностранного языка на русский, грамматический материал: порядок слов в предложении Студент должен уметь: самостоятельно читать и переводить иностранные тексты по педагогической тематике с помощью словаря, составлять глоссарий Порядок выполнения работы: 1. Read and translate the text. Pedagogy is the art or science of being a teacher. The term generally refers to strategies of instruction, or a style of instruction. Pedagogy is also sometimes referred to as the correct use of teaching strategies. For example, Paulo Freire referred to his method of teaching adults as "critical pedagogy". In correlation with those teaching strategies the instructor's own philosophical beliefs of teaching are harbored and governed by the pupil's background knowledge and experiences, personal situations, and environment, as well as learning goals set by the student and teacher. One example would be the Socratic schools of thought. The first major milestone in the history of education occurred in prehistoric times when man invented language. Language enabled man to communicate more precisely than he could by signs and gestures. But early man had only a spoken language. He had no system of writing or numbering and no schools. Young people in prehistoric societies were educated through apprenticeship, imitation and rituals. Through apprenticeship a young man learned, for example, how to build a shelter by working with an older experienced master builder. Through imitation, young people acquired the language and customs of their parents and other adults in their society. Through the performance of rituals, they learned about the meaning of life and the ties that bound them to their group. The rituals consisted of dancing or other activities. They were performed at times of emotional stress, such as death, warfare, or drought. The rituals usually involved myths, which dealt with such things as the group's history and its gods and heroes. Today, in all societies, young people still learn through apprenticeship, imitation and ritual. But as a society grows increasingly complicated, teachers and schools take on more and more responsibility for educating the young. The role of a teacher is generally a very varied one. It does not only require a good knowledge of the subjects you teach. Teachers must also have the ability to communicate, inspire trust and confidence, and motivate students. An understanding of the students’ emotional and educational needs in respect to their individual background and cultural heritage is also very important. A teacher will also benefit from being organized, dependable, patient and creative. The day of a teacher can look very different, depending on where you end up teaching, and which age groups. Different schools organize their teaching differently, and public schools in poor areas usually have more problems with a low motivation of the students, and run down facilities with large classes. Such circumstances can make teaching much more challenging and stressful, than it may be in a smaller private school where students are admitted selectively and classes are smaller. Teaching brings many rewards and satisfactions, but it is a demanding, exhausting, and sometimes frustrating job. It is hard to do well unless you enjoy doing it. Teachers who do enjoy their work will show this in their classroom behavior. They will come to class prepared for the day's lessons and will present lessons in a way that suggests interest and excitement in promoting learning. When students achieve success, the teacher shares their joy. 2.Выучите слова: refer to – относитьсяк harbor – исходить apprenticeship – учение warfare – война inspire – вдохновлять goal – цель invent – изобретать performance – представление confidence – доверие benefit – извлекатьпользу correlation – соотношение drought – засуха bound – граничить vary – отличаться challenging – сомнительный thought – мысль shelter – убежище admit – принимать heritage – наследие dependable – зависимый
1. What kind of job is teaching? 2. How did people learn about the meaning of life? 3. What was the first major milestone in the history of education? 4. What do the rituals usually involve? 5. What does the term “pedagogy” mean? 6. What does the role of a teacher require? 7. How do different schools organize their teaching? 6. Translate into English: 1. Обучение приносит много наград и удовольствий. 2. Учителя должны иметь способность общаться, вызывать доверие и уверенность и мотивировать учащихся. 3. Раньше у людей не было системы письма и чисел. 4. Ритуалы проводились в периоды войн, засухи или смерти. 5. Изобретение разговорного языка позволило человеку общаться более точно. 6. Так как общество становится все более сложным, учителя берут на себя больше ответственности за воспитание молодежи. 7. В доисторические времена учащиеся обучались путем подражания и обучения. КРИТЕРИИ ОЦЕНИВАНИЯ ПРАКТИЧЕСКИХ ЗАНЯТИЙ
Практическое занятие Тема: Сельскохозяйственные машины Цели:
Материальное обеспечение: (оборудование, справочная литература и т.д.)
Студент должен знать: Лексика и информация по теме, специальные вопросы, наречия и выражения места и направления, исчисляемые неисчисляемые существительные, неопределенные местоимения, степени сравнения прилагательных, Студент должен уметь: переводить текст со словарем и составлять вопросы Порядок выполнения работы:
«Russian agriculture» The agriculture has been and remains a very important sector of Russian economy. Many our agriculture products are well known in other countries. Russia can cultivate practically all known farm crops due to various climatic parameters on its large territory. Our country cultivates different kinds of cereals (rye, oats, wheat, barley, maize, etc.), vegetables (potatoes, beets, carrots, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, cabbage, etc.), fruits (apples, pears, plums, peaches, etc.) and very many kinds of berries. Animal breeding is a very important field of our agriculture. Cattle farming and poultry farming give us various kinds of meat (beef, lamb, pork, turkey, etc.), eggs and milk. There are many big agricultural enterprises and many small private farms in Russia. The number of these private farms tends to increase. The modern agriculture in Russia has many critical problems. The deficit of agricultural machinery belongs to the most difficult problems. The condition of agricultural machinery in Russia is very poor and the high cost makes the rate of its replacement week and slow. But the citizens of Russia believe that the Russian agriculture will solve all existing problems in the future. Русское сельское хозяйство Сельское хозяйство было и остается очень важным сектором российской экономики. Многие виды нашей сельскохозяйственной продукции хорошо известны в других странах. Россия может выращивать практически все известные сельскохозяйственные культуры благодаря разнообразным климатическим условиям на ее огромной территории. Наша страна выращивает различные сорта злаков (рожь, овес, пшеница, ячмень, кукуруза и т.д.), овощи (картофель, свекла, морковь, помидоры, лук, огурцы, капуста и т.п.), фрукты (яблоки, груши, сливы, персики и т.д.) и очень много сортов ягод. Современное сельское хозяйство в России демонстрирует много серьезных (критичных) проблем. Дефицит сельскохозяйственной техники относится к наиболее сложным проблемам. Состояние сельскохозяйственной техники в России очень плачевно, а высокая стоимость делает темпы ее замены и обновления слабыми и медленными. Но граждане России верят в то, что российское сельское хозяйство в будущем решит все существующие проблемы. Животноводство является очень важной областью нашего сельского хозяйства. Скотоводство и птицеводство дают нам различные сорта мяса (говядину, баранину, свинину, мясо индейки и т.д.), яйца и молоко. В России много крупных сельскохозяйственных предприятий и много маленьких частных ферм. Количество таких частных ферм имеет тенденцию к увеличению. 2.Прочитайте текст. Составьте 20 любых вопросов по тексту. Выпишите из текста 20 любых слов с переводом. FARM MACHINERY 1. We know the farmer to have a wide range of machinery to plow and disk, and harrow, and plant, and fertilize, and finally harvest faster, easier and more profitably today. The machine is known to be a device that uses force to accomplish something transmitting and changing force or motion into work. 2. Agricultural implements and machines being very numerous and diversified now may be divided into 4 main groups: tillage equipment, planting equipment, fertilizing equipment, harvesting equipment. 3. The aim of tillage is to prepare the soil for planting and to keep it loose and free from weeds during the growth of crops. The primary tillage equipment used by the farmer includes plows, sub-soilers, and thinners. The secondary tillage equipment embraces harrows, rollers and tools for mulching and fallowing. Plow is designed to eliminate weeds, to prepare a suitable seedbed, to improve the physical condition of the soil. Plows fall into mounted, semi mounted, disc, moldboard plows. The main components of ploughs are the main frame, the share, the moldboard, the disc coulter, the skim coulter, the headstock. The function of sub-soiler is to penetrate into the deeper depths and break up the layers of soil which have become compacted due to the movement of heavy machinery. A harrow is an implement used to level the ground and crush the clods, to stir the soil, and to prevent and destroy weeds. There are three principal kinds of harrow namely the disk, the spike-tooth, and the spring tooth. 4. Cultivation machinery is used to break down the soil before or after a crop is sown for covering seeds, for consolidating the soil and for hoeing out weeds. There are several types of cultivators designed for special crops and conditions: beet and bean cultivators, lister cultivators, rotary hoe cultivators, rod weeders, field cultivators, sub-soil and chisel cultivators. 5. Planting equipment is any power-operated device introduced to place seeds or plant parts in or on the soil for production of food and feed crops. It is classified as row-crop planters, broad-cast planters, grain drills and planting attachments for other equipment. 6. Applying such types of fertilizers as barnyard manure, granular fertilizers, and fertilizers in liquid and gaseous form is necessary where soils are deficient in plant food elements. Suchfertilizing equipment as manure spreaders, fertilizer distributors, sprayers are in use. 7. Crops are harvested by the use of many kinds of harvesting equipment for all types of crops. The principal machines required to make hay are mowers, rakes, balers. Grain and all types of seed crops are harvested by combine harvesters. Beet harvesters are available to harvest beet, potato harvesters and diggers being for potatoes. 8. The tractor is the most important machine pulling many kinds of implements that cultivate plant, fertilize, and harvest. Wheeled tractors being used for general farm work, track-laying tractors or crawlers have the great advantage that they can be available for heavy loads on any class of land. 3. Выучите 30 любых слов из нижеприведенных.
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