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1. Comprehension check. Answer the following questions.
Ex. 2. Agree or disagree with the following statements.
3) Barristers are called in to advise on really easy points. 4) Barristers must not appear as advocates before the High Court. 5) High Court cannot change the decisions of a lower court. 6) Barristers are rather remote figures. 6) A prospective barrister must pass his examinations with honours. 7) A prospective barrister must serve his apprenticeship with a practicing solicitor. 8) Barristers can carry on any other profession or business. Ex. 3. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English Адвокат, имеющий право выступать в высших судах, практикующий юрист, стряпчий, недосягаемый, выдержать экзамен, юридическое образование, изучать право, проходить курс ученичества, гонорар, деятельность адвокат, судебное разбирательство, эксперт, толкование, консультировать, являться в суд, рещение суда, школа подготовки барристеров, действующий на расстоянии, отлично сдать экзамены, внимательно изучать закон. Ex. 4. Complete the following statements. 1) Barrister is… 2) Barristers are experts in … 3) Barristers are called in… 4) Barristers may appear as advocates before… 5) Solicitors cannot appear as advocates before…6) High Court is… 7) Barristers are rather … 8) Without your solicitor you never see… 9) To be a barrister it is necessary to be… 10) A prospective barrister must pass… 11) A barrister is required to accept… 12) Barristers cannot carry on… Ex. 5. Choose one topic to speak about barrister:
Ex. 6. Retell the text Barrister JURY
Ex. 1. Answer the following questions.
Ex. 2. Agree or disagree with the following statements. 1) Jury is a group of professionals. 2) These laymen do not participate in deciding cases brought to trial. 3) These laymen are selected at random. 4) These laymen are not allowed to deliberate in secrecy. 5) These laymen reach a decision secretly. 6) These laymen make their decision public. 7) Most jurisdictions exempt amateurs from jury service. 8) All jurisdictions don’t excuse if the service impose undue hardship. 11) The law permits counsel to challenge suppositional jurors without giving a reason. Ex. 3. Restore the word order in the following statements. 1) Jury a group of laymen is. 2) These laymen in deciding cases brought to trial participate. 3) These laymen recruited at random are. 4) These laymen are to deliberate in secrecy allowed. 5) These laymen are allowed to a decision reach. 6) These laymen their decision public without giving reasons are allowed to make. 7) Jury is a charter of liberty overpraised. 8) Jury is as a reliance on incompetent amateurs in the administration of the justice overcriticized. 9) Most jurisdictions police officers from jury service exempt. 10) All jurisdictions jurors if the service imposes undue hardship excuse. 11) The law counsel to challenge prospective jurors without giving a permit reason. Ex. 4. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English. Неспециалисты, наугад, обдумывать, тайно, прийти к решению, зависимость, передача, смягчать, тщательно разработанный, отбор, говорить правду, адвокат, выступающий в суде, отвод по конкретному основанию, вероятность, предубеждение, отвод без указания причины, состав присяжных, не пришедший к единому мнению, отправление правосудия, судебная практика, исключать, освобождать от обязанности, чрезмерный, неудобство, судебный процесс без единодушного решения присяжных. Ex.5. Complete the following statements. 1) Jury is… 2) These laymen are recruited … 3) These laymen are allowed … 4) Jury is overpraised … 5) Jury is overcriticised as … 5) Most jurisdictions exempt …from jury service. 6) All jurisdictions excuse jurors if … 7) Voir dire is conducted by … 8) The law permits the counselor to challenge … 9) Criminal cases are brought by … against … .10) The state is called … 11) The charge against the defendant is called … 12) The defendant pleads … 15) The jury should presume … 16) In criminal cases the verdict must be … 17) All jurors must agree … 18) The judge declares a mistrial when … Ex. 6. Choose one topic to speak about jury:
Ex. 7. Retell the text Jury. COURT AND ITS PEOPLE 1. Court is a building or room where all the information concerning a crime is given so that it can be judged. A court is a complex institution whose functioning depends upon many people: not only the judge but also the parties, their lawyers, witnesses, clerks, probation officers, administrators, and many others, including, in certain types of cases, jurors. 2. Party is one of the persons or sides in a legal dispute. Lawyer is someone whose job is to advise people about laws, write formal agreements, or represent people in court. Witness is someone whose job is to advise people about laws, write formal agreements, or represent people in court. Witness is someone who sees a crime and can describe what happened. Clerk is an official in charge of the records of a court. Bailiff is an official of the legal system who watches criminals and keeps order in a court of law. Probation officer is someone whose job is to watch, to advise, and help people who have broken the law and are on probation. Probation is a system that allows some criminals not to go to prison, if they behave well and see a probation officer regularly, for a fixed period of time. Juror is a group of 12 ordinary people who listens to details of a case in court and decide whether someone is guilty or not. Nevertheless, the central figure in court is the judge. Judge is the official with authority to hear and decide how criminals should be punished. Judges vary enormously, not only form nation to nation but often within a single nation. Foe example, a rural justice of peace in the United States – untrained in the law, serving part-time, sitting alone in work clothes in a makeshift (made for temporary use) courtroom, collecting small fees or receiving a pittance for salary. He bears little resemblance to a justice of the Supreme Court if the United States – a full-time, well-paid, black-robed professional, assisted by law clerks and secretaries, sitting in a marble palace with eight colleagues and deciding at the highest appellate level only questions of national importance. Yet both persons are judges. VOCABULARY
Ex. 1. Restore the word order in the questions that follow and answer them. 1) What is by the term meant “court”? 2) A court a complex institution is, isn’t it? 3) Whose functioning upon judges, lawyers and jurors depends? 4) What meant is by the term “party”? 5) Who a crime and can describe what happened sees? 6) Who in charge of the records of a court is? 7)Who prisoners and keeps order in a court of law watches? 8) Whose job to watch, advise, is and help people who have broken the law and are on probation? 10) What system criminals not to go to prison if they behave well allows? 11) Who to details of a case in court and decides whether someone is guilty or not listens? 12) What the central figure in any court is? 13) Whose authority to is hear and decide how criminals should be punished? 14) What the difference between a rural justice of the peace and a justice of the Supreme Court of the United States is? Ex. 2. Agree or disagree the following statements. 1) Court is a room where all the information concerning an offence is given so that it can be judged. 2) Lawyer is one of the persons or sides in a legal dispute. 3) Party is someone whose job is to advise people about laws, write formal agreements, or represent people in court. 4) Clerk is someone who sees a crime and can describe what happened. 5) Witness is an official in charge of the records of a court. 6) Probation officer is an official of the legal system who watches prisoners and keeps order in a court of law. 7) Bailiff is someone whose job is to watch, advise, and to help people who have broken the law and are on probation. 8) Juror is a group of 12 ordinary people who listen to details of a case in court and decide whether someone is guilty or not. Ex. 3. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English. Секретарь суда, свидетель, присяжный, сфера компетенции, судебный пристав, чиновник, наблюдающий за лицами, направленными судом на пробацию, опека, публичное должностное лицо, сельский мировой судья, занятый неполный рабочий день, необученный, наказывать, вознаграждение, скудное жалованье, временный, зал судебного заседания, важность, мантия, аппеляционный, иметь сходство, содействовать, варьировать, чрезвычайно. Ex. 4. Complete the following statements.
Ex. 5. Retell the text Court and its people. Test on VOCABULARY Task 1Which crimes are being described in the following situations? Fill the gaps with the words from the list. Rioting, arson, mugging, vandalism, kidnapping, shoplifting, robbery, hacking, burglary, domestic violence, stalking, murder, drug-trafficking, blackmail, pickpocketing, hijacking, looting, theft, hooliganism, fraud 1. People broke into our house and stole our video camera……………………... 2. Youths attacked her in the street and ran off with her handbag………………. 3. The pilot was forced to take the plane to Tashkent…………………………… 4. She killed him by poisoning his coffee……………………………………….. 5. Why do middle-class women steal food from supermarkets…………………. 6. Having made no profit that year, he set fire to his own factory………………. 7. Crowds of protestors broke shop windows and stole goods. ………………… 8. They ran around smashing things and fighting other drunken youths. ………. 9. He threatened to tell the newspapers unless he got a thousand pounds……… 10. Someone has stolen my purse from my desk……………………………….. 11. The clerk handed over the money when they threatened to shoot him …….. 12. The business used deception to obtain money. …………………………….. 13. They were accused of deliberately smashing the phone box……………….. 14. The boy would be harmed unless his parents paid the money………………. 15. The woman was often seen with bruises on her face……………………....... 16. His wallet was stolen from his back pocket…………………………………. 17. Trained dogs found the packages stuffed into the seats of the lorry………… 18. The film star had been followed by the same man for months……………… 19. They accessed the information from the government computer system……. 20. Hundreds of police in helmets broke up the angry crowds…………………. Task 2 Complete the blanks with the correct form of the word given at he end of each sentence. An Innocent Man Last night, Joe Bloggs was arrested on (1)………of robbery. SUSPECT The police had no (2)….. that he had committed the crime PROVE And Joe denied the….. saying he had a good alibi. CHARGE When he was put on (4)…, the police called several witnesses TRY To the stand but Joe’s (5) ….. defended the client well LAW And tried to prove that Joe hadn’t done anything (6)……… LEGAL However, the jury found Joe (7) ….. and he was sentenced to GUILT Six months in prison. As Joe had never committed a (8) CRIMINAL Before this was a heavy (9)….. . Most people were PUNISH Convinced of Joe’s (10) ….. and his lawyer appealed INNOCENT against the verdict. LISTENING Text The term the law of the Medes and Persians is used to denote a law or custom which is not subject to any modification or alteration. It is an allusion to the code of laws adopted by Darius, the head of the Persian Empire, 522-486 B.C. The law of the Medes and Persians was aimed at strengthening the country. Before listening Ex. 1.Warm-up. Listen and repeat the proper names and words. Darius [ ] – Дарий Medes [ ] - мидяне Persians [ ] - персы Adopt [ ] - принять Alter [ ] - переделать Change [ ] - изменить Code of laws [ ] – свод законов Empire [ ] - империя Ex.2. Answer the questions. 1) Who adopted the code of laws? 2) Were any alterations possible in that code? 3) Who was Darius? 4) When and where did he live? 5) What does the expression the law of the Medes and Persians mean? 6) Where does it come from? 7) Did you know it before? Ex.3. Today we’ll speak about one of the expressions the law of the Medes and Persians. You are going to listen to the tape. Make sure you understand the key words. Use the dictionary to help you. Key words: code; laws; change; alter; abolish; empire; custom; modification; strengthen. Listening
1) The term the law of the Medes and Persians is used to denote a law or custom that is not a subject to any modification or alteration. 2) The expression comes from Roman mythology. 3) The law of the Medes and Persians was aimed at weakening the country. 4) It is an allusion to the code of laws adopted by Darius. 5) Darius was the head of Greek Empire. 6) The Persian Empire existed in the 1st century A.D. 7) The law could have been changed every year. 8) The people of the country liked the alteration. 9) Darius was the head of the Persian Empire, 522-486 B.C. 10) The law of the Medes and Persians was aimed at strengthening the country. Ex.3. Complete the following sentences. 1. The expression the law of the Medes and Persians means… 2. The law of the Medes and Persians is used to denote a law or custom is not subject to any … or … 3. It is an allusion to the code of laws adopted by… 4. Darius was the head of the Persian…,…B.C. 5. The law of the Medes and Persians is aimed at… the country. Ex.4. Tell each other in small groups about the legend you’ve just heard. Use such key words as: law, code, weaken, strengthen, empire, allusion, custom. Ex. 5. Characterize the main idea of the story using the adjectives: Strong; mighty; clever; smart; strengthening; weakening. After listening Ex. 1. Render the sentences into English. 1. В древности законом мидян и персов называли свод законов, принятый персидским царем Дарием для укрепления своей империи. 2. Этот свод законов не подлежал никаким, даже частичным изменениям. 3. Персидский царь Дарий жил и правил в 522-486 годах до нашей эры. 4. Незыблемые законы помогали править страной и в целом империей. 5. Метафора закон мидян и персов употребляется, когда речь идет о чем-то, что изменить нельзя. Ex. 2. Ask 5 Wh- questions. Model: What have you read about the phrase the law of the Medes and Persians? Ex. 3. Comment on the poem. The laws of the Medes and Persians Were far from modern Russians, They were strong and stable Like an ever lasting label. Everybody knew them all, No matter how tall Was a person. People followed the laws Even during the wars. Draconian Laws Text Draconian laws are extremely harsh and cruel laws. The laws are called after Draco, an Athenian law-giver of the 7th century B.C. Draco devised a new code of laws, which were so severe that, as a Greek orator said, they were written in human blood. Every violation of a law was made in this code a capital offence. Idleness, as well as murder, was punished with death, and when Draco was asked to give a reason for this, he replied that even the smallest crimes deserved death, and there could be no higher punishment for the greater ones. Before listening Ex. 1. Warm-Up. Listen and repeat the proper names and words. Mind the pronunciation and the stress. Athenian [ ] – афинянин Draco [ ] – Драконт Code [ ] – кодекс Orator [ ] – оратор Punishment [ ] – наказание Violation [ ] – нарушение Ex. 2. Answer the questions. 1. Who was Draco? 2. When did he live? 3. Where did he devise a code of laws? 4. What was his code of laws? 5. What does the expression Draconian laws mean? 6. Where does it come from? 7. Does the expression have anything to do with the mythical dragon? 8. Did Draco live in Rome? 9. Was the code of laws humane or cruel? Listening Ex.1. Listen to the cassette and decide whether the sentences below are true or false.
After listening Render the sentences into English. 1) Драконовы законы не имеют никакого отношения к сказочному чудовищу дракону. 2) Чем отличались законы Драконта? 3) Были они гуманны или, наоборот, очень жестокие? 4)Что ожидало афинского бездельника в VII веке до нашей эры? SOLOMON’S JUDGEMENT Text The words Solomon’s judgement are applied to a wise decision of a complicated problem. They derive from the name of King Solomon notable for his judicious decisions. In the Bible, King Solomon was a sage whosе reputation for wisdom spread to the ends of the Earth. On the proof of Solomon’s extraordinary wisdom the most celebrated is the mode by which he settled a dispute between two women for the possession of a child. Both claimed to be the child’s mother. To distinguish the real from the pretended parent, Solomon ordered the infant to be cut in two and divided between the claimants. On hearing the order, the real mother, whose maternal affection overmastered all other feelings begged that the child might be spared and given alive to her rival, while the pretended mother was quite ready to agree to the bisection of the baby. Before listening Ex. 1. Warm-up. Listen and repeat the proper names and words. Mind the pronunciation and the stress. Solomon [ ] – Соломон Bisection [ ] – разделение на части Judicious [ ] – рассудительный Parable [ ] – притча Problem [ ] – проблема Ex. 2. Answer the questions.
Listening Listen to the cassette and decide whether the sentences below are true or false. 1. The words Solomon’s judgement are applied to a wise decision of a complicated problem. 2. The expression comes from Roman mythology. 3. Solomon was a king of Elis, in Rome. 4. In the Bible, King Solomon was a sage whose reputation for wisdom spread all over the world. 5. The classic example of Solomon’s fair decision was a dispute between two men. 6. Two women claimed to be one child’s mother. 7. Solomon ordered to give the child to the third woman. 8. On hearing the order the real mother begged to give the baby to her rival. 9. The pretended mother was quite ready to agree to the child’s destiny. 10. The expression Solomon’s judgement is derived form the name of king Solomon. Ex. 3. Complete the following sentences.
Ex. 4. Tell each other in small groups about the legend you’ve heard. Use these key words: Judge, judgement, sage, wisdom, proof, dispute, claim, infant, rival, decision. Ex. 5. Characterize the main mythological hero using the adjectives: Wise, extraordinary, real, maternal, alive, ready. Ex. 6. Render the sentences into English.
литературных произведений, они были очень популярны на Руси и во многих других странах. VENI, VIDI, VICI Text Veni, vidi, vici –“I came, I saw, I conquered”. The words are said to have been used by Julius Caesar, a famous Roan general, statesman and writer. According to Plutarch it was thus that Julius Caesar announced to one of his friends in Rome after the victory over the army of the Bosporus Kingdom in Asia Minor in 47 B.C. He brought the campaign to such a rapid end that he could sum it up in these simple words. The three Latin words with their equal number of syllables and the recurrence of their consonants, make still more striking the promptitude displayed by Caesar. The words veni, vidi, vici have come down to us as an expression of swift and dramatic success. They are sometimes used ironically to refer to one who boasts of his easy and quick success. Before listening Ex. 1. Warm-up. Listen and repeat the proper names. Mind the pronunciation and the stress. Bosporus [ ] – Босфор Plutarch [ ] – Плутарх Ех. 2. Аnswer the questions.
Listening Ex. 1. Listen to the cassette and decide whether the sentences below are true or false.
Ex. 2. Complete the following sentences.
Ex. 3. Tell each other in small groups about the legend you’ve just heard. Use such key words as: general, statesman, battle, victory, campaign, promptitude, consonant, syllable, recurrence. Ex. 4. Characterize the main hero using the adjectives: Famous, brave, talented, rapid, quick, swift, easy, dramatic, simple, equal, ironical. After listening Еx. 1.Render the sentences into English. 1) Слова пришел, увидел, победил дошли до наших дней как выражение скоротечных, но достаточно драматических событий. 2) Пришел, увидел, победил – эти слова приписывают римскому генералу, государственному деятелю и писателю Юлию Цезарю. 3) Часто эти слова употребляются иронически или при желании похвастаться быстрыми успехами перед кем-либо. Ex. 2. Ask 5 Wh-questions. Model: What words are used as a symbol of quick and easy success? ![]() МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Дальневосточный федеральный университет» (ДВФУ) ![]() Филиал ДВФУ в г. Петропавловске-Камчатском СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ по дисциплине «Иностранный язык по специальности» 030501.65 «Юриспруденция» 2011 ОСНОВНАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА
М.: Издательство: Роял Принт, 2011.-215 с.
6. “Ship or Sheep?” фонетический курс СAMBRIDGE , 2000 ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫЕ РЕСУРСЫ
![]() МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Дальневосточный федеральный университет» (ДВФУ) ![]() Филиал ДВФУ в г. Петропавловске-Камчатском ГЛОССАРИЙ по дисциплине «Иностранный язык по специальности» 030501.65 «Юриспруденция» |
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