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Isaeva E.V., Lozkhkina G.A., Ryazanova Т.V., Morozov S.V., Chernyak E.I. Flavonoids buds of poplar balsamic (Populus balzamifera L.), growing in Krasnoyarsk. 1. Flavonoids ethylacetat extracts from poplar buds In work with the use HPLC-analisys probed flavonoids in ethylacetat extracts from poplar balsamic buds, growing in Krasnoyarsk. It is shown that their composition differs from the poplars of other regions. The dynamics of flavonoids is resulted in different periods of development of tree. Makarova D.L., Hanina M.A., Amelchenko V.P., Domrachev D.V., Tkachev A.V. Chemical study of essential oil of ARTEMISIA PONTICA L. from Siberia Artemisia pontica L. - is a plant, which is growing wild in different regions of the Western Siberia. Aim. To perform chemical study of essential oil of A. pontica. Material for our experiments was collected both in wild regions and under introduction. Raw material are overground parts of A. pontica, collected at different stages of plants development (beginning of growth, budding and flowering) and parts of the plant (flowers, leaves, stems). Methods of investigation: Essential oils were prepared by hydrodistillation (of air-dried plant material) for 5 hours, and then studied by GC-MS. Results. The overground parts of A. pontica contain 0,62-1,56% of essential oil. Maximum essential oil contents in aerial parts of the plant (flowers) is up to 2,3%, minimum - in the stems (0,06%). The maximum occurred at the beginning of flowering (1,56%). All the samples of the oil are blue due to the presence of chamazulene. GC-MS of the essential oil shows up to 200 components. The main components are: 1,8-cineol (up to 70,6%), camphor (up to 27,4%), bornyl acetate (up to 3,9%), vulgaron B (up to 25,2%), chamazulene (up to 18,8%). The maximum of chamazulene content was found at the beginning of growing (18,8%), and during flowering (13,1%). To conclude, the investigation revealed that A.pontica from Western Siberia a perspective plant for using in officinal medicine. Mirovich V.M., Konenkina T.A., Fedoseeva G.M., Golovnih N.N. RESEARCH of QUALITATIVE STRUCTURE of ESSENCIAL OIL ORIGANUM VULGARE L., GROWING In EAST SIBERIA The method GC-MS investigates a chemical compound of essential oil Origanum vulgare L. wild-growing and cultivated of east Siberia region (Russia). It is revealed 136 (in cultivated 155) components, from them it is identified 36 (in cultivated 39) connections. The basic making essential oils are caryophyllene oxide, spatulenol, (-)-4-terpineol. Essential oil of Origanum vulgare this region is characterized by the low contents of phenolic connections thymol and carvacrol (in the sum no more than 1,34%). Lomboeva S.S., Tankhaeva L.M., Olennikov D.N. Method of Total Flavonoid Content Determination in the Aerial Part of Ortilia secunda (L.) House The method of total flavonoids content determination in the aerial part of Ortilia secunda (L.) House is created. Relative error of determination is no more than 3%. Total flavonoid’s content (converting in rutin) no less that 2%. Olennikov D.N., Tankhaeva L.M. RESEARCH OF COLORIMETRIC REACTION OF FRUCTOSE WITH RESORCINOL DEPENDING ON CONDITIONS OF ITS REALIZATION The conditions of fructose - resorcinol reaction realization are investigated and the optimum parameters are revealed. The technique of quantitative definition of fructose in a medical mean «Levilose» is developed. The relative mistake of definition does not exceed 3%. Sisoeva M.A., Habibrahmanova V.R., Gamaiourova V.S., Kudryavtseva L.A. Research of the colloidal chaga water extracts. IX Determination of the sizes of the dispersed phase particles of the colloidal chaga extracts There were determined the sizes of the particles of dispersed phase of the colloidal system chaga water extracts with use of electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR). It was installed that colloidal system of the chaga water extracts may contain large and small particles, referred by us to micelles and sub micelles of polyphenoloxycarbon complex (PPC). Their sizes are close to the sizes of micelles and sub micelles of cow’s milk casein. Sisoeva M.A., Sisoeva E.V., Habibrahmanova V.R., Gamaiourova V.S., Kudryavtseva L.A. Research of the colloidal chaga water extracts. X. Proteolysis of chaga water extracts by ferments of the gastrointestinal tract It was developed the method of undertaking the proteolysis of chaga water extract by ferments of the gastrointestinal tract. The progression of the proteolysis of chaga water extract by ferments of the gastrointestinal tract was validated, qualitative and quantitative, by on spending of substrate and accumulation products of the reaction and by change of micelles sizes of polyphenoloxycarbon complex (PPC) in hydrolysats with use of different physico-chemical methods. There was shown the possibility of proteolysis chaga water extract by ferments of the gastrointestinal tract in vivo. Schekuschkina N.W., Newsorova T.W., Efremov A.A. Fractional composition of Scots pine ethereal oil The component composition of ethereal oil of Scots pine needle, picked in September, has been studied by the chromato- mass- spectrometry method. It was shown that the content of monoterpenes makes not more than 50% and oil composition changes as it is extracted: the amount of the volatiles reduces but the amount of heavily volatilizing components increases with the distillation time. XiaoPing Rao, ZhanQian Song, Kushnir S.R., Radbil' A.B., Radbil' B.A. Synthesis and bactericidal activity of amides of dehydroabietic acid 10 samples amides on a basis dehydroabietic acid (DAA) are synthesized. Their physical and chemical properties and bactericidal activity to some microorganisms are determined. It is shown, that investigated DAA amides possess the appreciable bactericidal activity exceeding, basically, activity initial DAA. It is established, that bactericidal activity essentially depends on structure amides and the nature used for synthesis amine. Kogai T.I., Kuznetsov B.N. BETULONIC ACID REDUCTION TO BETULINIC ACID AT CONDITIONS OF THE PHASE TRANSFER CATALYSIS The present invention relates to improved methods of betulinic acid production from betulonic acid. The betulonic acid has been reduced to betulinic acid with sodium borohydride in the water - organic solvent -quaternary alkyl ammonium salt admixture at room temperature. The optimum ratio between the amounts of betulonic acid – sodium borohydride – quaternary alkyl ammonium salts has been selected. The most affective carries of borohydride-ion transfer from water to organic phase and suitable organic solvents supply the yield of betulonic acid 98,5–99,3%. Arhipova А.V., Malkova K.V., Sokolova T.N., Kartashov V.R. synthesis of α-(1,7,7-TRIMETHYLNORBORNYL)-β-DIMETHYLCARBAMID BY the REACTION OF CAMPHENE WITH DIMETHYLCYANAMIDE IN THE PRESENCE OF molybdenophosphoric ACID In the present work, we studied the possibility of the Ritter reaction to synthesize of various N-substituted amides. This reaction has been usually catalyzed by strong mineral acids such as H2SO4, PhSO3H, MeSO3H, HSO3F, anhydrous HF and some others. For instance, the reaction of camphene with benzyl thiocyanate used in excess in the presence of H3PW12O40 and H4SiW12O40 as catalyst gave the new compound - N-(1,7,7-trimethylnorbornyl)-benzylthiocarbamate. The heteropoly acids are effective catalysts because they are strong Bransted acids. Dimethylcyanamide reacted with camphene in the presence geteropoly acid (GPA) 12-molybdenophosphoric at 60 °С to give α-(1, 7, 7-trimethylnorbornyl)-β-dimethylcarbamid. The yield of dry crystals was 55%. The reactions were carried out in surplus of dimethylcyanamide (camphene : catalyst ratio was 1 : 2,6). Except water and tetrahydrofurane (TGF) were added in the reaction (camphene : water ratio was 1 : 5). The composition of the reaction mixture was monitored by GLC. The structure of receipt compound was determined by mass spectrometry, 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy by comparing its physicochemical parameters with the known data. Aleksandrov А.N., Ulesov А.V., Тkachenko V.I., Moskvitin А.V., Skoromnaya S.F., Zaginaylov V.G. Comparative study of the chemical composition supercritical CO2-extract from concrete of rose and rose essential oil (absolu) Supercritical CO2, as ecological clean solvent, is used for reextractions of the fluid part from concrete of rose (Rosa gallica L.). The Explored process reextractions flying aromatic material supercritical fluid at the temperature 35 оС (308,15 K) and 50 оС (323,15 K), pressure 10 MPa, 13 MPa and 18 MPa. The comparative GC-MC investigation of composition of SC CO2-extracts, rose concrete (Crimean, Ukraine) and rose essential oil (absolu) was fulfilled. Supercritical CO2-extraction is an efficient modern method of the reception natural material, possessing essential advantage over traditional way of the reception essential oil, more natural concentrations of some components (nerol, geraniol, caryophyllene etc.). Possibility of management composition extract from aromatic material with use supercritical dioxide carbon under different parameter of the process is shown. Kuleshov A.V., Smolin A.S. Paper-forming properties of plant fibers being reused The investigation of the influence of wastepaper cyclic using on strength characteristics of materials on basis of it are presented in the article. The modeling of the cyclic process was fulfilled with using the pulp half-products. The influence of the cyclic on different pulp sorts fractional composition and fibers length was analyzed. Semenovich A.V., Loskutov S.R., Permyakova G.V. The gathering of oil products by sorption on modified conifers bark Solid samples obtained after extraction of pine, larch and fir bark were modified by methyl silicone liquid PMS-100. We found that 1 g of the modified bark wish 0.30.5 mm particles was able to hold 5,32 g of hydrocarbon oil and 8,23 g of oil-in-water concentrated emulsion Ecol-3. The maximum efficiency of hydrophobization with help PMS-100 and absorption of oil from the water surface reached for larch and pine bark obtained after the extraction by the systems: water – methyl cellosolve and water – methyl cellosolve – dimethyl formamide. The modified conifers bark is suitable as a sorption material for gathering of oil products. Kiselev W.P., Filimonov W.S., Bugaenko M.B., Efremov A.A. STUDY OF RESISTANCE OF HIGHWAY CEMENTING AND ORGANO-MINERAL MIXTURES TO BIODESTRUCTION WITH PRESENCE OF ADDITIVES OF PLANT AND MINERAL ORIGIN Resistance of asphalt concrete and of the main components of organo- mineral mixtures to biodestruction with presence of fungicidal additives: resins of Siberian pine wood pyrolysis, resins of hydrolytic lignine pyrolysis, sodium fluoride, also carbon lining has been studied according to the GOST 9.049-91. The express-method is suggested to determine resistance to biodestruction using inhibition of luminescent bacteria. Alashkevitch Yu.D., Pachar D.V., Kovalev V.I. FEATURES OF CURVILINEAR FORM SETS OF DISK MILLS INDIVIDUAL KNIFE CONSTRUCTION In introduction it is spoken about to improve beating process it is possible by a choice of figure knife set. Therefore the problem of curvilinear form individual knife construction is put. For construction are set by the form of a knife. In this case the form district. It is the most simple for manufacturing. According to figure 1 size of a corner β can vary irrespective of a corner α. It is feature of the given kind sets. Entrance parameters are entered. There are external and internal district edge radiuses, entrance angle α and target angle β, coordinates and radius curvature center. Further determine the equation of curvature for an individual knife construction, knife points crossing coordinates with external and internal district edge radiuses and the central corner φ. Proceeding from the received values and taking into account feature knife set determine radius of curvature of an individual knife. It is limited external and internal district edge radiuses, entrance angle α and target angle β. And then it is determined radius curvature center. Thus for the first time the problem of an curvilinear form individual knife set construction is solved in view of the entrance angle α does not depend on a target angle β. Thus there was possible a definition of radius of curvature Rx. Ananina N.A., Andreeva O.A., Oganesyan E.T. Polysaccharides of Dahlia (Dahlia single L.) tubers The paper describes the data on Dahlia single L. tubers polysaccharide extraction and chemical composition. The carbohydrate complex has been found to include water-soluble polysaccharides, pectin substances and hemicelluloses. The qualitative monosaccharide content was determined by paper chromatography. Water-soluble polysaccharide fractions and pectins appeared to be predominant substances in the carbohydrate complex studied. Sufficiently high polysaccharide yield indicates to the prospects of Dahlia single L. tubers application as a source of both inulin and water-soluble polysaccharides and pectins. Shishkanova S.V., Shapiro I.L., Pen V.R. TAKING INTO ACCOUNT OF STOICHIOMETRY IN MODELLING PROCESSES OF KINETICS OF DELIGNIFICATION OF THE WOOD In article use of the balance equations for the account of kinetics chemical processes with participation of polymers of an irregular structure of a natural origin is offered. For soda pulping of wood use of a method allows to receive mathematical model of kinetics delignification, adequate in all the investigated temperature and time intervals. Levchenko S.I., Karpenko S.L., Pen V.R. CRITERION OF MANAGEMENT OF PULPING OF MIXES OF VARIOUS BREEDS OF THE WOOD Limitation of integrated criterion and impossibility of its use is shown at cooking mixes of various breeds of the wood. It is offered to use system of the differential equations modeling of kinetics of process of delignification of mixes of various breeds of the wood, and to apply the designed degree of conversion lignin to management of pulping. Levchenko S.I., Shapiro I.L., Pen V.R. DISTRIBUTION OF BOLTZMANN AND POLYEXPONENTIAL KINETICS SODA PULPING OF THE WOOD It is shown that on the assumption of polyexponential (polychronic) kinetic of chemical reactions for energy activation Boltzmann's distribution may be carried out. It has been found experimentally the existence of such distribution at the polysaccharide destruction of wood in alkaline conditions of delignification. Shishkanova S.V., Karpenko S.L., Pen V.R. ABOUT CRITERION OF MANAGEMENT OF PROCESS OF PULPING OF THE WOOD In work application of the Н-factor is analysed at pulping of the wood. Limitation of this criterion and the problems connected to its use at pulping of mixes of various breeds of the wood is shown. Научное издание ХИМИЯ РАСТИТЕЛЬНОГО СЫРЬЯ 2 • 2008 Зарегистрировано Министерством РФ по делам печати, телерадиовещания и средств массовых коммуникаций Свидетельство о регистрации ПИ №77-16614 от 24.10.2003. Литературный редактор : Н.Я. Тырышкина Издательство Алтайского государственного университета: 656049, Барнаул, пр. Ленина, 61 Изд. лиц. ЛР 020261 Подписано в печать 20.06.2008. Формат 60 84/8. Бумага типографская. Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 18,6. Тираж 150 экз. Заказ 322 Цена свободная Типография Алтайского государственного университета : 656049, Барнаул, ул. Димитрова, 66 * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Предыдущее сообщение: О.А.Колмакова и др. Низкотемпературная окислительная делигнификация древесины. 14. Физико-химическая характеристика облагороженной пероксидной целлюлозы из ели // Химия растительного сырья. 2004. №3. С. 35–38. ** Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. 1 Автор, с которым следует вести переписку * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * В дальнейшем изложении словом «кора» будем называть проэкстрагированную кору хвойных древесных пород. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести пеерписку. |
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Г Основы заготовительного процесса растительного сырья (сбор, первичная... Заготовка лекарственного растительного сырья является многогранным процессом, охватывающим цикл операций, начиная со сбора и заканчивая... |
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Химия растительного сырья Ю. Д. Алашкевич, В. И. Белоглазов, В. К. Дубовый, Д. А. Дулькин, И. Н. Ковернинский, Б. Н. Кузнецов, А. В. Кучин, Ю. С. Оводов, Г.... |
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Химия растительного сырья Ю. Д. Алашкевич, В. И. Белоглазов, В. К. Дубовый, Д. А. Дулькин, И. Н. Ковернинский, Б. Н. Кузнецов, А. В. Кучин, Ю. С. Оводов, Г.... |
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Химия растительного сырья Ю. Д. Алашкевич, В. И. Белоглазов, В. К. Дубовый, Д. А. Дулькин, И. Н. Ковернинский, Б. Н. Кузнецов, А. В. Кучин, Ю. С. Оводов, Г.... |
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2. Место производственной практики в структуре ооп бакалавриата Кафедра: Товароведение, технология сырья и продуктов животного и растительного происхождения имени С. А. Каспарьянца |
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Особенности заготовки и анализа дальневосточных видов лекарственного растительного сырья Выявить виды, морфологически сходные с лекарственными; научиться различать их между собой |
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