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A CONCEPT OF AUTOMATED RAILWAY OPERATION In this article we are talking of a very practical concept for automating a railway under assumed operating and technical conditions. All of the systems and their components have been tried and proved. The locomotive apparatus required for automation has been installed on five conventional diesel-electric motive units which have been field-tested with automated control under varying conditions of grade, curvature, operating speed and response. The railroad is in the order of 100 miles long. The territory selected for the extensive field tests included grades and curves that would generally be as critical. This railroad is designed to handle only freight with its source at an appreciable distance from the nearest railroad line. There is in the order of 100 cars in the train. The speeds on this railroad are 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 miles per hour. The train may be controlled automatically but we will assume one man is on the locomotive that pushes a button start the train and serves as a monitor and is present in the event of occurrences not anticipated. The main problems in a workable, practical system are:
Conventional diesel-electric motive unit – серийный тепловоз с электрической передачей; Operating speed – эксплуатационная скорость; Portable control unit – переносной пульт управления. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS:
AUTOMATIC OPERATION The purpose of the automatic operation is to maintain efficiently train speed and smooth handling of the train. The plan is to divide the route into sections of track; each section is relatively uniform to the speed limit of the train. The problem then is to provide wayside equipment capable of transmitting information of the desired speed to the locomotive entering the section. The wayside units are tuned inductances with electrical characteristics similar to the units in industrial applications for automatic selections of routes. It is quite practical to have about ten different selections for these tuned inductances in the 80 to 150 kilocycle range. Six of these selections may be used for the speed limits of 40 miles per hour and are considered to be typical. There is equipment, on the locomotive, that responds to the tuned inductances on the wayside. This takes the form of a variable frequency oscillator. When inductive coupling exists between coils in the oscillator circuit and a tuned wayside unit, the oscillator delivers a frequently corresponding to that of the tuned wayside unit. Thus, as the locomotive enters a zone, it passes over a tuned wayside and automatically receives the speed for the zone. Wayside equipment =wayside units – путевое оборудование Tuned inductances – индуктивные настройки Ten different selections – зд. 10 ступеней настройки катушек Variable frequency oscillator – индуктивная связь. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS:
AUTOMATIC TRAIN STOP EQUIPMENT The circuits for transmitting the speed information from the wayside to the locomotive, are classified as a non vital by signal engineers. Protection against failure to change the speed when entering a new zone is of such importance that a safety device is added. This consists of using inductive automatic equipment to stop the train in the cases of failure of the speed information when the locomotive enters a new zone. In carrying out this function there is the standard inductive automatic train stop equipment on the locomotive. On the wayside there is the standard inductor without winding. This wayside device is placed so that a brake application will be started on the locomotive before the locomotive is in position to receive the new speed information. The electrical circuits on the locomotive are arranged so that the release of the brake application relay on the locomotive eliminates the existing speed information. The receiving of the new speed information eliminates the brake application. The wayside train stop device and the tuned inductance for the speed are spaced so that usually the automatic application of the brakes will be eliminated before any slowing of the train has occurred. In practice at each point that separates zones there are two tuned inductances for each direction of travel and one wayside train stop device, the latter performing its functions with either direction of operation. Safety device – предохранительное (защитное) устройство; Standard inductive automatic train stop equipment – стандартный, индуктивный автостоп; Wayside train stop device – автостоп; Tuned inductance – зд. датчик. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS:
OPERATION OF THE SYSTEM Let us now explain the operation of the system as the loaded train moves over the route with the locomotive in automatic operation. When starting on level track, the throttle control advances the throttle from «idle» to the notch in accord with predermined programme of time intervals between positions. When the throttle reaches the notch and the locomotive brakes are released, the throttle is retarded automatically to another notch and then advanced. At a speed of 2 miles per hour, the throttle is again retarded to the second notch, after which it is advanced towards a given position. This programmed operation of the throttle was found, by tests, to be desirable for starting freight trains of the type and size described. The programming is accomplished by electrically operated relays. When operating in zone gradient less than 0.5 per cent the system attempts to maintain the command by an automatic throttle. If the speed of the train should exceed the command speed of the section, a minimum brake application will be made. This brake application would be released when the speed of the train was reduced to the command speed. When the locomotive enters a section with a down gradient of 0.5 per cent or more, this information is received automatically from the wayside, as described above. In a section of this type, the throttle is moved, automatically to the idle position and the traction motor circuits undergo transition to dynamic braking. Further operation to maintain uniform speed is similar to that described for the level zone. Level track – зд. площадка; Throttle control – механизм для управления дросселем; Command speed – заданная скорость. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS:
METHODS OF AUTOMATIC WEIGHING OF LOADS IN MOTION The automatic weighing of loads in motion be may be considered in two general categories: the weighing of unit loads and the weighing of a continuous load as on a conveyor belt. The weighing of unit loads such as a single freight car was first undertaken on a static base. The freight car was placed on a scale of the length sufficient for the car wheel base. A weight was moved back and forth on a balancing beam until it exactly balanced the weight of the car, and the car weighmaster read the car weight directly from the graduated scale. Saving in the time by weighing the car in the movement over the scale was obvious but the problem of compensating the vibration so that weights of proper accuracy was to be solved. Two methods were developed to determine the vibration effect of the car body and the lever system as well. In one method a large number of weight readings were taken at small intervals of time by electronic means, over a period of time sufficient to include a complete cycle of vibration. The computer then gave the reading and printed out a weight which was close to that of the car without vibration. Another method was to electronically integrate the vibration wave form and print out the average weight without vibration. This manner of weighing cars is advantageous with hump yards where separate cars could be weighed passing over the scale as they came down the hump. The moving car must be on scale for a period of time sufficient for determination of the vibration. The only problem is to design a weighing scale so that there will be no transfer of weight from the coupled cars. To prevent weight transfer from the coupled cars it will be necessary to have the approach and leaving track sections equal to the length of the longest car and equal to about 0.25% descending grade in the direction of weighing movement. Another type of automatic weighing of loads in motion is the continuous weighing of materials, such as ore, coal, crushed rock on conveyor belts. The principles in conveyor belt weighing are similar to those for the weighing of cars coupled in motion. The conveyor belt has sufficient flexibility to prevent an undue load transfer to the section of belt being weighed. One of the several supporting rollers is used to isolate a length of belt with its load for weighing. The weight is continuously measured and integrated by mechanical means. Loads can be weighed at the rate 6000 tons per hour. As a result of extensive research, most materials can be automatically weighed in motion with considerable savings compared to manual static weighing. Continuous load – непрерывный поток груза; On a static basis – в неподвижном состоянии; Car wheel base – колесная база вагона; Balancing beam – коромысло весов; Lever system – рычажная система; Readings – отсчеты; Vibration wave form –кривая вибрации; Approach and leaving track sections – примыкающие к весам участки пути; Load transfer – передача веса; To be integrated by mechanical means – механически суммироваться. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS:
DOUBLE TRACK Since the autumn of 1962 the Finnish State Railways have used a radio telephone system for communication between moving trains, wayside stations and the train dispatcher. The first system covered the 154 km section. For some years the system has proved a practical solution to the problem of communicating with a locomotive continuously over a long length of line and then was extended to 419 km. The section between Helsinki and Tampere is double track and has automatic block signaling: north of Tamper train operation on the line is controlled by telephones only. The stationmasters have full responsibility for safety, and the train dispatcher has only to give general orders and instructions supervising the work of the stationmasters. Before design work began certain requirements were to be laid down. Communication between a wayside station and a locomotive should be possible anywhere on the line between two successive wayside stations. Communication between the train dispatcher and locomotives as well as between the train dispatcher and a wayside station should be possible over the whole dispatching district. Communication between two locomotives and between wayside stations should be possible; the latter connection is useful when the ordinary telephone system fails. Simultaneous duplex operation should be used providing separate channels for transmitting and receiving. Duplex operation – дуплексная работа связи. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS:
DIESEL LOVOMOTIVES The locomotive Building Works of the Concern «Transmash» produce the main-line and shunting-industrial diesel locomotives, power rating from 132 kW(180 hp) to 4412kW (6000hp) for operation on wide and narrow gauge lines. The diesel locomotives are furnished with a number of progressive assemblies and systems providing high performance characteristics: four-stroke diesel engine, A.C./D.C. electrical transmission, support –frame suspension of traction motors, electro-dynamic brake, motor-fans of the cooling unit with swivel blades, centralized air supply system for cooling electric machines, micro compressor – controlled systems. The diesel locomotives operate under various climatic conditions, including tropics, deserts and north at ambient temperatures from minus 50 to plus 45C. More than 6000 diesel locomotives , power rating from 165 to 2940kW have been exported to other countries. FIRST RAILROADS IN RUSSIA The first railways in Russia were built for the mining and metallurgical industries. The first was an ore-carrying tramway built from 1763 to 1765 by K. D. Frolov at the Zmeinogorsk mine in the Altai. The first two steam railway locomotives built in Russia were made by E. A. Cherepanov and his son M. E. Cherepanov, both of whom were serf mechanics at the Demidov factories in the Urals at Nizhnii Tagil. They had previously built steam engines for pumping water in the mines, and M. E. Cherepanov was sent to England to learn more about "road steam engines". Between 1833 and 1835 he and his father built two, one for use in the factory and the other to be sent to St. Petersburg. In 1836 Cherepanov finished a railway from the Vyskii Factory to the Mednyi Mine, a distance of about two miles. This was the first steam railway in Russia. Although the Cherepanov's locomotives worked and were proven successful in actual use, later railways used locomotives built outside of Russia. The formal opening of the Tsarskoe Selo Railway took place on October 30, 1837. After the formal opening, railway service between St. Petersburg and Tsarskoe Selo was instituted. Some trains used horse power for economy, but after April 4, 1838, steam power was used exclusively. This is the date, then, on which full operation of the Tsarskoe Selo Railway began. Following the success of the Tsarskoe Selo Railway, others were planned and built. The next major project was the St. Petersburg to Moscow line, completed in 1851. From 1866 to 1899 the length of the rail network increased from 5000 km to 53,200 km. Railways made possible the industrial growth of Russia. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS:
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