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Список сокращений ИСМП – Инфекции, связанные с оказанием медицинской помощи КАИК – Катетер-ассоциированные инфекции кровотока ЛПУ – Лечебно-профилактическое учреждение СанПиН – Санитарные правила и нормы ЦВК – Центральный венозный катетер ЭКГ – Электрокардиография 1. Doherty L, Bravery K, Gabriel J, Kayley J, Malster M, Scales K, Inwood S. Standards for infusion therapy, third edition. London: Royal College of Nursing; 2012. 2. Adams S, Barrett L, Brooks S, Dahler A, Jansens W, Shaw H. Central Venous Access Devices: Principles for Nursing Practice and Education, Summary and Recommendations. Australia: Cancer Nurses Society of Australia; 2007. 3. Australia. Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare. Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare: 2010. 4. Australia. Australian and New Zealand Society of blood Transfusion Ltd Royal College of Nursing Australia. Guidelines for the administration of blood products: 2nd Edition, December 2011. 5. United States. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidelines for the Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related Infections: 2011. 6. Australia. Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare. National Recommendations for User-applied Labelling of Injectable Medicines, Fluids and Lines: 2010. 7. Australia. Pathology Queensland. Recommendations for Blood Culture Collection-Adults. 2012 8. Australia. Pathology Queensland. Culture of Tips and Related Devices. 2012. 9. Australia. Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare. Core Information Components, Structured Microbiology Requests and Reports for Healthcare Associated Infections: 2013. 10. National Kidney Foundation/ Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative. 2006 Updates Clinical Practice Guidelines and Recommendations. 11. United States. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Guidelines for the Prevention of Intra-vascular Catheter-Related Infections: 2011.
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