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40.The government’s approach towards foreign investments has radically changed in the period of transition.41..In the period of reforms a lot of measures have been taken to encourage foreign investments.42.There are many difficulties and problems in the Russian market which hinder the process of foreign capital inflow.43.Comment on the growing role and importance of foreign exchange market (FOREX). Why is it global in character?44.The introduction of the Euro affects the European Union countries and is an important step towards European Integration.45.The large-scale privatization has brought about private ownership which has resulted in setting up the enterprises of a new type.V КУРС
3. ТЕКСТЫ ДЛЯ ПЕРЕВОДА И РЕФЕРИРОВАНИЯ (ОБРАЗЦЫ) ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ НА РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК: APPROACHES TO BANKING REFORM Transition countries have two main tasks in approaching banking reform. The first is for each country to develop its central bank into an institution that independently formulates and conducts monetary policy. Evidence from transition economies confirms the worldwide finding that greater central bank independence, including the right not to finance the government and to set interest rates without government interference, is associated with lower inflation and more effective monetary policy. All transition economies have established basic instruments and procedures of monetary policy, although their effectiveness varies across countries, in part because interbank payments systems are often still poorly developed. Building them up is essential to creating a market-based financial system. Central banks have often also played a constructive role in formulating general macroeconomic and fiscal policies. Responding to initial conditions, countries’ approaches to banking reform have been based on either entry of new banks or rehabilitation of existing banks or (usually) some combination of the two. Some countries, however, have yet to choose a consistent financial reform strategy. The new entry approach involves the entry of a relatively large number of new banks, the break up and privatization of state banks and in some cases the liquidation of old banks. Estonia and Russia have both taken this path, although not always as a strictly deliberate policy choice. In many of the NIS, the confusion surrounding the break up of the Soviet Union created an environment in which many new banks emerged spontaneously. The alternative, rehabilitation approach, adopted by Hungary and Poland among others, stresses recapitalization of existing banks, together with extensive programs to develop them institutionally and to privatize them as soon as possible. Two factors largely determine each country’s approach to banking reform: the depth of the financial system (the ratio of financial liabilities to GDP) and the institutional legacy. During the late 1980s, financial depth was similar across the transition economies. But their different experiences with inflation – and the collapse in confidence in financial assets in the high-inflation countries have since caused an equally wide divergence.| With inflation having wiped out bad loans and savings, leaving depositors with little confidence in the financial system, most NIS countries have little to lose by starting afresh. Countries in CEE started out with stronger institutional basis than did the NIS or the East Asian transition economies. This advantage, together with their deeper financial systems and generally better fiscal positions, led most CEE countries to opt for a more phrased approach. ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ НА АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК: Ситуация в стране складывалась таким образом, что даже низкоэффективный экспорт наносил меньшие убытки, чем сворачивание соответствующих экспортных производств. К тому же наращивание экспорта в условиях обострившейся проблемы неплатежей в российской экономике минимизировало риск платежей по поставленной продукции и давало больше возможностей получения за нее реальных финансовых средств. Рост экспорта ряда традиционных российских товаров был не в последнюю очередь обусловлен и заметным сокращением спроса на эти товары на внутреннем рынке в результате экономического кризиса, в котором оказалась Россия. Следует подчеркнуть, что экспорт товаров из России освобожден от каких-либо количественных (кроме международных обязательств) или тарифных ограничений. Полностью ликвидирована система внутренних экспортных квот. Отменен экспортный таможенный тариф. Сохраняется лишь небольшая группа специфических товаров, экспорт которых лицензируется. Выявляя факторы, обусловливающие положительную динамику объемов внешней торговли, следует прежде всего назвать повышенную ценовую конъюнктуру на мировом рынке. Мировые цены на важнейшие товары российского экспорта, поначалу понижавшиеся, к середине 90-х гг. стали в основном повышаться. Так, средние контрактные цены по экспорту увеличились примерно на 8% по сравнению с 1992 г. Мировые цены на товары, импортируемые в Россию, имели резко выраженную тенденцию к повышению. Уровень средних контрактных цен по импорту в середине 90-х гг. превышал подобные цены в 1992 г. примерно в 2,3 раза. В результате рост внешнеторгового оборота России происходил при увеличении объема экспорта и уменьшении физического объема импорта. Другим важным фактором, существенно повлиявшим на достаточно устойчивый рост российской внешней торговли до середины 90-х гг., послужило то обстоятельство, что эта отрасль, как отмечалось выше, стала источником «живых» денег, реальных доходов для участников внешнеэкономической деятельности. ВЫПОЛНИТЕ РЕФЕРИРОВАНИЕ ТЕКСТА: SOUTHEAST ASIA: FROM BOOM TO CRISIS Vladimir Inozemtsev In many ways, the record of the Southeast Asian nations is a classical example of the "catching up" type of development. First of all, as distinct from Japan which had already been a regional economic superpower before World War II, none of those nations had any industrial experience. Second, many of them had, for quite some time, been, under the influence of communist ideology or had developed "along socialist lines." Third, as they embarked on industrialization, they set themselves extremely ambitious aims such as going beyond the confines of the Third World and joining the world's community of industrialized countries. Fourth, in no part of the world had the process of industrialization ever received such a massive support in the shape of foreign investment and credit injections. And finally, never before had the market economy experienced a systemic crisis of industrial production like that of 1997 the aftermaths of which are felt to this day. The Southeast Asian nations' recent history may serve as a graphic illustration of all the six groups of contradictions inherent in the "catching up" development model: one-sidedness of the emergent economic system, predomination of extensive development factors, underconsumption of the middle class, a sweeping-scale import of capital and technologies, critical dependence on finished products' export to the post-industrial world, and a lag behind the latter in the spheres of scientific and technological progress and education. When analyzing these contradictions we have already illustrated them with statistics and facts of socioeconomic life of those nations, therefore we shall not repeat ourselves but concentrate, on the one hand, on the overall parameters of the Asian economies’ development in the 1970-1980s and, on the other, on assessing the course and depth of the crisis that hit the region. Yet, for all the features they have in common, the types of development of individual East Asian nations differ from one another substantially. They can be roughly divided into three categories, each producing its results and having its distinctive prospects. Represented in the first category are countries which, having taken the line of industrialization in the 1960s, emphasized a high standard of living and technological self-reliance while gaining the status of Southeast Asia’s financial and business centers and promoting foreign trade contracts. Having come up the closest to post-industrial society, those countries found themselves, in the end, developmentally dependent on the Western world, owing their successes to the west’s need for them as financial outposts in Asia and islands of stability in that region. I mean, above all, Hong Kong (a British colony until 1997), Singapore and Taiwan. Falling into the second category are nations which have gone all the way to industrialization from a predominantly agrarian starting line through the overexploitation of their own people and an active attraction of foreign investment. All those nations – South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines, above all, became major exporters of their products to the world market in the 1980s. As they are emerging from recession today, most of those nations still stick to the extensive industrialization policy. The third type of progress, identified primarily with China, the region's most powerful nation economically, appears to be most controversial. While remaining at a very low level of economic development, the country has a large domestic market and is not too actively engaged in international business transactions; therefore, one can say that the main prerequisites for the 1997 Asian crisis are only in the embryo in China's economy today and, consequently, do not threaten large-scale economic upheavals as yet. In the meantime, the ambitiousness of China's policy, the complexity of social transformation and the extremely extensive nature of its economic progress remain factors which are not to be ignored in assessing the prospects for the further development of the People's Republic of China. |
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