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bahiensis, B. bowerae, B. carolineifolia, B. fischeri, B. heracleifolia, B. ‘Erythrophylla’, B. ‘Helen Teupel’) are determined. The contents of flavonoids were 24–650 mg% of dry weight, including glycosides of quercetin – 3–76 mg%. Kaempferol glycosides was detected only in species of section Gireoudia (1,2–5,7 mg%). The contents of anthocyanins were between 60 and 157 mg%, ascorbic acid – 5–43 mg% of fresh weight. Studied plants of Begonia can be considered as the sources of biologically active compounds with antioxidant and antimicrobial activity. Keywords: Begonia, flavonoids, quercetin, kaempferol, anthocyanins, ascorbic acid. Artemkina N.A., Gorbacheva T.T. phenols content in bark of PICEA at different STAGES OF TECHNOGENIC SUCCESSION of kola peninsula spruce biocenoses Some particularities of total phenols contents and their monomer forms change in bark of Picea obovata Ledeb. are investigated at different stages of technogenic succession. Significant differences in bark content of ferulic, vanillic and β-rezorcilic acids and nonlinear character of phenols content alteration are observed with a maximum at a stage of defoliating forests. The received results allow considering some changes in phenols metabolism as nonspecific reaction of vegetation to stress. Bezhuasvili M.G., Musashvili N.D. Identification in the Skins OF RED Technical Sorts of Grapes produced from Pirokatekhini and Siringili The purpose of the research is the identification of new non-antocyanis compositions (I and II) isolated from the skin of of grape saferavi sort. Identification was conducted with the methods of UK-Spectroskopy,Chromato-MAS-Spectriscopy and thinlayer Chromatography. Composition I- was identified as -3,4-(Dihydroxyphenyl)-1-propan-1-on, i.e. Pirokatekhin-1-Propan-1-on and composition II -(3,5-Dimetoksi-4-Hydroksi)-1-Butan-1-on or Siringili-1-Butan-1-on.The skins of Otskhanuri Safere and Kaberne types of grapes also contain indetified compositions. Keywords: identification; pirocatekhin-1-propan-1-on; siringili-1-butan-1-on. Sisoeva M.A.,. Yumaeva L.R., Gamaiourova V.S., Ziyatdinova G.K., Budnikov G.K., Halitov F.G. THE COMPARATIVE CHARACTERISTIC OF THE ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITIES OF THE WATER AND ALCOHOL CHAGA EXTRACTS It was carried out additional extraction of biologically active compounds from the residue of chaga, which appears after water extraction of chaga. An extraction with ethyl alcohol was used for this purpose. It was shown that antioxidant activity of alcohol extracts and their components are higher than antioxidant activity of water extracts from the corresponding chaga mushroom. Keywords:chaga, water extract, residue, alcohol extracts, melanin, sediment, antioxidant activity (АОА). Zherebtsov S.I., Musin Yu.V., Moiseev A.I. Effect of alkylation on composition and yield of bitumens of peat Results of experiments are presented and a number regression dependence on effect of conditions of alkylation of peat n-butanol at presence orthophosphoric acid on a yield of extractives is obtained. It is shown, that catalytic butylation considerably increases a yield of extractives, element composition of samples of peat changes. Changes of group and individual compositions of fractions bitumen, occurring in a course butylation peat are investigated. Reactions esterification and interesterification underlies increase an yield of bitumen from alkylated peat. Various joints from peat can act as alternative raw materials for the chemical industry. Keywords: Peat, bitumen, wax, alkylation, etherification. Simkin Yu.Ia., Besrdin I.N. Absorbent carbon made of dry debarking Siberian larch pellet porous structure formation Unitary block carbon made of dry debarking Siberian larch pellet porous structure formation was studied at the activation with superheated water steam process. There are differences at organization of external and internal layers adsorptive pores of absorbent carbon were surveyed on conditions that pieces of coal were scorched for 15, 30 and 50 percent. Keywords: pellet, dry debarking waste products, Siberian larch (Larix sibirica), coal, adsorbent, porous structure. Еpiphantseva N.S., Simkin Yu.Ya. Аn influence of siberian silkmoth’s lesion of siberian larch period on coal-forming process It was researched how a larch wood desiccated for different periods from Siberian silkmoth’s action affects on chemical composition, thermostability, wood components’ coal-forming capacities and obtained charcoal technical characteristics. It is shown that it is possible to obtain industrial sorts «B» and «V» charcoal from larch wood desiccated up to 12 years. Keywords: Siberian larch (Larix sibirica), Siberian silkmoth, charcoal. Chistova N.G. FIBER BOARD PRODUCTION WITH THE HELP OF DRY PROCESS Fibrous raw material. The influence of constructive and technological grinders’ parameters on the quality of wood grinding, physical-mechanical fiber board properties in dry way production has been investigated. The program of experimental research has been fulfilled in order to obtain mathematical models describing the object investigated and searching optimum conditions of system operation. Calculated dependence of qualitative grinding and fiber board density on dominating parameters of grinders has been obtained. Keywords: Fibrous raw material, power, secondary ground wood, hydro beater, mathematical model, technological process. Petrusheva N.A., Chistova N.G., Zaripov Z.Z., Chigov A.A., Alashkevich U.D. EFFICIENCY of USE of a SECONDARY FIBRE In MANUFACTURE WOODFIBERS of plates In work the results of researches on optimization of process of processing of a secondary fiber in manufacture woodfibers of plates by a wet way are submitted. The application for processing a secondary fiber uncut of the equipment instead of traditional conic mill is reasonable. Chistova N.G., Alashkevich U.D., Petrusheva N.A. POWER CONSUMPTION DEPENDENCE IN THE PROCESS OF SECONDARY DEFIBERING IN FIBER BOARD PRODUCTION Fibrous raw material. With the help of mathematical modeling methods and experimental planning has been defined power consumption used when processing secondary ground wood in the hydro beater, and the influence of main technological parameters of this process on it. Have been obtained mathematical models adequately describing technological process of secondary fiber treatment. To a great extent, this allowed to reduce specific power consumption as compared to existing processing methods. Keywords: power, secondary ground wood, fibrous raw material, hydro beater, mathematical model, technological process, secondary fiber. Kozhukhov V.A., Alashkevich J.D. Features of the use of knife sets with shock exposure during grinding fibrous masses Article analyzes the theoretical and experimental research in the field of grinding knife in the way of impact on the fibrous material in order to create in high-speed disk mill effect stupas, which will improve the quality of grinding fibers and increase the productivity of milling. Keywords: grinding, impact, fibrous slurry, cutting edge. Alashkevich J.D., Marchenco R.A., Reshetova N.S. The process beznozhevoy processing fibrous slurry the installation of «jet-barrier» Article a brief overview of the main advantages and disadvantages knifeless grinding. The goal of research is to study the influence of the number of blades movable barrier on the grinding process. The results of study of the effect of different number of blades on paperforming properties of fiber suspensions, and physical properties of finished castings. Revealed that controlling the number of turbine blades hydrodynamical installation can be combined with improved paperforming and the physical and mechanical performance, lower cost of electricity Keywords: knifeless grinding, cavitation, turbine, fibrous material. Alashkevich J.D., Voronin I.A., Kovalyov V.I., Reshetova N.S. Beating of fibrous half-finished products in the nonconventional way In article is presented a design procedure of power influence on fibrous suspension of working bodies in beating to installation with inertial movement of bodies. The Purpose of researches is calculation of the effort having on the area of one tooth of an inertial body at various speeds of rotation of a rotor, definition of influence of district speed of movement of inertial bodies on process beating fibrous half-finished products. In article the results of experimental researches showing dependence of quality indicators of fibrous weight and a ready paper from power influence on fibrous suspension of working bodies in beating to installation with inertial movement of bodies are presented. Keywords: beating, inertial bodies, fibrous suspension, force of inertia. Shaldaeva Т.М. Flavonoid content in natural populations of Artemisia absinthium L. growing in the forest-steppe zone of West Siberia The experimental data on flavonoid content of Artemisia absinthium L. from natural habitats in the south of West Siberia are given. Populations with the greatest amount of flavonoids have been determined for the purpose of possible use. Keywords: Artemisia absinthium L., flavonoid. Научное издание ХИМИЯ РАСТИТЕЛЬНОГО СЫРЬЯ 2 • 2009 Зарегистрировано Министерством РФ по делам печати, телерадиовещания и средств массовых коммуникаций Свидетельство о регистрации ПИ №77-16614 от 24.10.2003. Литературный редактор: Н.Я, Тырышкина Издательство Алтайского государственного университета: 656049, Барнаул, пр. Ленина, 61 Изд. лиц. ЛР 020261 Подписано в печать 20.06.2009. Формат 6084/8. Бумага типографская. Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 22,3. Тираж 150 экз. Заказ 311 Цена свободная Типография Алтайского государственного университета: 656049, Барнаул, ул. Димитрова, 66 * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Autor to correspondence. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым слдеует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Примечание редакции: Данная статья публикуется в порядке дискуссии. Редакционная коллегия будет благодарна читателям за отклики. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. Автор, с которым следует вести переписку Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. * Автор, с которым следует вести переписку. |
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Г Основы заготовительного процесса растительного сырья (сбор, первичная... Заготовка лекарственного растительного сырья является многогранным процессом, охватывающим цикл операций, начиная со сбора и заканчивая... |
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