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5. 1. The English Channel separates Great Britain from France. 2. The country is washed by the North Sea in the north. 3. The Pennines, called the “backbone of England”, are situated in the centre of England running to the north. 4. The second highest peak, Snowdon, is situated in the Cambrian Mountains in Wales. 5. The largest navigable river in Great Britain is the Thames which flows into the North Sea. 6. The Lake District, the most beautiful region on the British Isles and one of British fourteen national parks, is situated in the west. 7. The flag of the United Kingdom or “Union Flag” (unofficially “Union Jack”) dates back to the union of Ireland and Great Britain in 1801. 10 points Критерии оценивания. Тест 1 Total 42 points «2» = 0–10 «3» = 11–25 «4» = 26–37 «5» = 38–42 Тест 2 (Module One: Unit 2) Name __________________ Form _________ Date ______________ 1. Complete the sentences briefly. 1) A Bobby is ______________________________________________________ 2) Britannia is ______________________________________________________ 3) The robin is the most _______________________________________________ 4) A pub is a place __________________________________________________ 5) Cricket is a national ________________________________________________ 2. Arrange the British superstitions in the columns as in the example.
3. Put the right words to the definitions.
4. Complete the sentences with the words in the correct form.
Total: _______________ points Mark: ___________________ Ключи. Тест 2 1. 1) A Bobby is a representative of the British police. 2) Britannia represents the personification of the British nationalism. 3) The robin is the most favourite British bird. 4) A pub is a place to have a drink and chat. 5) Cricket is a national leisurely game. 10 points (2 for each complete answer) 2.
11 points 3. 1. essence; 2. a pamphlet; 3. trademark; 4. personification; 5. chatty; 6. to wash down; 7. a starter; 8. to mint; 9. a poll; 10. to support 10 points 4.
8 points Критерии оценивания. Тест 2 Total 39 points «2» = 0–10 «3» = 11–24 «4» = 25–34 «5» = 35–39 Тест 3 (Module One: Unit 3) Name __________________ Form _________ Date ______________ 1. Answer these questions briefly.
2. What unusual British celebrations do you know? Put their names below. 3. Express these sentences in English. 1. Фильм был очень нудный (tedious), и я задремал. 2. В моей семье у каждого есть свои домашние обязанности. 3. Мне кажется, что у каждого человека должна быть мечта. Мечта моей мамы, например, – открыть кондитерскую, а у папы – пансионат. Я же предпочел свой собственный пригородный дом с аккуратным садом. 4. Мой друг всегда соперничает со всеми, не понимая, что это не очень хорошая черта характера. 4. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Tom who writes: … Yesterday my friends and I went to our favourite café to celebrate the end of the term. This place is very good, really! They serve good quality meals, have a big variety of delicious “home-made” dishes. What we really enjoy is that the prices are quite reasonable and the atmosphere is relaxing, with the pleasant background music. Tell me, do you often go out? Do you have a favourite place in your city? Where do you usually go with your friends? By the way, in a week I am going to a new art exhibition… Write a letter to Tom. In your letter − answer his questions − ask 3 questions about the new exhibition Write 100–140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing. Total: _______________ points Mark: ___________________ Ключи. Тест 3 1.
12 points (2 points for each complete answer) 2. The pancake race, Easter Parade, Cheese Rolling, Red Nose Day, The Straw Bear Festival, the church service with clowns. 6 points or more (1 point for each name) 3. 1. The film was tedious and I dozed. 2. Everybody in my family has their own household chores. 3. I think that every person should have a dream. My mother’s dream is to open a confectioner’s and my father dreams of opening a boarding house. I would prefer having my own suburban house with a neatly-kept garden. 4. My friend is always competitive not realizing that this is not a good trait of character. 8 points (2 for each correct sentence) 4. [примерный ответ] Moscow, Russia 25/09/2010 Hi Tom, Thanks for your letter. It looks like you’re having a nice time! As for me, I don’t go out often now. My final exams are coming, and I spend much time preparing for the Russian National Exam. As for favourite places here, I like the central park in downtown. There are several cafés there, a number of rides, fountains and many long and short alleys where one can walk and enjoy the nature. Sometimes my friends and I go cycling there at weekends. There’s an open-air theatre and in summers we go to see performances by a youth theatre company. Tell me about the art exhibition. What is exhibited there, paintings or sculptures? Where does it take place? Are you going there alone or in a company of friends? Write back soon! Best, Dima 10 points Критерии оценивания. Тест 3 Total 36 points «2» = 0–10 «3» = 11–22 «4» = 23–32 «5» = 33–36 Тест 4 (Module Two: Unit 1) Name __________________ Form _________ Date ______________ 1. Complete the sentences with the right words.
2. Answer these questions briefly.
3. Express these in English. Вымерший, определять, прогресс, наследие, еда «с собой», проживать, средневековый, по происхождению. 4. Complete the sentences with the words in the right form. 1. The word “__________” is not usually used in colloquial speech. People usually say “live” instead. 2. It is very hard to __________ the way dinosaurs looked like, as these animals became __________ long time ago. 3. If a person belongs to high class in Britain, it doesn’t mean that he/she is a millionaire or lives in a __________ castle. Such people usually have a very long family history and their own __________. They should also be noble __________. 4. – Oh, I am so tired of cooking! Let’s get a __________, shall we? 5. Mary decided to leave her job as a manager, because she couldn’t understand her responsibilities as no one clearly __________ them. 6. In the 21st century, cancer research has yielded significant __________. 7. England boasts a rich literary __________. 5. Complete the sentences. Put the words in brackets in the correct form. 1. England is (close)1 to Europe than any other part of Britain, divided from France only by a 52 km sea gap. 2. Most of England (cover)2 by hills, but the area is more mountainous in the north with a chain of the Pennines. 3. England’s economy is the (two)3 largest economy in Europe and the (five)4 largest economy in the world. 4. English coat of arms depicts three yellow lions on the red background with their right paws (raise)5. 5. Several songs often (consider)6 to be unofficial English anthems. 6. The construction of the Tunnel is one of the greatest technological and engineering (achievement)7 of the 20th century. Total: _______________ points Mark: ___________________ Тест 4. Ключи 1. 1. In the north England borders on Scotland and in the west on Wales. 2. England has a temperate climate, with big rainfall all year round, though the seasons vary in temperature. 3. England is driest in the east and warmest in the south. 4. The two main traditional symbols of England are the St. George’s cross (the English flag), and the Three Lions coat of arms. 5. The English flag has a red cross on the white background. 5 points |
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