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Article 110(Hearing) If the Minister of Culture and Tourism intends to cancel the permit for or order to close copyright management services in accordance with Paragraph (2) of Article 109, he shall hold a hearing. Article 111(Surcharge) (1) In the case where a copyright management service provider commits any of the acts prescribed in Paragraph (1) of Article 109 and therefore be subject to the order of suspension of business, the Minister of Culture and Tourism may impose and collect a surcharge of not more than fifty million won from the copyright management service provider in return for the order of suspension of business concerned. (2) In the case where the person who was imposed a surcharge in accordance with Paragraph (1) fails to pay it within the term of payment, the Minister of Culture and Tourism shall collect the said surcharge by referring to the practices of dispositions on default of national taxes. (3) The surcharge collected pursuant to Paragraphs (1) and (2) may be used to establish an order of sound use of works by the collector. (4) The amount of surcharges concerning the types and extent of violation which is subject to surcharge in accordance with Paragraph (1) and the necessary matters in respect to the procedure of using surcharges, etc. pursuant to the provision of Paragraph (3) shall be determined by the Presidential Decree. [ edit ] CHAPTER 8. COPYRIGHT COMMISSION Article 112(Establishment and Organization of Copyright Commission) (1) In order to establish an order of sound use of works, etc., deliberate matters concerning copyright and other rights protected under this Act (hereinafter referred to as "copyright" in this Chapter)and conciliate disputes concerning copyright (hereinafter referred to as "disputes"), the Copyright Commission (hereinafter referred to as "the Commission") shall be established. (2) The Commission shall consist of more than fifteen but fewer than twenty members including one chairman and two vice chairmen. (3) Members shall be nominated by the Minister of Culture and Tourism among persons falling under any of the following categories and the chairman and vice chairmen shall be elected among the members: 1. Who has bachelor or higher degree in the related areas of copyright with an experience as an associate professor or equivalent at universities or authorized research organizations 2. Who is qualified as a lawyer or currently holds the position as a judge or a public prosecutor 3. Who is experienced in the areas of copyright or culture industry as a public official in higher than Class 4 or an employee at the equivalent position in a public institution 4. Who is currently or has been a member of the board of the organizations in the area of copyright or culture industry or 5. Who has knowledge and experience in other areas related to copyright. (4) The term of members shall be a period of three years and the members may serve for more than one term. (5) If a vacancy has occurred in the members of the Commission, the substitute shall be nominated in the same manner as prescribed in accordance with Paragraph (3) who is to serve for the remaining period of his predecessor's term. The substitute may not be nominated, if the total number of the incumbent members exceeds fifteen. Article 113(Functions) The Commission shall perform the following functions: 1. To conciliate disputes 2. To deliberate on matters concerning the rate or amount of fees and royalties for the copyright management service providers prescribed under Paragraph (6) of Article 105 and matters referred to the Commission by the Minister of Culture and Tourism or by three or more members jointly 3. To establish an order of sound use of works, etc and promote fair use of works 4. To conduct international cooperation to protect copyright 5. To conduct researches about, education in and to enhance public awareness on copyright 6. To assist in building copyright policy 7. To assist in building policy regarding technological protection measures and rights management information 8. To establish and operate the information management system for provision of copyright information 9. To provide expert opinions on matters concerning infringements of copyrights, etc.; 10. To perform duties provided for as the authorities of the Commission under the law and 11. To perform other duties entrusted by the Minister of Culture and Tourism. Article 114(Conciliation Division) (1) In order to effectively carry out the affairs of dispute conciliation of the Commission, a conciliation division consisting of either one or three or more members, including one qualified as a lawyer, shall be established in the Commission. (2) The necessary matter regarding organization and administration of the conciliation division pursuant to Paragraph (1) shall be determined by the Presidential Decree. Article 115 (Closed Meetings) The conciliation procedures shall be closed in principle provided that the head of the conciliation division may permit a person to attend a conciliation meeting who he recognizes as eligible with the consent of the persons concerned. Article 116 (Limitation on Invoking Statements) The statements made by the persons concerned or the interested persons during the course of conciliation shall not be invoked during the legal or mediation procedures . Article 117 (Conclusion of a Conciliation) (1) The conciliation shall be concluded by writing the terms of agreement between the parties on a protocol. (2) The protocol as referred to in Paragraph (1) shall have the same effect as a judicial conciliation, unless it is concerned with matters which are outside the capacity of the parties to dispose of them. Article 118 (Expenses of Conciliation) (1) The expenses of conciliation shall be borne by the requesting party provided that if the conciliation is reached, the expenses shall be borne by both parties in equal share, unless otherwise stipulated. (2) The amount of conciliation expenses as referred to in Paragraph (1) shall be determined by the Commission. Article 119 (Provision of Expert Opinions) (1) If requested by courts or investigative institutions for the purpose of trial or investigation, the Commission may provide expert opinions on matters regarding infringements of copyright, etc. (2) The necessary matters concerning procedures and methods of provision of expert opinions pursuant to Paragraph(1) shall be determined by the Presidential Decree. (3) If the Commission provides expert opinions in accordance with Paragraph (1), it may receive fees for such opinions and the amount of fees shall be determined by the Commission. Article 120 (Copyright Information Centre) In order to effectively perform the duties prescribed in Sub-paragraphs 7 and 8 of Article 113, the Copyright Information Center shall be established in the Commission. Article 121(Organization, etc. of the Commission) The organization and administration of the Commission, application and procedures of conciliation, method of payment of conciliation expenses, the organization and administration of the Copyright Information Centre,and other matters necessary for the operation of the Commission shall be determined by the Presidential Decree. Article 122 (Subsidy for Expenses, etc.) (1) The state may subsidize the expenses necessary for the operation of the Commission within the limit of its budget. (2) An individual, a legal person, or an organization may donate money or other properties to the Commission in order to support the performance of its duties prescribed under Sub-paragraphs (3), (5), and (8) of Article 113 of Copyright Act. (3) The donation made pursuant to Paragraph (2) shall be managed in a separate account and matters with regard to use of the donation shall be subject to the approval of the Minister of Culture and Tourism. [ edit ] CHAPTER 9. REDRESS FOR INFRINGEMENT OF RIGHTS Article 123 (Right of Demanding Suspension of Infringement,etc.) (1) Any person who has the copyright or other rights protected pursuant to this Act (excluding the rights to be compensated under Articles 25, 31, 75, 76, 82, and 83, hereinafter the same shall apply to this Article) may demand a person infringing his rights to suspend such act or demand a person likely to infringe his rights to take preventive measures or to provide a security for compensation for damages. (2) If a person who has the copyright or other rights protected pursuant to this Act makes a demand in accordance with Paragraph (1), he may demand the abandonment of the objects made by the act of infringement or other necessary measures. (3) In the cases of Paragraphs (1) and (2), or in the case where a criminal indictment under this Act has been filed, on request of a plaintiff or accuser, the court may, with or without imposing a security, issue an order to temporarily suspend the act of infringement, or seize the objects made by the act of infringement, or to take other necessary measures. (4) In the case of Paragraph (3) where a judicial decision was made that no infringement of copyright and other rights protected under this Act has been made, the applicant shall pay compensation for the damages caused by his request. Article 124 (Acts Considered as Infringement) (1) Any act that falls under any of the followings shall be deemed an infringement of copyrights or other rights protected in accordance with this Act: 1. The importation into the Republic of Korea, for the purpose of distribution therein, of objects which would constitute an infringement of copyrights or other rights protected pursuant to this Act, if they were made in the Republic of Korea at the time of such importation and 2. The possession, for the purpose of distribution, of objects produced based on any act that constitutes infringement of copyrights or other rights protected under this Act (including those imported as provided in the foregoing Subparagraph 1) with the knowledge of such infringement. (2) Any act of providing, producing, importing, transferring, lending, or interactively transmitting technologies, services, products, devices, or significant parts thereof for the primary purpose of neutralizing technological protection measures for copyrights or other rights protected pursuant to this Act such as elimination, modification or bypassing thereof without legitimate rights shall be deemed infringement of copyrights or other rights protected in accordance with this Act. (3) Any act conducted without legitimate rights with the knowledge or negligent ignorance of the fact that infringement on copyrights or other rights protected pursuant to this Act is caused or concealed that falls under any of the followings shall be deemed infringement on copyrights or other rights protected in accordance with this Act: provided that said provision shall not apply to those cases where such act is deemed unavoidable for technical reasons, or in the light of the nature of works, etc. or the purpose, manner, etc. of the use thereof: 1. Any act of intentionally eliminating, changing, or falsely adding right management information in electronic format and 2. Any act of distributing, publicly performing, communication to the public, or importing for the purpose of distribution of the original or reproduction of the works, etc. with the knowledge of the fact that right management information in an electronic format has been eliminated, changed, or falsely added . (4) Any act of exploiting a work in a manner prejudicial to the honor of its author shall be deemed infringement of his moral rights. Article 125 (Claim for Damages) (1) Where the owner of author's property rights or other rights (excluding author's and performer's moral rights) protected under this Act (hereinafter referred to as "owner of author's property rights, etc.") claims compensation for damages that he sustained by the act of infringement from a person who has infringed his rights intentionally or by negligence, the amount of profit shall be presumed to be the amount of damages that the owner of author's property rights, etc. sustained , if the infringer has made a profit by his act of infringement. (2) Where the owner of author's property rights, etc., claims compensation for damages that he sustained by the act of infringement from a person who has infringed his rights intentionally or by negligence, the amount which he would normally entitled to receive by exercising his rights may be claimed as the amount of damages sustained by the owner of author's property rights, etc. (3) Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph (2), if the amount of damages that the owner of author's property rights, etc. sustained exceeds the amount of money as prescribed in Paragraph (2), he may also claim the amount in excess as compensation for the damages. (4) Any person who infringes upon registered copyrights, publication rights, neighboring rights, or rights of database makers shall be presumed to have been negligent in his act of infringement. Article 126 (Setting of Amount of Damages) In those cases where incurrence of damages is recognized, but it is difficult to estimate the amount of damages as provided in the foregoing Article 125, the court may set a reasonable amount of damages by taking into consideration the gist of arguments and the results of evidentiary investigations. Article 127(Right of Demanding Recovery of Honor, etc.) An author or a performer may demand the person who has infringed on his author's or performer's moral rights intentionally or by negligence to take measures necessary for the recovery of his honor or reputation in return for or together with compensation for damages. Article 128 (Protection of the Moral Interests after the Death of an Author) After the death of an author, his surviving family(the surviving spouse, children, parents, grand children, grand parents, brothers and sisters of the dead author) or the executor of his will may, under Article 123, demand compensation from a person who has violated or is likely to violate the provision of Paragraph (2) of Article 14 in respect of the work concerned, or, under Article 127, demand recovery of his honor or reputation from a person who has infringed author's rights intentionally or by negligence, or who violated the provision of Paragraph (2) of Article 14. Article 129 (Infringement in Respect of a Joint Work) Each author of, or each owner of authors property rights in, a joint work shall be entitled to make, without the consent of the other authors or owners of author's property rights, the demand prescribed under Article 123, or demand for compensation for damages under Article 125 to his share in a joint work. [ edit ] CHAPTER 10. SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS Article 130 (Delegation of Authority) The Minister of Culture and Tourism may delegate a part of the authority pursuant to this Act to mayors of cities, governors of provinces, the Commission, or copyright related organizations as determined by the Presidential Decree. Article 131 (Legal Fiction as Public Officials in Application of Penal Provisions) The members and staff of the Commission shall be considered as public officials if the provisions of Article 129 through 132 of the Criminal Act are applied to them. Article 132 (Fees) Anyone who applies for the particulars falling any of the followings pursuant to the provisions of this Act shall pay fees as prescribed by the Ordinance of the Minister of Culture and Tourism 1. A person who applies for approval for legal license pursuant to the provisions of Articles 50 to 52 (including those cases where the provisions herein apply mutatis mutandis in accordance with Articles 89 and 97) 2. A person who applies for registrations,modifications of the registered particulars, inspection of registers and issuance of copies of registers pursuant to the provisions of Article 53 to 55 (including those cases where the provisions herein apply mutatis mutandis in accordance with Paragraph (3) of Article 63, Articles 90 and 98) and |
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