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ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ А Module 1 TEA TRADITIONS Warm-up What do you know about British tea traditions? Is tea as popular in Russia as it is in Great Britain? What can you say about tea traditions in Russia? How do you understand the phrase «Say it don`t spray it»? In which situation can you use this expression? Activity 1. Listen to the following phrases and try to fill in the gaps with the correct words.
The Ritz rebellion stirring posture to dunk scones aficionado Activity 2. Work in pairs. Explain the words from the Activity 1 to each other. Activity 3. Write the correct words next to their definitions. Use the words from the Activity 1.
Activity 4. You are going to watch a video about British traditional afternoon tea. Watch the video without the sound and make a list of topics presented by Miss Sue Flay. Activity 5. Now watch the video with the sound and write down afternoon tea etiquette tips related to these topics. Activity 6. Read the following sentences and mark them with T (True) or F (False).
Activity 7. Work in pairs. Discuss the afternoon tea etiquette tips presented in the video. Ask your partner:
Then share your thoughts with your classmates. Activity 8. You are going to watch a video about Russian tea traditions. Watch the video and fill in the gaps.
Activity 9. Work in pairs. Make a list of Russian tea traditions presented in the video. Discuss with your partner the way you drink tea with your families. Add your own traditions to the list you`ve made. Then share your thoughts with your classmates. Communicative task. Divide into 2 groups. Be prepared to participate in a role-play. Group A: Imagine you are going to host a guest from Great Britain. Plan a traditional tea party for him/her. What would you put on table? What would you tell him about traditional way of drinking tea in Russia? What is the modern way of drinking tea in Russia? Group B: Imagine you are British student. You are coming to Russia to visit your friend. He/she is going to throw you a traditional tea party. Be prepared to ask him some questions about Russian tea traditions and tell him/her about the differences between Russian tea drinking and British tea drinking. Module 2 THE WHOLE WORLD IS A THEATRE… Warm-up What do you know about Shakespeare? How do you understand his famous quote “The whole world is a theatre… And all the people are actors”? Can you imagine how theatre looked like back in Shakespeare times? What do you know about Russian theatre? Why do you think Russian ballet is well known all over the world? Activity 1. Read the words from both columns and make as many combinations as possible. For example: to participate in a play.
Activity 2. Create 8 sentences using the collocations from Activity 1. Activity 3. You are going to watch a video about Shakespeare`s Globe theatre. Watch the video and fill in the gaps.
Activity 4. Read the questions below. Then watch the video again and answer the questions.
Activity 5. Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.
Then share your thoughts with your classmates. Activity 5. You are going to watch an interview with American ballerina who is currently working at the Kremlin Ballet in Moscow. What do you expect to hear? What kind of topics may be in this interview? What would you ask her? Activity 6. Watch the video and mark the following sentences T (True) or F (False).
Activity 7. Read the questions below. Then watch a part of the video again (00:00-02:57) and make notes to answer the questions.
Then share your thoughts with your classmates. Communicative task. Make a 5 minutes presentation on famous Russian or British theatre or personality related to the theatre. Be prepared to explain why this person/theatre is famous and important. Keys Module 1 Activity 1 1 – g; 2 – b; 3 – a; 4 – d; 5 – c; 6 – f; 7 – e Activity 3 1 – rebellion, 2 – the Ritz, 3 – posture, 4 – to stir, 5 – to dunk, 6 – aficionado, 7 - scone Activity 5 1 – F; 2 – T; 3 – T; 4 – F; 5 – T; 6 – F; 7 – T Activity 7 1 – special place; 2 – well; 3 – brew; 4 – symbol of home; 5 – make up; 6 – 18th century; 7 – kindled; 8 – fireplace Module 2 Activity 1 To rebuild a house; to afford a house; to afford to throw a party; to throw a hat; to participate in a play; to participate in a celebration; to put a play on stage; to put on a hat; to put on make-up; to represent a symbol; to increase effectiveness; to compare houses; to compare parties; to compare plays; to compare symbols. Activity 2 1 – constructed; 2 – throw; 3 – allowed; 4 – puts; 5 – represents; 6 – increases; 7 – compare Activity 6 1 – T; 2 – F; 3 – T; 4 – F; 5 – T; 6 – T; 7 – F; 8 – T; 9 – F; 10 – F ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ Б Расшифровка видеороликов
Sue Flay, afternoon tea etiquette enthusiast: Hello, I`m Miss Sue Flay, I`m afternoon tea aficionado and etiquette enthusiast. I`m a bit of a rebel when it comes to etiquette, but I do love afternoon tea and all the geekery around it. It`s our favorite British pass-time. You might be planning to have afternoon tea at the Ritz or hosting your own afternoon tea party or event or you might even trying to bargain to the Queen’s for afternoon tea – any which way I`m here to teach you some afternoon tea etiquette tips. Afternoon tea can be enjoyed absolutely any way. It can be a «low tea» at a low table like today or a «high tea» at a dining table or even in restaurants, hotels, bars, even on a plane. When sitting at the afternoon tea table you should be sitting straight up. It shows that you are interested in what is going on around the table, you`re not bored. And it`s also lady-like position to sit in. When putting your napkin on your lap, the opening needs to be facing towards your body. So when you`re going to dab your mouth any crumbs that are on it go on the floor, not over your beautiful afternoon tea outfit. Tea or milk first? The aristocracy back in the 1800s would`ve drunk from «fine China». So they would`ve poured milk in first to avoid cracks appearing in their fine mugs. So try to poor milk first. It will show that you`re «upper class». How do you stir your tea? It`s actually in a back and forth motion, from 6 to 12 o`clock. If you swirl it round and round sugar cubes that are in the middle won`t dissolve as well as they will back and forth. Pinkies up! We all love to put our pinkies up when we`re drinking tea. It`s great for pictures. But you should actually hold your teacup with all fingers and thumb on the tea handle. I find this tricky myself with delicate China because of my big sausage fingers. Breaking your scone apart you should actually not using a knife and saw it. You should break your scone with your fingers. Your thumb is a natural fold as you pull it and it should break apart. It`s like breaking bread. Then there is a cream versus jam debate, and I love this. Cornish love to put their whipped cream on top and share it proud. But the right way is actually to bring the cream and the jam onto the side of your plate and then break your scone peace by peace and put the jam and the cream on as you go. Finger sandwiches should be two to three bites. It is lady-like food. You should be able to eat it with two fingers and a thumb. And say it don`t spray it! Don`t talk with your mouth full. Should you dunk biscuits? You know what, just do it! Afternoon tea etiquette is great fun, but for goodness` sake enjoy your afternoon tea. We, Brits, love our food, our bake cuisine chefs are passionate about the treats, so go and enjoy it!
Journalist: Any Russian's best friend. No, not a person, but in the past that's how the Russians treated their samovar. It had a place of honor at the table, and in some homes it still does. Konstantin Ziskin, samovar enthusiast: «Tea from a samovar tastes much better than tea from an electric kettle. It smells like smoke, fresh wood and pine cones». Journalist: Literally a self-boiler, a samovar has traditionally been used to heat water for tea. And that's how it's done the old way: water from the well, wood chips and a lot of huffing and puffing make up the recipe for a perfect tea time. Konstantin Ziskin, samovar enthusiast: «God, you are so heavy». Journalist: A teapot filled with brew, or zavarka in Russian, goes on top to stay warm. You then dilute the brew with hot water for just your cup of tea. Konstantin Ziskin: «This all disposes to drinking a tea like the merchants did. This saucer is not right, but there is a special one for tea drinking. And the merchants usually drank tea, holding the saucer on three fingers». Journalist: And the Russians loved their samovars. More than just a water-boiling device, it was a symbol of home, bringing friends and family together. A small samovar meant for just one person was even dubbed «selfish». Tea time was very much a social thing. |
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