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XII. 2. In other... otherwise a huge private giant may appear and this giant can monopolise some sphere and this process will be even more dangerous than {the} [a] state monopoly. 5. … because if the market is monopolised by giant companies, giant corporations, it is even worse than the govern… than {the} [a] state monopoly on the market. 7. If this doesn’t... if this doesn’t happen huge industrial giants may appear and they say that [the] monopoly of [a] private company is much worse than [the] monopoly of a public company. 10. Because if there isn’t, then private giants could appear and would monopolise the market, and [a] private monopoly is a lot worse than [a] state monopoly. XXV. 5. Before that not a single foreign company tried to get the majority share of [a] Russian company…Russian oil company because this market… this sphere is monopolised by Russian businessmen who have connections in the government. Номинативное значение (с конкретными исчисляемыми и абстрактными исчисляемыми существительными) Текст 1 XII. 3. Even the communist party understood that the country stood on the edge of... on the edge of [an / the] abyss1 . Without any economic reforms [the] country... so... the party could lose control over the country. 4. [The] Communist party was on the edge of [an / the] abyss1. And if... it understood that if no economic reform was made, it would lose its power. 5. Everyone unerstood that the country stood on the edge of the/an abyss1 and the situation couldn’t last. Even the conservative party admitted it. 6. The communist party standed on the edge of [an / the] abyss1 and everybody realised at that time that without a new... without new economic reform[s] everything will be lost. 7. The communists... communistic party understood that it was standing on the edge of [an / the] abyss1 and could not survive without economic reforms. 9. Even the conservatives and the communist party understood that it was on the edge of the/an abyss1 XIII. 6. The new head of [the] communist party started [the / a] policy1 of acceleration of economic growth. XV. 3. It was...then the policy of perestroika was started, but it was just [a] response to swift changes of crises rather than a policy. 9. And perestroika began. But perestroika still is not a policy, it’s just [a] series of responses to the changing conditions. Текст 2 3. Does the British monarchy have [a / any] future? IV. 1. One and a half year ago due to {the} [an] initiative a referendum was implemented and it showed that the majority of {the} Australians do not have anything against the reservation of the monarchy. V. 3. Now it is obvious that the situation has changed greatly as at this time as citizens have requested that {the} [a] referendum be taken... referendum be conducted again. 4. But probably they consider that the situation has changed a lot from that time... has changed a lot and republicans proposed to hold {the} [a] referendum again. VI. 2. Considering the monarchy a birth mark on the body of democracy they advocate the introduction of {the}/ [a] presidency1 in the country... of presidency in the country. 5. As they think the monarchy... the monarchy is believed to be a birthmark on the body of democracy and they advocate for introducing the institution of... introducing {the} [a] presidency. VIII. 1. Not long ago for {the} [a] festival event [the] TV company BBC has committed an incountable impudence. They asked the Queen... the future Queen in letter to let them the TV broadcasting of her coronation. 4. Shortly before... shortly before the ceremony the BBC company commited... commited {impudence} [the impudence of / an impudence by] because it appealed {to the} [in a] letter to the future Queen asking for permission of TV broadcasting at the coronation. 5. And before this ceremony [the] BBC company made [a] terrible impudence and it asked the Queen to show... to allow {the} [a] TV translation of her coronation. XI. 1. That day, the second of July in 1953 she was seen by 300 million of [her] people. It was {the} [a] record audience for that time. 4. And that day on the second of June in 1953 3 million of people saw her, and it was {the} [a] record... it was {the} [a] record quantity of people at {the} that time. XX. 5. But though republicans... republicans don’t have {the} [a] majority in Britain and even many conservative monarchists think that there is {time for changing} [a time for change]. Текст 3 VIII. 4. The second big type of privatisation is when government sells [a] large company not on...during the auction but to one company... it gives it in the hands of one company.I. 4. People who are against privatisation say that there must be [a] private and [a] state... government... and [a] public sector. And this sector should exist for the market to be competible. XIX. 2. And many changes in the production process were made. And also it led to... to {the} [an] increase in competitiveness and as a result, {a} better performance in {the} comparison with other companies all over the world. 4. In such companies great reforms were introduced and that caused {the} [an] increase in {the} competitiveness of such countries being the world oil sector and the world... energy sector. Обобщающее значение (с конкретными исчисляемыми и с абстракными исчиляемыми существительными) Текст 1 XIV. 5. But soon he understood that {the} [a] corpse cannot be revived. Числовое значение (с конкретными исчисляемыми и абстрактными исчисляемыми) Текст 2 V. 4. Half... [a] year and a half... 18 month ago by their initiative the referendum took place. And it... it showed that a lot of Australians do not object the... do not object the monarchy. Устойчивые выражения с неопределенный артиклем Текста 1 I. 6. Distinguished colleagues, We all know that Russia now is in [a] rather difficult situation, I would say rather [a] disastrous economic situation. VIII. 7. But during the... during the years of [the] Brezhnev government, the country... the country didn’t develop and the economy experienced stagnation. {In} [As a] result we fell behind all other economically developed countries. X. 7. There is... individuals have no incentive to work hard. {In} [As a] result there is a big decrease in production, in labour productivity, in {the} economic output and the quality of production. Текст 2 II. 2. The discussion of this issue has... has gone... has exceeded the bounds of (?) kitchens and pubs [a] long time... long time ago. Текст 3 XXVI. 4. Financial analysts say that [the] privatisation of such [a] large and profitable and efficient company, Slavneft, led to the government profits increased on 2 billion dollar. XXVII. 4. This price is not far from the market price for such [a] company... for a such company. But the process of the auction differs...differs great from the auctions of the mid 90-s when the best and the most efficient companies were sold on pretty cheap prices, actually they were just given to some businessnmen as a sign... as a symbol of Elcin’s thanks to them, because they supported him during the elections. 5. And this price is close to the market price of such [a] company. And the auction differed greatly from the ones held in [the] 90-s when such companies were bought by oligarchs for really low prices and instead of such low prices for oil companies Elcin was supported by the oligarchs during [the] 1996 president elections. Определенный артикль [the] Индивидуализирующее значение (с конкретными исчисляемыми и абстрактными исчисляемыми существительными) Текст 1 II. 9. We all realise that we are transferring our economy from [a /the] planned type11 to the/ [a] market system. But it turned out to be [a] very painful process for us… III. 3. We have lived in {the} [a /this] planned economy11 for such a long period of time that almost nobody has an understanding what a market economy means and how it functions. 5. … because [the /a] planned economy11 lasted... existed for too many years in our country and almost no one can understand what mark... a market economy is… 6. That is because we were... that because for a long time we were following a planned economic system and now almost nobody really realise what the / [a] market1 is and how it works. 8. It’s... it’s important to notice that... that [the /a] planned economy1 has been existed for so long time that hardly... that today there is hardly anyone who has a clear idea of what [a] market economy is. V. 1. And {all} [all the /the whole] infrastructure is practically falling apart. In the last...within [the] last two months about 80 big ministries have been closed down. 3. And {all} the infrastructure system is falling apart. In the last years more than 80 ministries were closed. 8. Besides, I should point out that {all} [the whole] infrastructure is... is damaging and it estimated that already... that 82 ministries have been already shut down. VII. 6. The prob... this... but it worked and it caused some stability and economic growth {of}[in the country. IX. 6. And also the system was rather difficult to understand and that’s why [the] country was drowning in bureaucracy and also that caused the effect that this system was stifling any sign of initiative and enterprising. XII. 3. Even the communist party understood that the country stood on the edge of... on the edge of [an / the] abyss1 . Without any economic reforms [the] country... so... the party could lose control over the country. 4. [The] Communist party was on the edge of [an / the] abyss1. And if... it understood that if no economic reform was made, it would lose its power. 5. Everyone unerstood that the country stood on the edge of the/a abyss1 and the situation couldn’t last. Even the conservative party admitted it. 6. The communist party standed on the edge of [an / the] abyss1 and everybody realised at that time that without a new... without new economic reform[s] everything will be lost. 7. The communists... communistic party understood that it was standing on the edge of [an / the] abyss1 and could not survive without economic reforms. 9. Even the conservatives and the communist party understood that it was on the edge of the/an abyss1 XIII. 4. But my opinion on this question is that {the} privatisation can be socially... not socially fair. The problem is that the government property which was held by all [the] people, which was for the whole nation, is sold to the people who have money to buy shares. Also such companies can be bought by foreign investors or by physical entities. And it would cause the problem that the national economy would depend on foreign investments. 5. Gorbachev started the acceleration policy... the policy of acceleration of [the] economy. XV. 10. In [the] mid 90-s almost all [the] big oil companies have been privatised by big businessmen. These businessmen bought assets on auctions and many people believed that the results of the auctions had been quite predictable. XIX. 3. And after all the... all [the] reforms competition in the world energy sector has grown, which is a good strategy for the country developm... for {the} developing of the country economy. XXV. 4. We can say that before this not any foreign investor held... hold {the} control over the Russian oil company. And it is known that nowadays all [the] main positions are held by Russian mighty businessmen that have some connections and relations with {the} political power. Текст 2 XVIII. 4. Recent... for recent years there have been published too much about [the] royal family. And it was.. there were a lot of information about the Windsors’ dynasty. Текст 3 I. 3. I was asked to tell you about [the] privatisation programme on the whole and about the last biggest privatisation of the company Slavneft. XVII. 10. The government understands that [the] private sector can manage and restructure companies a lot better than [the] statе... than the government. XXII. 6. It was bought by.. by an oil giant Sibneft for...and the price was 2 billion dollars that was 160 million dollars more than {a} [the] start-up price. XXVII. 10. This is very different from the time of the mid 90-s when such profitable companies were auctioned off for little money because... just to show appreciation for ... for the support that [the] oligarchs showed during the Boris Elcin elections. Индивидуализирующая функция (с ограничительными определениями в пре- и постпозиции) Текст 1 V. 1. And all [all the /the whole] infrastructure is practically falling apart. In the last...within [the] last two months about 80 big ministries have been closed down. 4. Besides our economic infrastructure is going apart. During [the] last two months about 80 ministries disappeared. 6. The problem also is that the economic infrastructure is falling out. For example, in [the] last two months more than 80 ministries were closed. VIII. 1. However in the last years of [the] Brezhnev regime/ of Breznev’s regime there was no economic development at all, which fluctuated stagnation. This is the reason we are seriously behind {the}/ the other/ other developed countries1. 7. But during the... during the years of [the] Brezhnev government, the country... the country didn’t develop and the economy experienced stagnation. {In} [As a] result we fell behind all other economically developed countries. |
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