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Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank Word bank: two-way radio, rough-in sheet, consult, building permit, carry, smart phone 1 – The ____________ said to hook up the washing machine last. 2 – She looked up the directions to the job site on her _______ . 3 – The city issued a _____________ for a house on the empty lot. 4 – The employee must _____________ her boss about how to solve the problem. 5 – Plumbers use ____________ to communicate with each other. 6 – Please ____________ these pipes to the upstairs bathroom.
two-way radio, rough-in sheet, consult, building permit, carry, smart phone Homework
Практическая работа № 17
Drainage, Waste, and Vent Installation: Venting Proper venting of every fixture is an essential part of any DWV system. There are several different kinds of vents. Plumbers must be familiar with each type when installing a DWV system. First, an individual vent serves a single fixture trap and connects to other vents or open air. Two of these vents can connect together to form a branch vent, which is a vent for a horizontal branch. Individual drains are connected to a horizontal branch by a fixture branch. Next, large bathroom areas in commercial buildings may use circuit vents, which can serve up to eight fixture traps. Relief vents must be installed with a circuit vent to circulate air between the drainage and venting system. Last, a loop vent is a special circuit vent located on the top floor of a building. Two special kinds of venting systems usually require approval before installation. First, wet venting uses a single vent for more than one fixture. These are often used in household bathrooms. Second, island venting can be used for fixtures that are not next to a wall, such as some kitchen sinks. Before a DWV system can be installed, piping must be properly sized. Sizing calculations use drainage fixture units, which measure the number of liters of water per second that flow from a fixture into a drainage system.
a) What are some segments of a drainage, waste, and vent system inside a building? b) What are some different types of vents? c) What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text? d) Find in the text the sentences in the Present Simple. Read them and analyze the verbs. e) Find in the text the sentences with the modal verbs. Read them.
1 – Two individual vents connect in a branch vent. 2 – Circuit vents do not require relief vents. 3 – Island venting is usually found in bathrooms.
1 – individual vent 4 – loop vent 2 – horizontal branch 5 – branch vent 3 – relief vent 6 – circuit vent A a vent that ends by connecting to a stack vent instead of a vent stack B a vent that connects to between two and eight fixture traps C a pipe that connects two or more fixture drains to the main portion of a system D a vent that connects a fixture trap to another vent or ends in open air E a vent that connects one or more individual vents with a stack F a pipe that circulates air between a drainage and a vent system
Word bank: venting, island venting, drainage fixture unit, fixture branch 1 You will need to use _____________ to reach the sink in the middle of the room. 2 Be sure to know the correct ___________ measurement for that fixture. 3 You can use a single ____________ system for all the fixtures in the room. 4 You need to install a(n) ____________ to connect those drains to the system.
individual vent, loop vent, horizontal branch, branch vent, relief vent, circuit vent, venting, island venting, drainage fixture unit, fixture branch Homework
Практическая работа № 18
Fire-suppression systems Safety-First Fire Solutions Fire Suppression to Ensure Your Safety Safety-First offers several options that guarantee an effective fire prevention system for your home or business. Complete fire-suppression systems protect property and employees. Smaller devices, such as smoke alarms and fire extinguishers, ensure safety at home. If you want to install a fire sprinkler system, you need to be aware of your options. Which system is right to you? Our wet pipe systems are our top seller. They are reliable and operate simply. A heat-sensitive element, such as a glass bulb or fusible alloy, triggers the system at an appropriate activation temperature. If you’re in a cold environment, consider our dry pipe systems. They do not hold water inside pipes until the system is activated. These are appropriate when cold temperatures may cause water to freeze. Offering the most complete protection, a deluge system provides a rapid application of water over a wide area. It can be triggered by a smoke and heat alarm system or by hand. If you have hazardous materials in your business, a foam water sprinkler system is ideal. It emits a foam and water mixture from sprinklers. This mixture is effective in extinguishing flammable liquids and other high-challenge fires. They can operate according to any of the above methods.
a) What are the parts of fire-suppression system? b) Which methods of fire-suppression do you think is most effective? c) What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text? d) Find in the text the sentences in the Present Simple. Read them and analyze the verbs. 3. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F) having read the text “Fire-suppression systems” 1 – Homeowners can buy fire extinguishers from the company. 2 - A dry pipe system is not suitable for cold environments. 3 – A foam water sprinkler system has only one method of activation. 4. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E) 1 – wet pipe system 4 – dry pipe system 2 – fire-suppression system 5 – deluge system 3 – foam water sprinkler system A a system that applies water and foam to put out tough fires B a system where water is not present in the pipes before activation C a system that uses sprinklers, chemicals, or gases to stop fires D a system with water inside pipes released when the temperature gets high enough E a system in which all sprinklers open at the same time
Word bank: activation temperature, fire alarm, fire extinguisher, trigger, fusible alloy, heat, active fire prevention 1 The company installed a new _____________ system including sprinklers and smoke alarms. 2 The _____________ melted when the temperature rose, setting off the sprinkler system. 3 Will a high temperature or smoke _____________ this sprinkler system? 4 The ____________ of this system was set too high to detect the small fire. 5 During a fire, the smoke can be more dangerous than the __________. 6 The ____________ activated when I started a fire on the stove. 7 Every building should have a(n) ____________ that is easy to reach during a fire.
activation temperature, fire alarm, fire extinguisher, trigger, fusible alloy, heat, active fire prevention, wet pipe system, dry pipe system, fire-suppression system, deluge system, foam water sprinkler system Homework
Практическая работа № 19
Water Service Installation TO: All Employees FROM: tom@gainesplumbingco.com SUBJECT: New project / division of tasks To All Employees: I am pleased to announce that our company has won the contract to provide water service to the new university business school building. This is a major project that presents a great opportunity for our company. We will be digging the trench, laying the required pipes, and connecting the pipes to the interior plumbing. We will need hard work from all employees to make this project a success. Duties will be as follows: Kurt Wilcox’s team will dig the trench and place backfill upon completion. Sue Harmon will be responsible for trench safety. This team must ensure an appropriate burial-depth at all locations. Chris Simmons’ team will lay the water service pipe and connect it to the water main. You will need to connect the water utility to arrange a time for the connection. Diana Staley’s team will connect the pipe into the building’s plumbing. The building contractor has already carved a sleeve for the pipe to fit through. This team will contract the water utility for the appropriate water meter to install. They should also provide a precise trickle indicator. Last, the team should check to make sure both the incoming and outgoing connections are working properly. With your help I know this project will be successful. Sincerely, Tom Gaines
a) What are some parts of a water service? b) How are water pipes connected in your country? c) What grammatical phenomena can you analyze in the text? d) Find in the text the sentences in the Future Simple. Read them and analyze the verbs. 3. Choose the correct answers having read the email from a plumbing company owner to his employees 1 What is the main purpose of the email? A to explain how to install a water service pipe B to explain where the new job is located C to assign duties for a large new job D to correct employee’s mistakes on a previous job 2 Which of the following will NOT involve the water utility? A getting a water meter B obtaining a trickle indicator C checking the incoming and outgoing connections D finding time to connect pipe to the water main 3 What has the building contractor already done? A joined the pipe to interior plumbing B installed a sleeve in the building’s foundation C contacted the water utility D found a good trickle indicator 4. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E) 1- trench safety 4 - backfill 2 – burial-depth 5 - sleeve 3 – water service A steps workers take to protect themselves while in a ditch B a passage in a wall through which a pipe can be placed C loose soil placed into a dug-out area D how deep underground a pipe is placed E piping outside a building that connects a water source to piping inside a building 5. Choose where the words best fit the blanks 1 incoming / outgoing A The ____________ connection must not be working because water is collecting inside. B Please check the ____________ connection, because there is no water in the house. 2 trickle indicator / water meter A No water is running, but the _____________ shows that there is a leak. B According to the ______________ , you used much more water this month than last. 3 water main / water service pipe A We called an expert plumber to lay a _____________ into our new house. B There was a break in the _____________ that shut off water to several houses. 6. Translate the following words and phrases: trench safety, backfill, burial-depth, sleeve, water service, incoming ,outgoing, trickle indicator, water meter, water main, water service pipe Homework
Практическая работа №20
Toilet Installation You will need: 1 tank-to-bowl gasket 1 chrome-finish copper tube supply 1 set including: 2 ¼” closet bolts, flat washers, and hex nuts 1 tube of caulking 1 tubing cutter 2 adjustable wrenches 1 adjustable pliers 1 flat-head screwdriver 1 hacksaw Installing Guides for a Two piece Toilet: Step 1. Secure the tank and bowl using two non-corrosive bolts. Seal each tank bolt with a rubber gasket to create a watertight seal. Step 2. Install the tank-to-bowl gasket over the threaded part of the flush valve. This prevents the water transferring from the tank to the bowl from leaking. Step 3. Cut the tank supply tubing to the correct length. Use it to connect the water supply and fill valve. Secure the tubing using the nut provided with the tank. Step 4. Install the closet flange to the drain pipe. Seal the connection with a wax seal. Step 5. Use two closet bolts to secure the toilet base to the closet flange. Step 6. If necessary, seal the base of the toilet to the floor using caulk. For a One- Piece Toilet: Follow steps 3-6 as listed above. |
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