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The mass media play an important part in our lives. Newspapers, radio and especially TV inform us of what is going on in the world and give us wonderful possibilities for education and entertainment. They also influence the way we see the world and shape our views. Many people subscribe to two or even more newspapers, others buy morning or evening papers at the news-stands. There are national daily newspapers (Izvestiya, Segodnya, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Trud) and weekly papers (Argumenty I Fakty, Literaturnaya Gazeta, Nedelya). Some newspapers publish serious articles on politics, economy and finance, some aim to entertain their readers. Many newspapers express certain political opinion and people choose them according to their own political beliefs. In short, you can always find a paper which suits your interests. There are local papers in all parts of Russia. In Moscow the most popular local newspapers are Moskovsky Komsomolets and Vechernyaya Moskva. There are also many free local newspapers which are delivered to people’s homes, whether they ask for them or not. They usually contain a lot of advertisements. One can find newspapers for children and teenagers, for sports fans and for people from all walks of life. The main source of news for millions of people is television. People like TV news because they can see everything with their own eyes. And that’s an important advantage. Seeing, as we know, is believing. It is true that the world today is full of dramatic events and most news seems to be bad news. But people aren’t interested in ordinary events. That is why there are so many programmes about natural disasters, plane crashes, wars, murders, and robberies. Good news doesn’t usually make headlines. Bad news does. Of course, not all TV programmes report the events objectively, but serious TV reporters try to be fair and provide us with reliable information. Still, many people prefer the radio. It’s good to listen to in the car, or in the open air, or when you do something about the house. The Internet has recently become another important source of information. Its main advantage is that news appears on the screen as soon as things happen in real life and you don’t have to wait for news time on TV. Exercise 1. Translate into Russian: an important part in our lives; in the open air; main advantage; to wait for news time on TV; newspapers for children and teenagers; full of dramatic events; to make headlines; to see everything with their own eyes; wonderful possibilities for education and entertainment; to shape our views; evening papers; to publish serious articles on politics, economy and finance; to be interested in ordinary events; people from all walks of life; to express certain political opinion; programmes about natural disasters; try to be fair; free local newspapers. Exercise 2. Translate into English: газетный киоск; выписывать несколько газет; политические убеждения; снабжать надёжной информацией; предпочитать радио; случаться в настоящей жизни; важный источник информации; слушать радио в машине; делать что-либо по дому; увидеть собственными глазами; для миллионов людей; развлекать своих читателей; содержать много рекламы (объявлений); важное достоинство; появляться на экране. Exercise 3. Write all the possible questions to which the following sentence is the answer: My elder brother works on the computer every day. Exercise 4. Answer the questions.
In Britain there are 11 national daily newspapers and most people read one of them every day. There are special Sunday newspapers which are usually larger and more popular than the daily newspapers. Fleet Street in London used to be the home of most national newspapers and that is why people often say “Fleet Street” to mean “the press” even now. British newspapers can be divided into two groups: tabloid and broadsheet. Tabloids have lots of stories about famous people, large photos, big headlines and there is not much text. They sell much more copies than broadsheet. The Sun, The Daily Mirror, The Daily Express are popular tabloids. Broadsheets such as The Times, The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph are less popular. They are twice as large as tabloids, have long articles with lots of information on home and international news. But the differences between the tabloids and broadsheets are disappearing and many of the broadsheets now have stories about famous people. Tabloids used to be cheaper than broadsheets but now The Times is the cheapest national newspaper. There are thousands of weekly and monthly magazines in Britain. They can be divided into four main categories: specialist magazines (the computer magazine PC Weekly), general magazines (e.g. TV listings magazine Radio Times), women’s magazines and teenage magazines. Young people below the age of 18 don’t buy newspapers but a lot of them buy magazines. Exercise 1. Translate into Russian: national daily newspapers; thousands of weekly and monthly magazines; below the age of 18; less popular; the cheapest national newspaper; lots of stories about famous people; the home of most national newspapers; most people; long articles with lots of information; the differences between the tabloids and broadsheets; four main categories; big headlines. Exercise 2. Translate into English: специализированный журнал; продавать гораздо больше копий; новости в стране и за рубежом; молодые люди; большинство людей; «бульварная газета»; знаменитые люди; большие фотографии; вдвое больше таблоида; можно разделить на две группы. Exercise 3. Make up the questions covering the content of one of the texts for your fellow-students to answer them. Exercise 4. Divide into several groups and work out a project or a plan of a newspaper – tabloid or broadsheet. Exercise 5. Retell the text. READING. Text 1. BOOKS AND READING. WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS:
Why do people read today? Do you need to read any more? We can get all the information from TV and radio. We live in a multi-media society with television, telephones, computers, etc. We are so busy at school or office that sometimes it seems unreal to find time to read a book. But if you look around you will see people reading something. On a bus, train or in the metro there are a lot of men, women or children poring over a detective story or a spy thriller. It’s common knowledge that reading is a means of relaxation. Above all, there is the theory that reading can be male and female. A man wants books to cheer and amuse. He wants to forget the troublesome realities of life. He doesn’t want ideas, facts or problems. He wants to dream of a bright merry imaginary world in which he can be a hero. As for women, they are considered to be more serious, they want to read something significant and real. Men think that novels are for women only because they have much more time on their hands and can’t do without romance. Decide it yourself if these ideas are right. Let us admit that reading makes up a necessary part of our life. Some people read for instruction, some for pleasure and very many read from habit. I don’t think we can get along without it. O. Wilde, the famous English writer, the author of many witty sayings, once divided books into 3 classes: books to read, books to reread and books not to read at all. In his opinion the third class is the most important because “to tell people what to read as a rule, either useless or harmful. But to tell people what not to read is a very different matter. Whoever will select “The Worst Hundred Books” and publish a list of them will give the rising generation a real and lasting service.” Nowadays there are books of all kinds. Volumes of verse, novels, philosophical works, critical studies, biographies, memories; there are books to read when you are ill and books to read when your brain wants something to work at; there are books that you have always wanted to read but in a hurry of life, at home have never found time to; there are books for bad weather; there are books chosen solely for their length, which you take along when you have to travel light, and there are books you can read when you can read nothing else. It will be unfair if we don’t say a word about poetry. When we wish to express some tender emotion we turn to poetry. We may not normally like the poetry; we may know very little about it, but we recognize that it is the only way to express the best that is within us. Exercise 1. Translate into Russian: to get all the information from TV and radio; books of all kinds; to express the best that is within us; philosophical works; in a hurry of life; common knowledge; unreal to find time to read a book; to cheer and amuse; a multi-media society with television, telephones, computers; a necessary part of our life; the rising generation; useless or harmful; a very different matter; a means of relaxation; for pleasure; a bright merry imaginary world; significant and real. Exercise 2. Translate into English: сказать несколько слов о поэзии; путешествовать налегке; остроумное высказывание; проблемная действительность жизни; знаменитый английский писатель; исключительно за их вес; количество стихов; подрастающее поколение; выразить нежное чувство; в наши дни; как правило; так заняты в школе и офисе; быть героем; не могут жить без романтики. Exercise 3. Answer the questions:
Exercise 4. Describe the plot of a book (story, novel, etc.) so that the other students could guess its title and the author. Exercise 5. Retell the text. Text 2. CHEKHOV. WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS:
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